A superb treatment of a tough prophetic book. I am enthusiastic in commending this excellent exposition!
Daniel L. Akin , president, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Landon Dowdens Ezekiel is the best available pastoral commentary on this significant book of the Bible. Dowden provides a responsible exegesis of Ezekiel, grounds it in the hope of the gospel, applies it to the lives of ordinary people, and communicates it in a lucid and lively manner. Highly recommended.
Bruce Ashford , provost and dean of faculty, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Landon Dowden has provided an insightful commentary on the book of Ezekiel as seen through the eyes of a pastor wanting to inform the Christian community concerning the key theological principles found in this pivotal Old Testament book. He faithfully adheres to the purposes of the Christ-Centered Commentary series by focusing on the practical theological issues that the Israelite community of faith faced five to six centuries before Christs ministry, and then relating them to those faced by the Christian community in the present. Such principles as the character and attributes of God, the nature and content of Gods Word, the call to repentance, His discipline of His people, and His demand for holiness from His people are given careful and practical considerations.
The structure of providing guides for interpretation through questions for furthering the readers understanding of the meaning of the text is well developed. Each subsection begins by asking an essential question that demands a faith response of the Christian. Major sections conclude with a series of practical questions that can facilitate personal devotional reading and group interaction. Above all the commentary is designed to glorify Christ, who was Gods goal of history for all ages.
Dennis Cole , professor of Old Testament and Archaeology, occupying the Mcfarland Chair of Archaeology, at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Landon is a master craftsman in creating expository messages. He has taken a book of the Bible many have shied away from preaching and has made it accessible and applicable to everyday disciples. Add this resource to your preaching repertoire and be well equipped to develop and deliver expository, Christ-exalting sermons.
Robby Gallaty , Senior Pastor, Brainerd Baptist Church, Chattanooga, Tennessee
Landon Dowden is a friend and former student, so I had to fight a hometown hero instinct to objectively evaluate and/or endorse his work when the opportunity arose. I probably cast a more critical eye as I read than I would have done had I not been so familiar with Dr. Dowden and his ministry. Still, I was impressed. Some commentators either write for an academic audience or for preachers who are just trying to get a word for Sunday morning. The expositors commentary is exactly what it promises. It is technical enough to appreciate the excellent scholarship, but also comprehensible for a layperson who is preparing a Bible study class. As I would have expected, Dr. Dowden gives radical attention to what the text actually says, not what we would like for it to say. I will look forward to collecting the whole set.
R. Allen Jackson , Professor of Youth Education and Collegiate Ministry, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary
Landon Dowden is known for his faithful exposition and dynamic sermon delivery. I rejoice to see his work now in print. If you desire to study Ezekiel in your own devotional life or to expound it to others (and you should consider both!), then pick up this fresh, readable, insightful, God-centered, Christ-exalting commentary. Its outstanding! I plan on using it for years to come.
Tony Merida , lead pastor, Imago Dei Church, Raleigh, North Carolina
For years I have taught a doctoral seminar in expository preaching with Dr. Dowden. I have marveled at how he helps pastors become better preachers, and I have often thought how wonderful it would be if every preacher had the opportunity to learn from him. Now that his commentary on Ezekiel is available, they do! This book is a gold mine of gospel preaching from Ezekiel and a superb model of Bible exposition. Dr. Dowden is an exemplary expository preacher, Bible teacher, and teacher of preachers. Buy everything he writes and study it.
Alan Moseley , professor of Old Testament and Hebrew, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
Christ-Centered Exposition Commentary: Exalting Jesus in Ezekiel
Copyright 2015 by Landon Dowden
B&H Publishing Group
Nashville, Tennessee
All rights reserved.
ISBN 978-0-8054-9697-0
Dewey Decimal Classification: 220.7
Unless otherwise stated all Scripture quotations are from the Holman Christian Standard Bible Copyright 1999, 2000, 2002, 2003, 2009 by Holman Bible Publishers. Used by permission.
Scripture marked MSG is taken from The Message . Copyright 1993, 1994, 1995, 1996, 2000, 2001, 2002. Used by permission of NavPress Publishing Group.
Printed in the United States of America
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 19 18 17 16 15
Dedicated to Adrian Rogers and John Piper. They have taught us to love the gospel of Jesus Christ, to preach the Bible as the inerrant Word of God, to pastor the church for which our Savior died, and to have a passion to see all nations gladly worship the Lamb.
David Platt, Tony Merida, and Danny Akin
March 2013
To Tara, Arabella, Adalaide, Adoniram, and Alastair,
my five precious gifts from God.
May God strengthen you to know and proclaim
He is Yahweh!
W ithout any triteness I am grateful for a God whose steadfast love overcomes all of my rebellion. I pray that His atonement and adoption always steal my breath. I am grateful He aided me not just to get through the book of Ezekiel but also to see that it is lodged in me. Any fruit that comes from this commentary will be a work of His grace alone.
I will forever be grateful for both the sacrifices and the support of my family. My beautiful gift from God, Tara, has given up time together so that I could study, prepare sermons, study some more, and write this commentary. You will never have to hear again the phrase, I need to work on the Ezekiel commentary! Thank you for all the care you have given the children and me during this season. My additional blessings from GodArabella, Adalaide, Adoniram, and Alastairhave given up lots of playtime with Daddy. I love each of you so much and pray God will use you for His glory and the good of others. Thank you also to my mother, Barbara, to my sister, Larilyn, to my in-laws, TK and Rita, and to Aunt Frances for your prayers, your encouragement, and all of your help with the children. I love you and thank God for you.
I am blessed to shepherd the Church at Trace Crossing. What is found on these pages you bore as a trial run. Thank you for desiring Gods Word and being willing to journey through a sermon series in Ezekiel. Im certain some of you thought Christ would return before we finished the series or I finished this work! Thank you for every prayer and note of encouragement. I especially want to thank my fellow elders and our staff, whose sacrifices made it possible for me to have time to study and write. Thank you to Barton Ramsey, in particular, for always being trustworthy in the pulpit.
With regard to exposition, I owe a deep gratitude to my mentor, Jim Shaddix. No one has taught me more about seeking to rightly divide Gods Word. I am grateful for the Lords good providences in bringing me to New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary and for Dr. Shaddixs bringing me into his home. Every faithful sermon I (and many others) deliver is a fruit of his investment into my life and preaching.