Change your life by reading this book. Once I turned the first page of this compelling story, I could not put it down. It reads like it was written by someone who was there. The author tells us its a past-life memory, but it is so crystal clear, full of human emotion and mystery: it is a real page-turner. Filled with sweetness and sorrow and most of all a message of hope and human passion to serve and survive, this is one read you wont want to miss. It is an inspirational story par excellence.
Maureen St. Germain, author of Reweaving the Fabric of
Your Reality: Self-Study Guide for Personal Transformation
Angel of Auschwitz is filled with inspirations and wisdoms, which we can all draw on in this unpredictable and catalytic period of life on Planet Earth. The author reveals her own deep understanding of the dark forces, which have prevailed on our planetthe shadow side of the cosmos that creates, by intention, situations that invoke fear and keep us under their control. Germany in the time of Hitler is probably the best historical example of such a dark intervention. Her cosmologies of the interplay between dark and light precisely matched [my] understanding.
Wynn Free, principal author, The Reincarnation of Edgar
Cayce?: Interdimensional Communication and Global Transformation
Brilliant storytelling combined with moving spiritual insights and truths. I highly recommend Angel of Auschwitz to anyone seeking a deeper understanding of the nature of love and forgiveness and how it can change our relationship to God, ourselves, and to all of humanity.
Isaac George, author of What Really Matters:
A Guide to Spiritual Awakening
Angel of Auschwitz is magnificent. Nataszas story awakens our sense of soul, knowing that love, forgiveness, and compassion are true stepping stones on the path to peace. The Sisters of Light remind us that it is through unity of spirit that healing happens. Tarra has created a literary work that holds the potential to deepen our understanding of one another. Through this book, we are reminded that our soul is eternal and that we come forward in each life to be of service in the highest possible way in every single moment.
Laurelle Shanti Gaia, author of Be Peace Now: A Course for
Peaceweavers and president of the Infinite Light Healing
Studies Center, Sedona, Arizona
If each one of us would follow Tarras vision and practice harmlessness, be more loving, and live more peacefully, the vibration of the collective consciousness would in time reveal the truth of this benevolent universe.
John Randolph Price, author of The Abundance Book
and The Jesus Code
I find Angel of Auschwitz to be an instrument of reconciliation and healing. It is the story of the age-old struggle between good and evil played out against the backdrop of Nazi Germanyright up there with Corrie ten Boom and Anne Frank. Tarra uses her beautiful writing to bring forth the Holocaust as an archetype of oppression. Then she shows how compassion, forgiveness, and understanding can break down the walls of prejudice and hatred and bring diverse peoples together. This book transcends barriers and will contribute to right human relations, goodwill, and hopefully world peace.
The Reverend Marian Breckenridge, cofounder,
Northwest School of Religious and Philosophical Studies,
Coeur dAlene, Idaho
Copyright 2009 by Tarra Light. All rights reserved. No portion of this book, except for brief review, may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwisewithout written permission of the publisher. However, permission is not required to reprint the Prayer for Peace on Earth () if author Tarra Light and Frog Books are fully credited. For information, contact Frog Books, c/o North Atlantic Books.
Published by Frog Books, an imprint of North Atlantic Books P.O. Box 12327 Berkeley, California 94712 | Cover design by Susan Quasha Author photograph by Tina Friedman |
Angel of Auschwitz is sponsored by the Society of Native Arts and Sciences, a nonprofit educational corporation whose goals are to develop an educational and cross-cultural perspective linking various scientific, social, and artistic fields; to nurture a holistic view of arts, sciences, humanities, and healing; and to publish and distribute literature on the relationship of mind, body, and nature.
North Atlantic Books publications are available through most bookstores. For further information, visit our website at or call 800-733-3000.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Light, Tarra.
Angel of Auschwitz / Tarra Light.
p. cm.
eISBN: 978-1-58394-560-5
1. Pelinski, Natasza, 1927-Pre-existence. 2. ReincarnationBiography. 3. JewsPersecutionsPoland. 4. Holocaust, Jewish (19391945)PolandPersonal narratives. I. Title.
BL520.L54A3 2008
To the
Liberation of the Human Spirit
T HE LIFE STORY OF Natasza Pelinski, child of the Holocaust, has been offered in grace to the peoples of the Earth. It offers to humanity the opportunity to heal from the scars of oppression and persecution throughout history.
You are now invited to place the light of your awareness on these pages before you. You are being called to participate in a collective healing for humankind. You can claim your power and accept this invitation to forgive the past and birth a new world. The fire of your consciousness can burn up the imprint of trauma, freeing humanity to bring in more Light.
A S YOU READ THE pages before you, open your mind to new ways of seeing. Allow the story of Natasza to take you on a journey of self-transformation. These writings contain keys to unlock doorways to healing for those whose hearts have been yearning to be free. This book speaks to your soul in a language that transcends thought.
Take time to reflect on the messages, images, and teachings. As each one of you moves through your individual healing process, the whole of the collective consciousness is uplifted. As you focus your attention on sending light to Auschwitz, expand your vision to include the wounds of oppression and victimization suffered by all races and religions throughout historyNative Americans, Tibetans, slaves from Africa, the people of Rwanda and Darfur, the Kurds of Iraq, and others. Call forth your intention, envision each people and nation, and send them light. Hold them in your heart and envelop them in a field of healing love.
Natasza represents the unsung heroes and heroines of all time: everyone who has stood up for truth and freedom, who has dared to confront the forces of oppression.