Thisbook has been written by someone who has suffered with depression and anxietyfor a many number of years and feels her extensive research and knowledge inthis area, combating her own issues can help others.
Thisbook has designed for everyday people who think they may have issues relatingto this subject matter. It has written with the sole intent to simplify the problems,causes and effects of this subject matter in which the reader can relate to.
Thisbook is not intended for people who are looking to research this subject matteron an academic level.
Table of Contents
Youmay not know this but Bipolar Type 2 is one of the most common mentaldisorders, which people suffer from these days. Due to symptoms being lesssevere, many refer to it as soft bipolar. Yet, even though the symptomsassociated with type 2 are less intense, it can still have a detrimental effecton the quality of life for the sufferer.
Infact, they often find it extremely troubling as they have the classic symptomsof bipolar type 1. They can be subject to serious and recurring bouts ofdepression, along with more subtle bipolar symptoms such as periods ofirritability, confusion, impulsiveness and agitation.
Whenbipolar type 2 sufferers have a manic episode, it is usually milder so ratherthan being hyperactive, they tend to feel more energized and happier. Due tothis, they do not suffer the terrible repercussions of a full-blown manicepisode.
However,it is worth saying that even though the symptoms are less severe they stillneed the right course of medication and therapy so they are able to takecontrol of their illness. If they do not, then there is a chance theircondition can become worse, which could have serious consequences.
Unfortunatelystudies show that bipolar type 2 has become much more prevalent. In fact, it isnow believed bipolar type 2 is three to four times more common than bipolartype 1. Yet, no one can offer an explanation as to why this has become thecase. However, it could be because bipolar disorder was categorized into fourdifferent classifications, therefore has now become much easier to recognizeand diagnose.
Eventhough it has become more prevalent, many believe patients are receiving thewrong diagnosis. Many say the reason for this is that the manic episodes inbipolar type 2 are much less severe than those of type 1,so can class as being ina normal state of elation.
Furthermore,if the symptoms associated with hypomania manifest themselves as racingthoughts, anxiety, insomnia or irritability then it becomes difficult formedical professionals to determine whether they suffer from bipolar type 2 ordepression. Often when a person suffers a manic episode they usually feelelated but for those who are bipolar type two, they usually feel more depressedrather than elation.
Bipolartype 2 sufferers also experience mixed episodes. These are the kind ofepisodes where they have symptoms associated with hypomania and depression atthe same time. As a result, their moods will change much more often, whichcould be within a matter of hours or days.
Rapidcycling is also another symptom of bipolar type 2. To class as suffering fromthis, a person needs to have experienced at least four changes in mood state inany given year.
Ifyou are at all concerned you may be suffering from bipolar type 2, do nothesitate to see your doctor and seek advice. Never put off doing this as yourcondition could become worse. The sooner you find out if you have bipolar type2 the sooner, you can start treatment.
Chapter 1
What isBipolar Type 2 Disorder?
Bipolartype 2 is a form of mental illness similar to that of bipolar type 1. Just likebipolar 1, type 2 sufferers experience episodes of highs and lows over a periodof time.
However,the major difference is, when a bipolar 2 suffers a manic episode it doesntreach full on mania. This less severe mania is termed hypomania orhypomanic.
Forthose been diagnosed as having bipolar type 2 will know that to have beendiagnosed as such they have to experience at least one episode of hypomania intheir life. Saying that, type 2 sufferers tend to experience more depressiveepisodes than manic ones, which is where the term manic depression comesfrom.
Generally,anyone suffering from this condition will find that between their hypomania anddepressive episodes they are able to lead relatively normal lives.
Characteristics ofBipolar Type 2 Hypomanic Episodes:
Highenergy levels
Heightenedsex drive
Characteristics ofBipolar Type 2 Depressive Episodes:
Lowenergy levels
Isolationfrom people
Thoughtsof suicide or death
Lossof interest in activities they usually enjoy
Who is at risk ofdeveloping bipolar type 2 disorders?
Unfortunately,nearly everyone can be susceptible to this particular mental illness. In fact,in the USA alone, 6 million people (2.5% of the population) suffer from type 2bipolar.
Generally,sufferers tend to see symptoms arrear in their teens or early 20s, whichusually develops further before they reach 50. You are also more susceptible ifyou have a family member who has previously received treatment in some form oranother for either a bipolar disorder or depressive disorder in the past.
Chapter 2
Causes ofBipolar Type 2
Eventhough medical professionals have carried out a great deal of research intoBipolar Disorder, they still do not completely understand what causes it.However, they have gained a better understanding of the bipolar spectrumespecially in relation to the elated highs of mania as well as the lows ofdepression. In addition, it has helped them to better understand the moodstates of people suffering from Bipolar Type 2 between these episodes.
Whatmedical experts are sure of is this disorder runs in families and certaingenetic components appear in sufferers. Many also suggest that our environmentand lifestyles can have an affect on people developing this condition and itsseverity. Furthermore, certain events in our lives, which are extremelystressful, can make treating this disorder more difficult as can substanceabuse.