About the Author
Mya Om (Michigan) has traveled around the world. A lifelong witch, she was initiated into the Craft in 1998, after studying both Dianic and American Eclectic Wiccan traditions.
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
The Un-Spell Book: Energy Essentials for Mastering Magick 2010 by Mya Om.
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: For the Novice
The Foundation
Adding Energy
Working with the Elements
The Tools of Magick
Thought Constructs
Putting It All Together
: Spell Template
It does not take a great deal of skill or any type of special power to be a successful witch. I firmly believe that if you can master the basic concepts discussed in this book, you can cast any spell successfully. There are so many people who believe that spells or magick do not work for them. They point to backfired spells, to workings that did not work, or to their own disbelief that they can successfully cast a spell. I cannot do anything about disbeliefthe simple truth is that if you do not believe it will work, then it likely will not. If, however, you are one of those people for whom spells do not work as planned or do not work at all, this book is for you. In writing this book, I have only one goal: to teach you how to be a successful witch.
There is a misconception that if your spell did not work, you must have done something wrong. That is not the caseyou can do everything technically right and still have a negative result. There is an art to spellworking that many witches do not understand until many years after their induction into the Craft. In the normal course of things, the novice witch could turn to a teacher or Craft mentor for aid. In my case, I had my great-grandmother, and later I found other wise and wonderful people who were willing to advise me. But not everyone is as lucky as I was. There are those of us who are unable for a variety of reasons to connect with an elder or a mentor who can explain the basics.
While I love many of the books on witchcraft that are out there, most of them assume that the witch is walking into the working with at least an intuitive understanding of how magick works. Most of the time, the reader is given nothing more than a crash course in visualization and often not even that. Spells read like recipes in a cookbook, and although on the surface it appears as if following the spell is as simple as following a recipe, most of these books fail to tell you why we do things in a particular wayor how to do it without the aid of the book.
The concept of energy is one of the biggest components that most books exclude, but they also leave out the methodology that is associated with spell crafting. The authors may assume that you already know what you want, but how you define what you want could be very different from how I define what you want. Take as a simple example the words abundance and prosperity. In most spell books, those two words are associated with monetary gain or financial security. But if you look up the definitions of abundance or prosperity in the dictionary, you find out that the word can be interpreted in more than one way. The dictionary defines abundance as an extremely plentiful or over-sufficient quantity or supply, and defines prosperity as a successful flourishing or thriving condition. Neither of those two words really mean money or financial security. So you could cast a fully successful spell for abundance and get an abundance of dust bunnies. Or you could cast an equally successful spell for prosperity and get prosperity of something totally unrelated to money.
Consider the old story of Aladdinnot the Disney version, but the one retold in One Thousand and One Arabian Nights , a medieval Arabic folk tale. There are many versions of the story, but in the one I remember from my childhood, the genie is a trickster. In fulfilling the wishes Aladdin makes, he is only obligated to fulfill the letter of the wish, not what Aladdin actually thought he was wishing for. The story teaches that when working with supernatural forces you have to be very careful to know and communicate exactly what you want. If you want money, then ask for money. But just saying I want money is not enough, because a penny is still money.
The first goal of this book is to teach you how to identify what you want, and the second goal is to teach you how to use various magickal techniques to get what you want. It is not always simple; it will take work, effort, and thought on your part. But if you put in the work, you will notice immediate results. In the end, I hope you will realize that the only limitations on your abilities are the ones you place there. This is not rocket science; you do not need to have an understanding of particle physics or quantum mechanics to cast a successful spell. You also do not have to be an initiate or an acolyte of a particular tradition to do these workings. Once you understand the basics, you can build on what you have learned, incorporate new techniques, and cast more complex spells. In my experience, though, the hardest spells to cast are the ones that require no tools at alljust an application of the will. That is the goal every witch should strive for.
Prologue: For the Novice
If you are reading this chapter, you may be a true beginner at magick workings, or you may be a more advanced practitioner seeking to fill a gap in your learning or curious to see what techniques are discussed. In either case, welcome. In this chapter, we are going to focus on three basic skills necessary to understand the rest of this book. If you are a new practitioner, these skills are important to have regardless of whether or not you decide to use the rest of the techniques discussed in the book. The three skills are:
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