Volume 2 Jack Lookman
AuthorHouse UK Ltd. 500 Avebury Boulevard Central Milton Keynes, MK9 2BE www.authorhouse.co.uk Phone: 08001974150 2012 by O.N.O. Carew. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author. Published by AuthorHouse 25/6/2012 ISBN: 978-1-4685-8313-7 (sc) ISBN: 978-1-4685-8312-0 (hc) ISBN: 978-1-4685-8311-3 (e) Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models,
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Certain stock imagery Thinkstock. Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them. Contents DESPAIR, SUBMISSION, FAITH AND HOPE VOLUME 2 is a compilation of thoughts through periods of difficulties and adversities, which culminate in hope in the face of various challenges. DESPAIR, SUBMISSION, FAITH AND HOPE VOLUME 2 is about hope for the hopeless and inspiration for the hopeful. The topics in the book transcend different barriers and are topics most readers are able to relate with.
DESPAIR, SUBMISSION, FAITH AND HOPE VOLUME 2 has a religious, spiritual and philosophical undertone and is a book which is reader friendly to people of all ages; also treating topics on love, hope, reality, etc. If you have experienced difficulties and challenges in your life, DESPAIR, SUBMISSION, FAITH AND HOPE VOLUME 2 will be a good companion. If you are the super human with little or no challenges, DESPAIR, SUBMISSION, FAITH AND HOPE VOLUME 2 will also be useful when you feel low. In these days of recession, job loss, violence and lots of uncertainty, when science may be found wanting, DESPAIR, SUBMISSION, FAITH AND HOPE VOLUME 2 provides an alternative way of thinking. The book portrays poetry in a different dimension and is a good companion to see you through lifes unending challenges. Jack is an Engineer who has managed his mental ill health since mid 1980s.
Jacks sole ambition is to explore his creativity and become an entrepreneur. Jack, who is a British born Nigerian, works in the housing industry in London. Jack is blessed with elderly parents, siblings, a wife and three children. This collection of poems is dedicated to my CREATOR, without whom Ill be nothing. I also dedicate it to all those to whom life is apparently unfair. May be some day or one day, there may be cause to be grateful.
I acknowledge the support of all those who have in one way or the other, directly or indirectly influenced my life positively. I say: may you walk and never stagger In the event that you stagger, may you stagger on to Gods goodness and mercy. I also acknowledge the support of Folabi, who helped in proof reading this work. If only I can tell just how much you mean to me The thoughts of you continue to linger From day to night its all the same So far yet so near May the strength of this feeling never fade Ive searched for words in this world and beyond To express my feelings about you But my love its just impossible Is it the beauty, physical or emotional? Is it the charm, one that sweeps me off my feet? O dear love you are meant for me and me for you I couldnt be without you Too much of anything is bad But dear I just cant get enough of you That magnetic look in your eyes Endeared you to my tender heart Oh darling, tell me again and again That youd always remain mine Through the sun and the rain Lets together weather the storms of life Always remain with me throughout the time I may have neither silver nor gold But the love in my heart will forever be You are an epitome of beauty A lover of many flowers In each and every way its all the same What more can I say? Than the power of love as pure as the dove Will forever more keep us fore My only love let it be so To the Greatest The Everlasting And the Almighty I give thanks What more can I say? Than thanks In pain and delusion In endurance and triumph In one and in all What more can I say? In tears and laughter In emotion and devotion All through existence What more can I say? To the Almighty Who can never be wronged Who says be And it is What more can I say? In trials and tribulation In success and failure Through none and through all What more can I say? I shall remain hopeful Even when hope is apparently lost I shall shed tears Maybe they could be wonders Who knows? Who really knows? This life we live Who knows? Almighty Lord The Alpha and omega Im indeed in sojourn Through pains and endurance Through disappointment and failure Ive submitted myself to you And given you all I own As I weep and cry That all may be joy I guess I havent a choice So do I believe May be I do May be I can lay my foundation on quick sand May be my strength on weakness Or may be Reality on futility Lord! Divine Lord! Your will be done I hope All the pain Isnt in vain I thank you Lord For the beautiful past And for the present that is For the uncertain future Do I give thanks I thank you for the one And thank you for the all I thank you Lord And pray for your sweetness and mercy That I may not fall At the approach of your light Lord! We thank thee Be praised O Lord Youre the Almighty The wise and able. I was punished and tortured I was told I had beaten the fingers that fed me Why blame me? I fault not I was hungry Very hungry My enemy Appeared to be a friend Gave me food to eat Gave me shy to drink On the surface It was sweet Nice and delicious My hunger could not say otherwise I was so hungry Really hungry That was all I could feel On coming to my senses Did I realise a funny taste It was bitter It was poison Carefully concealed in deceit My best friend Was indeed my worst enemy I was conned Almost outsmarted But by the grace of the powers that be Was I saved and Was I rescued This Just this alone Caused me to bite the finger One which fed me The Creator created all The poor and the rich The weak and the strong The beautiful and ugly They were meant to co-exist Theres neither one without the other The first need not look down on the last Neither shall the elephant look down on the ant All strength is from the power that be We are all creations of the Creator What is, is What will be, will be Weep not my child Weep not my friend Destiny and fate will take their course Theres no armour against fate As, willed Divinely So shall it be The wisest man is a great fool The foolish man is very wise Matter can neither be created nor destroyed But converted from one form to another Its never all here And all there But a bit here And a bit there Praise and bless you Lord The Almighty Creator As tears drop down my eyes With so many tales to tell I cant but thank you Thank you for the goodness Which Ive over the years enjoyed Thank you for the beautiful past Thanks for the present, which is what it is Thanks for the uncertain future Thank you Lord for everything I know-not what you know Neither can I do as you can To you belongs all power and glory And from You comes all goodness and mercy I have tried within my ability But its like a dogs triumphance over a lion Nonetheless do I submit to your supremacy Believing that with You Shall I overcome And with You Shall my pains be of the past With You Shall my tears become joy And with you Shall all become well Lord! Oh Lord! To that time do I look Oh Merciful one Let that time come And keep my tears In a land I shall never again sojourn Seek the truth And be liberated Yet again I go Through another gloom Grey coloured veils And dreams unravelled Made a possible move May be to improve But there comes the gloom With a gleary doom I searched the surface And then the inside I probed my past And all et-al I challenged my faith And my understanding I rationalize May be to realize I sobbed and cried Before I died I asked why And wondered when There must be an answer Be it right or wrong I hope and pray It wont be vain Thank you Lord Thanks so much What more can I say? Nothing but Thanks This is a painful journey I sojourn Yet... Its thanks Thanks for all I have And thanks for all I am Thank you Almighty Creator For everything I give thanks They say it could be better Alas! It could be worse Thank you for everything Thanks so much In hope and faith do I remain Waiting for the miracle of miracles I know not if Im deserving of it All the same Its thanks Have thine own way Almighty Lord Let Thy supreme will be done As I sojourn lifes complexities I do wonder May be I should just be myself May be to let destiny take its course May be to be an intelligent fool May be for better or worse May be to learn from experience May be to let it be May be Oh may be May be to turn to religion or philosophy May be to make friends or foes May be to be better or worse May be to be saint or devil May be Oh may be May be to be obedient and sufficient May be to dig to the roots May be to be friendly and nice May be to be good and bad May be to enjoy today For I know not tomorrow Or probably be Like I may not be The thoughts of you Still linger I remember you telling me Never to call you again All because I became unwell And exceeded my bounds.
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