I love how Natalie has given us a glimpse into the music world, a peek into her own heart and story, and a vision for what it would look like to sing the song Gods given each of us to sing. Im already a fan and a friend of Natalies. Now Im happy to call myself a reader of hers as well.
SHAUNA NIEQUIST, author, Bread and Wine and Savor
We all have to go on a journey to find our voice; we have to resist the temptation to become an imitation and be willing to allow whats within to be heard. In this book my dearest friend shares from her beautiful heart how your voice not only needs to be heard but how it can become a voice for those who have none. Natalies honesty is refreshing, her message is liberating, and her passion is evidentto use her voice to help others find theirs. I am so grateful for the gift within these pages because when we all dare to find our voice, the world can begin to hear what freedom really sounds like.
CHARLOTTE GAMBILL, pastor, author, speaker, and cofounder of Dare to Be
In her book, Finding Your Voice, Natalie inspires us by vulnerably sharing her own personal struggles with pain, doubt, and insecurity. She also brilliantly challenges us to awaken our own voice and to live out the design and purpose Jesus has called us to. Natalie, ever so gently, invites us to join her in finding our song and singing it boldly!
SHELLEY GIGLIO, Chief Strategist, sixstepsrecords; Cofounder, Passion Conferences/Passion City Church
Finding Your Voice shares an amazing reflection of how intimately God wants to connect with each of us. From her own personal journey of wrestling through pain and fear, Natalie shares how she came to the powerful realization that God has given each of us a unique voice for his glory. The voice that God gave you is powerful, it is precious, and it is enough!
LISA BEVERE, Messenger International, bestselling author, Lioness Arising, Kissed the Girls and Made Them Cry, and Fight Like a Girl
You are precious, beloved by God, and have been given a song from him that only you can sing. In Finding Your Voice, Natalie will help you discover that song and so much more. Im so excited for you to read it!
KARI JOBE, singer, songwriter
Natalie has one of the most beautiful and compelling voices I have ever heard. She has pushed through many barriers to let it be heard, and now she teaches us how to do the same thing.
SHEILA WALSH, author, The Longing in Me
I have loved Natalie and her music for a long time. This new offering is an intimate look into her life and processes and pain that is not only interesting but also truly helpful for any woman looking to find her voice.
ANNIE F. DOWNS, bestselling author, Looking for Lovely and Lets All Be Brave
Natalie has touched a generation. She radiates hope, strength, and faith. We who have been blessed by her songs are now blessed to read her book.
MAX LUCADO, pastor and bestselling author
I learned long ago that finding your voice does not mean learning how to sing. Its so much more and so much deeper than that. From someone who took the long way to find her voice, I am so proud of Natalie, my dear sister-friend, in how she has bravely walked the path of freedom in finding her voice. Shes certainly helped me find mine throughout the years of our friendship, and I know she will help you find yours through this new book.
SANDI PATTY, most-awarded female vocalist in gospel music history
Finding Your Voice
Copyright 2016 by Natalie Grant
Requests for information should be addressed to:
Zondervan, 3900 Sparks Dr. SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546
ePub Edition August 2016: ISBN 978-0-310-34476-6
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Grant, Natalie, 1971author.
Title: Finding your voice: what every woman needs to live her God-given passions out loud / Natalie Grant.
Description: Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 2016.
Identifiers: LCCN 2016013687 | ISBN 9780310344735 (softcover)
Subjects: LCSH: Oral communicationReligious aspectsChristianity. MusicReligious aspectsChristianity. | Christian womenReligious life.
Classification: LCC BV4597.53.C64 G73 2016 | DDC 248.8/43dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2016013687
Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.Zondervan.com. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.
Scripture quotations marked NASB are taken from the New American Standard Bible (www.Lockman.org). Copyright 1960, 1962, 1963, 1968, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1977, 1995 by the Lockman Foundation. Used by permission.
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Published in association with Maximum Artist, 4219 Hillsboro Pike, Suite 234, Nashville, TN 37215.
Cover design: Micah Kandros
Cover photo: conrado / Shutterstock
Author photo: Dominick Guillemot
Interior design: Kait Lamphere
First printing July 2016
For Bernie
no other voice has been a greater example of true love, encouragement, and understanding in my life. I love you so.
For Charlotte
your gift of creativity and the way you use your voice helped to shape this book from the start. Forever grateful for you, my friend.
M y voice has been my purpose, my ministry, my career, my life. Ive always wanted my songs to soothe and comfort those who are hurting, to speak truth and love to the broken, and Ive been incredibly humbled and blessed to be a part of Gods work in this way.
But there was a moment years ago when I was voiceless that I will never forget. A moment that I could not speak at all, but I could listen.
It all started when I was watching an episode of Law & Order: SVU in my home in Nashville. The episode was about human trafficking, and I had never seen it this closely before. As I sat among my throw pillows on my comfy couch in my world-class city, I was growing increasingly uncomfortable. Even in the fictional context of the show, the truth struck me. I was aghast at the exploitation of women and children, stunned by the callous acts of abuse perpetrated by heartless people seeking only profit and pleasure.
By the time the credits rolled, I was wrecked.
How could this abomination exist? How could women... children... be so marginalized and diminished to tools of pleasure of the most abhorrent nature?
How did I not know about this? What could I do?
Not content to wonder, I searched online for organizations that fight human trafficking. I found a phone number and called one, asking what I could do. They invited me to go on a trip with them to India so I could see with my own eyes this crime against humanity. I was off to save the worldor so I thought. In my head, I played out numerous scenarios of my headlining benefit concerts that would surely be a cure-all for these enslaved women.