The Periodic Kingdom
by P. W. Atkins
The Last Three Minutes
by Paul Davies
Natures Numbers
by Ian Stuart
The Origin of Humankind
by Richard Leakey
The Origin of the Universe
by John D. Barrow
Kinds of Minds
by Daniel C. Dennett
How Brains Think
by William H. Calvin
A Darwinian View of Life
The Science Masters Series is a global publishing venture consisting of original science books written by leading scientists and published by a worldwide team of twenty-six publishers assembled by John Brockman. The series was conceived by Anthony Cheetham of Orion Publishers and John Brockman of Brockman Inc., a New York literary agency, and developed in coordination with Basic Books.
The Science Masters name and marks are owned by and licensed to the publisher by Brockman Inc.
Copyright 1995 by Richard Dawkins.
Published by Basic Books,
A Member of the Perseus Books Group
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For information, address Basic Books, 387 Park Ave South, New York, NY 10016-8810.
Designed by Joan Greenfield
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Dawkins, Richard, 1941
River out of Eden / A Darwinian view of life / by Richard Dawkins.
p. cm. (Science masters series)
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 0-465-01606-5 (cloth)
ISBN 0-465-06990-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-465-06990-3 (paper)
1. Genetics. 2. Evolution. I. Title. II. Series.
QH430.D39 1995 94-37146
575dc20 CIP
To the memory of Henry Colyear Dawkins (1921-1992), Fellow of St. Johns College, Oxford: a master of the art of making things clear.
And a river went out of Eden to water the garden.
Genesis 2:10
Nature, it seems, is the popular name For milliards and milliards and milliards Of particles playing their infinite game Of billiards and billiards and billiards.
Piet Hein
Piet Hein captures the classically pristine world of physics. But when the ricochets of atomic billiards chance to put together an object that has a certain, seemingly innocent property, something momentous happens in the universe. That property is an ability to self-replicate; that is, the object is able to use the surrounding materials to make exact copies of itself, including replicas of such minor flaws in copying as may occasionally arise. What will follow from this singular occurrence, anywhere in the universe, is Darwinian selection and hence the baroque extravaganza that, on this planet, we call life. Never were so many facts explained by so few assumptions. Not only does the Darwinian theory command superabundant power to explain. Its economy in doing so has a sinewy elegance, a poetic beauty that outclasses even the most haunting of the worlds origin myths. One of my purposes in writing this book has been to accord due recognition to the inspirational quality of our modern understanding of Darwinian life. There is more poetry in Mitochondrial Eve than in her mythological namesake.
The feature of life that, in David Humes words, most ravishes into admiration all men who have ever contemplated it is the complex detail with which its mechanismsthe mechanisms that Charles Darwin called organs of extreme perfection and complication"fulfill an apparent purpose. The other feature of earthly life that impresses us is its luxuriant diversity: as measured by estimates of species numbers, there are some tens of millions of different ways of making a living. Another of my purposes is to convince my readers that ways of making a living is synonymous with ways of passing DNA-coded texts on to the future. My river is a river of DNA, flowing and branching through geological time, and the metaphor of steep banks confining each species genetic games turns out to be a surprisingly powerful and helpful explanatory device.
In one way or another, all my books have been devoted to expounding and exploring the almost limitless power of the Darwinian principlepower unleashed whenever and wherever there is enough time for the consequences of primordial self-replication to unfold. River Out of Eden continues this mission and brings to an extraterrestrial climax the story of the repercussions that can ensue when the phenomenon of replicators is injected into the hitherto humble game of atomic billiards.
During the writing of this book I have enjoyed support, encouragement, advice and constructive criticism in varying combinations from Michael Birkett, John Brockman, Steve Davies, Daniel Dennett, John Krebs, Sara Lippincott, Jerry Lyons, and especially my wife, Lalla Ward, who also did the drawings. Some paragraphs here and there are reworked from articles that have appeared elsewhere. The passages of s account of Dan Nilsson and Susanne Pelgers work on the evolution of the eye is partly taken from my News and Views article published in Nature on April 21, 1994. I acknowledge the editors of both these journals, who commissioned the articles concerned. Finally, I am grateful to John Brockman and Anthony Cheetham for the original invitation to join The Science Masters Series.
Oxford, 1994
All peoples have epic legends about their tribal ancestors, and these legends often formalize themselves into religious cults. People revere and even worship their ancestorsas well they might, for it is real ancestors, not supernatural gods, that hold the key to understanding life. Of all organisms born, the majority die before they come of age. Of the minority that survive and breed, an even smaller minority will have a descendant alive a thousand generations hence. This tiny minority of a minority, this progenitorial lite, is all that future generations will be able to call ancestral. Ancestors are rare, descendants are common.
All organisms that have ever livedevery animal and plant, all bacteria and all fungi, every creeping thing, and all readers of this bookcan look back at their ancestors and make the following proud claim: Not a single one of our ancestors died in infancy. They all reached adulthood, and every single one was capable of finding at least one heterosexual partner and of successfully copulating. Not a single one of our ancestors was felled by an enemy, or by a virus, or by a misjudged footstep on a cliff edge, before bringing at least one child into the world. Thousands of our ancestors contemporaries failed in all these respects, but not a single solitary one of our ancestors failed in any of them. These statements are blindingly obvious, yet from them much follows: much that is curious and unexpected, much that explains and much that astonishes. All these matters will be the subject of this book.