The Case FOR Islamophobia:
Walid Shoebat
Ben Barrack
Copyright 2013 Walid Shoebat Foundation
All rights reserved
No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.
ISBN: 978-0-9825679-6-8
1st Edition
Printed in the United States
Muslims frequently say that we, the critics of Islam
know nothing about Islam. They are correct.
The truth is that no one truly understands Islam,
neither Muslim scholars nor Muslims in general.
Even the best of its critics dont understand it. The only
cway to fully understand Islam is to be the devil himself.
Walid Shoebat
The word Jihad has many meanings and takes many forms. Whether its intended to be overt with a sword or covert with words, the ultimate goal neither changes nor deviates. Islams agenda is to rule over all of mankind.
Dont believe me? Take a look at the only two definitions provided by a commonly used online dictionary at the time of this writing. One perfectly defines Jihad by the Sword and the other perfectly defines Jihad by the Word:
1. a holy war undertaken as a sacred duty by Muslims.
2. any vigorous, emotional crusade for an idea or principle.
Right there, in black and white English, we find the truth in the most fundamental of placesthe Dictionary. The first definition specifically defines Jihad by the Sword, which means that a physical war must take place between Muslims and non-Muslims. Inherent in that definition is that said holy war must take place against non-Muslims because they are not Muslim.
Moderate sounding Muslims who have infiltrated western societiesintent on making Islam the dominant religionare given the benefit of the doubt by westerners because its a self-evident truth that they are not waging physical, holy war against non-Muslims. While it can indeed be verified that to this point, leaders of Muslim groups have decried Jihad by the Sword, they have not denounced the religion that has such a mantra as a fundamental tenet.
When Islamic groups like the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) fight for the civil rights of Muslims, its not because they are a repressed group. Its because groups like itThe Islamic Society of North America (ISNA) and the Muslim Students Association (MSA)began in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Their founders watched the Civil Rights movement unfold and learned how to leverage political debates in their favor. This brings us to the second definition of Jihad.
Any vigorous or emotional effort to push an idea or principle is usually done through communication. That is where Muslim Brotherhood groups in America come in. While they have the weaker hand, theyre still quite vigorous and emotional about pushing their principles. Why are westerners not as passionate? Perhaps they have been intimidated with rhetoric.
Welcome to Jihad by the Word.
Its important to remember that the objective of both forms of Jihad is the same. Means is the only difference. If that sounds like ends-justify-the-means type thinking, its because it is.
When we first set out to write this book, the idea was to include the word Doublespeak in the title. We decided against this for a couple of reasons. First, its a term that has been used with some regularity and we didnt want to give you, the reader, the impression that this has all been done before; it hasnt.
The second reason is that the term Doublespeak only describes the tactic, not the strategy. The strategy behind the use of doublespeak involves principles used by JihadJihad by the Word (JBTW).
To that end, whenever you see JBTW referenced in this book, know that it once said doublespeak but that we decided to take it up a notch.
Some might call that Islamophobia. We call it a rational concern.
Table of Contents
Special thanks to Keith Davies and his persistent nature (nagging) urging us to complete this book. To Ben Barrack goes my thanks and acclaim for the outstanding job hes done in writing and editing. Without his contribution, this book wouldnt have happened. I also thank Cheryl Taylor, who labored night and day in designing and preparing the material presented in this book for the printer, and Design by Sarah Lynn, for the superb cover design.
I also want to thank the Muslim world for speaking their mindin plain Arabic, a language that I understand well. It was their Arabic that revealed what they never say in English, which was the key to reveal to the western non-Arabic speaking world, what are the true intentions and motives of this evil empire.
Finally, I want specially to thank my wife and her support in this dangerous endeavor.
The Forked Tongues Attempt To Control
Attempts by Muslims to place Islamophobia on par with anti-Semitism will never be successful because a diagnosis of Islamophobia includes a prescription that says afflicted individuals must necessarily disagree with the US Constitution, which permits the critique of religionany religion. Judeo-Christian critics of Islam who believe they are commanded to love Muslims are still identified as being Islamophobic. The anti-Semitism, to which we refer, by its very nature, means hatred for the Jews. See if you can get an anti-Semitic Muslim to admit to loving Jews.
Muslims who complain about Islamophobia ignore the real issuesJudeo-phobia, Christo-phobia and Ameri-phobia. Philosopher Piers Benn suggests that people who fear the rise of Islamophobia foster an environment that is not intellectually or morally healthy, to the point of what he calls Islamophobia-phobia.
Essentially, this is a fear of being outwardly critical of that which you are critical of internally. People who dont want to be perceived as Islamophobic are succumbing to subtle intimidation. This makes far more sense. After all, a phobia is an irrational fear. Fear of Islamic terrorism or creeping Sharia law is not irrational at all. It is actually very rational. An irrational fear is one that says critics of Islam are afraid of being labeled as Islamophobic. Is this not intimidation of speech by instilling fear and creating a phobia out of thin air?
Benn has a valid point. The notable Islamophobic acts that are recorded hardly constitute any phobia; desecrating a Muslim gravesite or vandalizing mosques are signs of racism, not phobia. Wouldnt a phobia prevent an individual from having any desire to go that far, to go anywhere near a gravesite or mosque? When is the last time you saw someone with acrophobia get on a flight from New York to Los Angeles just so they could trash the inside of the plane? It would appear that we have a problem of mis-diagnosis on our hands.
Despite this, anyone who has diagnosed Islamic fundamentalism as being a jihadist ideology that sanctions financial, political, and murderous terrorism is identified as being Islamophobic. Why would a phobicof any stripecall more attention to his fear when doing so only draws that person closer to his fear? Wouldnt people who are stricken with Islamophobia avoid any criticism of Islam entirely, even privately? Thats actually what the left does. Left-wing non-Muslims are the true Islamophobes because they attack those who are critical of Islam. Arent individuals who are afflicted with a phobia supposed to confront the source of their fear? Yet, the Muslim community only attempts to discourage and intimidate those who are unafraid of confronting Islam. This would also make the Muslim community Islamophobic-phobic as well.