





W HEN IT COMES to making decisions, big ones or small ones, Key #1 is the most importantof all. To make the right decision every time, you must determine in your heart tobase it on Gods direction and nothing else.
You see, you are in covenant with God, as we read in Hebrews 8:6: [Jesus] is theone who mediates for us a far better covenant with God, based on better promises(NLT). When two parties enter into a covenant, it means everything that belongs toone party belongs to the other, and vice versa. In our covenant with Almighty Godwe like the parts that say His everything belongs to us, dont we? Why, our Fatherowns the cattle on a thousand hills (Ps. 50:10), and that all belongs to us too!
But sometimes we forget the part that says our everything belongs to Him. Thatmeans we shouldnt make a single decision without asking our covenant partner, God,about the decisions were facing. He will always lead us in the right direction,but we must determine to let Him lead us and not be directed by anything else.
That might sound like a no-brainer, but we all know that people make decisions fora lot of other reasons. Lets look at some examples of the wrong things on whichto base decisions.
More Money
Its awfully tempting to base a decision on money. Its easy to say, I know I shouldtake that job because it pays more! More pay is a good thing, for sure, and Godis most certainly not opposed to you having more money.
But acquiring more money shouldnt be your priority in life. God should be your priority.Jesus emphasizes this fact in Matthew 6:33: Seek first the kingdom of God...and all these things shall be added to you (emphasis added). In other words, seekGod first, and Hell make sure you have everything you need to live a successfullifemore money, yes; but also other things that money cant buy, such as peace,health, and purpose. Money is a poor substitute for following God and being in Hisplan. Money is a hard taskmaster, and the love of it is a root of all kinds of evil(1 Tim. 6:10).
If a certain higher-paying job isnt Gods best plan for you, then choosing it basedon your desire for more money can set off a chain of events that you dont want tobe involved with. You could be miserable at that job. If so, your discontent willlead (at the very least) to stress, which can affect your health. Theres just nothingworse than going every day to a job you hate.
And if taking that job means youre not in the place where God wants you to be, thenthat fact alone will create all sorts of negative consequences, especially if youhave a family. Worst of all, if youre in the wrong place, then it means youre notin the right place, which means your life is out of order at both ends and you arentfulfilling your divine destiny.
Lack of Money
Sometimes we let our lack of money make decisions for us. For example, maybe Godhas been dealing with you to give a certain amount of money to someone or to goon a mission trip. But you havent obeyed and havent gone because you dont haveenough money. You cant see how you could afford it.
Listen, if God is dealing with you, take a step of faith and believe Him for themoney. Dont let money decide for you! Where God guides, He provides.
When you seek Him to learn His plan, and then follow His leading, you have His supplyavailable to help you make the impossible happen. If He says do it, then its upto Him to finance it! Your job is to just keep believing Him for it. When you obeyHim and step out, His supply becomes available for you in other areas too, such asinfluence, favor, and ability.

Dont let money decide for you! Where God guides, He provides.

Maybe God has been dealing with you to do things in a more excellent way, to spenda little more money on things, to not do everything on the cheap. Being a Christiandoesnt mean being cheap or always looking for a handout or a special deal. Our Godis a God of excellence and abundance. (I mean, think about itHis streets are madeof gold!) He wants the same excellence and abundance for His children, especiallysince we represent Him.
When youre first starting out life as an adult, you dont always have a lot of money.That was true of my first husband, Brent, and I when we were starting out in ministry.We bought cheap things (personally and for our ministry), and then pretty soon wecouldnt see ourselves having the best of anything.
One friend of mine really helped me in this area. She and her husband were also startingout in ministry in those days. We all were trying to get hold of the fact that Jesuswanted us to have abundant life (John 10:10) and had provided all our needs (Phil.4:19). We were starting to see those verses fulfilled in our lives, but we stillhad major areas of lack thinking in our minds.
I remember one day when my friend got a revelation of Gods abundant provision. Godused toilet paper, of all things, to illustrate it to her. (Dont you love how Godmeets us and teaches us with everyday things?)
She had been using toilet paper just two or three squares at a time to save money.That seemed frugalit seemed like she was being a good steward of her money. ButGod spoke to her and said, Why are you using just three squares? I am your God,and Im always more than enough!
Well, when that rhema word dropped into her spirit on top of everything else shewas learning about Gods abundant supply, she grabbed hold of that roll of toiletpaper and pulled with all her might! When she was telling me about it, we laughedand laughed together. She told me she declared out loud, My days of penny-pinchingare over! I always have more than enougheven toilet paper!
Her story helped me for years. Every time I thought about holding back out of fearof not having enough (money or anything else), I pictured her yanking on that toiletpaper roll! I would realize I was being fearful and that my God provides more thanenough for me when I believe Him.
Now, that doesnt mean we should be wasteful or bad stewards of our money. We shoulduse common sense, be led by Gods Spirit in every area of our spending, and not wasteour resources in any way.
But our God is not El CheapoHe is El Shaddai, the Almighty, the God who is alwaysmore than enough! He isnt wasteful, but He is extravagant. I pray you see the differenceand that you never let lack of money hinder you from following His best plan foryour life.
The same type of revelation that came to my friend came to me one day when I neededgas for my car. Gas prices had gone up, and people all around me were afraid. Everyonewas worrying and complaining about the increase. Can you believe how high gas pricesare! theyd exclaim. We cant afford gas at this price! People are going to haveto go out and get a second job or cut down on groceries, just to buy gas for theircars!
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