About the Author
Maureen Caudill graduated summa cum laude in physics from the University of Connecticut, and received a master's degree from Cornell University. A former senior scientist for a major Department of Defense contractor specializing in artificial intelligence and neural networks, she holds three patents for concept-based search and retrieval technologies, ontological parsing technologies, and for clustering techniques in document analysis. She has written general science books and textbooks in the fields of neural networks and robotics for MIT Press and Oxford University Press. She also has published several romance novels for multiple publishers including Bantam Books. Several years ago she discovered her abilities as a psychic while attending a weeklong residential retreat at The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia. She is an accredited Outreach trainer for TMI, and a member of their Professional Division. She has personally experienced all the psychic phenomena discussed in the book and is now a practicing psychic, leading workshops in the U.S. and Canada on developing psychic talent and learning to access altered states of consciousness safely and reliably. She is an experienced public speaker, and has lectured internationally to wide acclaim.
I admit it. This book wasn't my idea originally. I had to be dragged into this project, kicking and screaming and complaining all the way, by my friend, Frank DeMarco, who clearly knew what was best for me better than I did. (See, Frank? I admit it!) He is the best of friends and a brilliant editor too, and his faith in me and in my writing humbles menone of which will in any way diminish my determination to convince him to pay off on lunch bets, real or imaginary.
I am twice-blessed with an incredibly brave agent, Bill Gladstone of Waterside Productions, Inc. Bill agreed to represent me based on absolutely nothing except Frank's confidence in me and a synchronistic coincidence. Thank you, Bill!
My deepest thanks also go to Deb Aaron, roommate par excellence, and an incredibly powerful energy worker. Her skills elevated mine, her attention and companionship proved to be a steady rudder on a shifting ocean of exploration. I would never have gotten so far without her.
Another word of thanks goes to a super friend of many years, Caro Dos Birchfield. She provided a willing read and wonderful comments, as she always does. We've seen each other through a great deal in the past 20 years, and her friendship is very dear to me.
I also must certainly mention the wonderful people at The Monroe Institute (TMI). Everyone there, starting with the housekeeping staff and going all the way to Laurie Monroe herself, is incredibly supportive to all who pass through the TMI doors. I have little family remaining, but the TMI folks are the family of my heart. Laurie Monroe, Skip Atwater, Dar Miller, Shirley Bliley, Karen Viar, all the trainers and staff, I adore each and every one of them. If you haven't had the chance to go to one of TMI's programs, I heartily recommend that you do so as soon as possible. If you have been to a program there, you know what I'm talking about.
Robert Bruce is also deserving of my thanks. (Yet another thing I have to thank Frank for is providing me with the opportunity to meet Robert Bruce.) The work Robert has done in developing simple, easy to learn methods to increase and control subtle energies is phenomenal. I found his knowledge stellar and his charm boundless. I learned some great jokes from him too; one or two are even repeatable in polite company.
Last, but far from least, I thank David Elam for more than I can possibly say; for hours and hours of mind-stretching, enthralling conversation; for brilliant ideas and superb creative suggestions; for introducing me to the joys of both Wilber and wine tasting. And when I occasionally came back from TMI still just a teensy bit out there in the metaphysical realms, for spending endless hours talking me down until I no longer required Babel fish (see ) translations between me and the rest of the world. I'm sure somewhere there exists a bartender or wine steward who actually believes David's explanations that the process of pouring wine down my throat was really a method of sobering me up. Thanks, love. I needed that.
So You Want to Be a Psychic
Guess what? You undoubtedly already are psychic. The trick is to learn how to access and use those psychic skills. Humans appear to be naturally psychic; it's part of our normal human inheritance. So how do you go about discovering what you really already know how to do?
As you know, my journey from skeptic to psychic began with my attendance at a program at The Monroe Institute in Faber, Virginia. A number of similar paths might have been equally effective. But this one I know from personal experience, and this is the technology I've seen perform miracles for friends and clients, so this is what I recommend.
You can get started with TMI's Hemi-Sync technology in several ways. You can purchase a set of CDs from either a local dealer in Monroe Products or directly from their website. I recommend the Gateway Experience CDs, which come in six Waves. Each Wave consists of three CDs, each with two separate exercises, for more than six hours of individual exercises. The Waves build on each other, so initially you must use them in sequential order, starting with Wave I and working your way up to Wave VI.
Other taped meditations can also be helpful, though they vary quite a bit in efficacy. I found John Edward's series of tapes Developing Your Own Psychic Powers particularly useful. And Robert Bruce's book, Astral Dynamics, is a true gem for understanding life energy and learning how to manipulate it. His website, www.astraldynamics.com, is another excellent source of information on working with subtle energies and out-of-body experiences. If you can find a seminar he's giving on his New Energy Ways system, I highly recommend taking it.
For a quick, guided introduction to Hemi-Sync meditation with an experienced and TMI-accredited facilitator to help you, consider attending a weekend Gateway Outreach Excursion workshop. I'm located in North Carolina and mostly do workshops in that region of the country, but there are accredited Gateway Outreach Excursion trainers all over the world. The TMI websitewww.monroeinstitute.orglists the currently accredited trainers under Non-Residential Programs. Accredited trainers are also almost always dealers for Monroe Products, so you can ask your local trainer for guidance in choosing appropriate Hemi-Sync titles (there are more than a hundred different choices) to meet your specific needs or situation.
In addition to the Gateway Outreach workshops, I also offer other Hemi-Sync based programs and workshops. My website is www.MaureenCaudill.net. You'll find a listing there for the Gateway Outreach Excursion and other workshops I currently have scheduled.
Gateway Outreach Excursion workshops run two full days, usually Saturday and Sunday, and are highly experiential; you spend most of the workshop in altered states of consciousness, learning to access these states for personal enrichment and development and also for practical everyday skills in problem-solving, attention, memory recall, and the like. They serve as excellent introductions to Gateway Voyage, and participants in a Gateway Outreach receive a substantial discount if they later sign up for the residential Gateway Voyage program.
If you have a week to spare and can afford to travel, consider attending the full six-day Gateway Voyage residential program either at TMI itself, or at one of the various satellite locations around the world where the full program is offered. The Gateway Voyage is a residential program, generally running from Saturday afternoon to Friday morning. Check the TMI website under Residential Programs or call their office for schedule and locations.
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