Coming Home Poetry for the Spirit Ajit Sripad Rao Nalkur iUniverse, Inc. Bloomington Coming Home Poetry for the Spirit Copyright 2012 by Ajit Sripad Rao Nalkur All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. iUniverse books may be ordered through booksellers or by contacting: iUniverse 1663 Liberty Drive Bloomington, IN 47403 1-800-Authors (1-800-288-4677) Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.
Certain stock imagery Thinkstock. ISBN: 978-1-4759-3513-4 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-4759-3514-1 (e) Library of Congress Control Number: 2012912190 iUniverse rev. date: 7/2/2012 Contents ![Coming Home Poetry for the Spirit - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/162431/images/Flame-01-bc_fmt.jpeg)
![A poet I live A p - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/162431/images/Flame-02-bc_fmt.jpeg)
![A poet I live A poet Ill die If lifes an illusion Death is a lie A life of - photo 3](/uploads/posts/book/162431/images/Flame-03-bc_fmt.jpeg)
![A poet I live A poet Ill die If lifes an illusion Death is a lie A life of - photo 4](/uploads/posts/book/162431/images/3_-_light.6-bc_fmt.jpeg)
A poet I live, A poet Ill die, If lifes an illusion Death is a lie! A life of the spirit And only of the spirit Will I lead, What else is there to live for If spirit be the seed?
Let poetry not die in me, Let moments of eternity Awaken thoughts of beauty deep Within me, let me never sleep Buried in earths stupor strong And weary as its days are long, For in the crowdedness of mans Actions blind there is a hand In secret guides the windblown soul To islands where life shows the whole Scope of what awaits the one Whose gaze is fixed upon the sun In one foul swoop tomorrow glows, Where shadows were Gods garden grows ...
Since I was just a child I saw Him in my dreams, I saw Him all around me, In everyone He seemed To be the soft and gentle light That hides within our tears And like the sun ashining Suddenly appears From behind a veil of clouds And nothing seems as bright God upon the mountain Has looked down on the night To bring to us a moment Of truth and beauty deep, His presence in us felt as One Rising from His sleep, Shedding on us hues of peace And ease and harmony, Loves sweetness spreading joy to all And setting us free!
Where desire dies is the door to paradise, The entry to the country of the soul, Threshold to the fire far deeper and much higher And a bliss that is the kiss that makes us whole In a way we cant imagine until we cross the margin Dividing us from who we really are To find the silent mind where man no longer blind Can be himself and fly beyond the stars Where he may one day be what now he cannot see, A superman whose life is free from sorrow, In control of fate, immortality his state, Eternity the key to his tomorrow, A future full of light that plays beyond the heights Where angels sing the song that never dies, For man is after all Gods answer to the fall, The phoenix from the ashes of the lies Served to all mankind from the beginning of time, The great deceit defeating our kind, But truth is now prevailing, the hour is unveiling The unexpected miracle divine!
Every moment that I live is a moment of the past, Life is flying by, time is moving fast, No time is there to wander, no time is there to waste, The promise over yonder in the future is the taste Of bliss beyond belief, a higher nature calls, A pressure from above was the reason for the Fall, I couldnt understand why lower things attract, The wiser and the stronger from greater things detract To walk the darkened alleys of the chaos of the Earth But their walk it is to nobler things gives birth, For they are the Kings and Queens whose pact unfolds The mysteries of life with bodies made of gold! The wondrous day approaches of darkness at its end, The magic of the Light unshadowed now intends To throw the cloak of darkness back into its source Whence the New arises, the miracle of Force And Beauty in combining become the arms of Love Embracing all below and raising all above Till everyone on Earth is lifted from the Old And welcomed to the paradisial gardens made of gold...
In moments quiet and alone When one sits weary of the world, Lifes burden put aside and thoughts Are left to wander where they will, Its time to close your eyes and weep The tears away that dont belong To ones own heart but come from pain Released in love - compassions rain It is that floods The deep and endless space within Ones soul where all things come to rest In calm so vast...within, without The universe speaks its secrets to Those who know...because they care. ![The two ends of bliss The earthly and the spiritual kind In another place - photo 17](/uploads/posts/book/162431/images/13-_plants.3bis-bc_fmt.jpeg)
The two ends of bliss, The earthly and the spiritual kind, In another place kiss Beyond the realm of mind, Not to be discovered here Within the old and weary grown But somewhere in a distant sphere Where the future lives, is yet unknown, Yet take a leap, with vision brave Look into what has not been, Perhaps once freed as natures slave We will see the once unseen And know the difference twixt false and true When faced with the presents confusing hues, Life is simple when love is true, The heart is strong, and you are You! ![Gently washing over me Silent waves of memory Thoughts of days and nights of - photo 19](/uploads/posts/book/162431/images/15_-_water.17ter-bc_fmt.jpeg)
Gently washing over me Silent waves of memory, Thoughts of days and nights of bliss As if born of loves first kiss, Truly are we blessed on earth One above endowing mirth In our very limbs - thoughts Come from nowhere, heaven-wrought, Giving greater flight to life, Easing tensions and the strife Which were all so burdened by Because we havent learnt to fly, Spirits trapped in ego-mould Must remember days of gold! A day will come when we will be Spirits freed from memories Of wordly pain and suffering On purity and unknowing We will go to greater heights Of happiness, the golden light Of living in another way, A truly neverending day Where past, present, future merge, Eternal peace replace the urge To fall, repeat the old and worn, The bliss of old regain the dawn Of paradise, here on earth, Forever new what must take birth! ![Picture 21](/uploads/posts/book/162431/images/9781475935141_TXT_fmt12.jpeg)
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