The editors would like to thank:
Donors of financial support for this publication: the Trustees of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation; the Instituto Cames, Lisbon; the Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro, Lisbon.
Michael Collins, director of Portugal 600, for negotiations for support in London, Lisbon and with the publishers.
The individuals, institutions and publishers of copyright items referred to in the Map and Plates Acknowledgements.
Dr Manuel da Costa Cabral, director, and staff, at the Art Archive of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation in Lisbon.
Bob Drake, who, presented with rough sketches and research notes, improved the raw material and, though limited to black and white, achieved handsome and illuminating maps.
Kim Taylor for the design of a striking cover.
Eugnio Lisboa and Michael Eltenton who have acted as inter mediaries in several transactions in Lisbon.
Ursula Fonss, whose verbatim translation of the original Portuguese text provided the valuable base for subsequent editing.
Janet Allan, who has designed this complex book, and supervised the production.
Lynne Cope for intelligently typing a difficult text.
Lus Rebelo, Emeritus Reader in Portuguese at Kings College, London and Pedro de Oliveira at the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation U.K. Branch for reading the maps, map commentaries and illustration captions and suggesting useful amendments. Any remaining deficiencies are the fault of the editors.
The Trustees, Director and Staff of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundations UK branch office in London for indispensable administrative and general support. Frequent detailed help has cheerfully been provided by Brian Neville, Jayne Eustiace, Joy Eaton and Ursula Fonss.
Sources of Plates and Maps
Arquivo Nacional da Torre do Tombo, Lisbon 17, 19a. Arquivos Fotogrficos, Dirio de Notcias, Lisbon 60. Biblioteca Nacional, Lisbon 14, 19b, 20, 21, 27, 31. Bibliothque Nationale, Paris 22. British Library, London 40, 56, 58. British Museum, London 10, 11, 53, 55. Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon 61 (also for Robert C. Smith collection, see below). Comisso Nacional para as Comemoraes dos Descobrimentos Portugueses, Lisbon 39. Government Art Collection, London 54. Instituto Portugus do Patrimnio Cultural 13. Ministrio da Cultura e Parque Arqueolgico do Vale do Ca 1. Museu Arqueolgico do Carmo, Lisbon 7. Museu de Arte Antiga, Lisbon 12, 24, 28. Museu de Arte Contempornea, Lisbon 62. Museu do Caramulo 25. Museu da Cidade da Lisboa, Lisbon 48, 49. Museu de vora, vora 41. Muses Royaux des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels 43. National Army Museum, London 52. National Maritime Museum, London 36, 42. Pierpont Morgan Library, New York 18a, 18b. Secretaria de Estado do Comrcio e Turismo, Lisbon 2, 3, 4, 5, 9. Secretaria de Estado da Comunicao Social, Lisbon 64. Robert C. Smith/Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon 6a, 6b, 15, 29, 30, 47, 50. Michael Teague 16, 23, 26.
The maps have been specially drawn by Bob Drake from research sketches and notes supplied by the editors. Basic reference books used have been: TheAtlasoftheWorld 2nd ed. George Philip 1992, TheTimesConciseAtlasoftheWorld, Times Books 1986, and AtlasdaLnguaPortuguesanaHistriaedoMundo, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, Lisbon. In addition, for particular maps, the following have been valuable: Map 1, HistriadePortugal Alfa, Lisbon 1984; and J. de Alarco RomanPortugal Aris and Phillips 1988. Map 2 and Map 9, AtlasHistrico, Crculo de Leitores, Lisbon 1990. Map 3, Joaquim Verssimo Serro: HistriadePortugal vol II, Verbo, Lisbon 1978, Map 4, Colin McEvedy: TheNewPenguinAtlasofMediaevalHistory, Penguin Books, London, 1992. Maps 5 and 8, DescobrimentosPortugueses, Alfa, Lisbon. Map 6, Edgar Prestage: ThePortuguesePioneers, A&C Black, London 1933, H.V. Livermore: ANewHistoryofPortugal, Cambridge University Press 1966 and Kenneth Gordon McIntyre: TheSecretDiscoveryofAustralia, Souvenir Press, Australia 1977. Map 7, H.V. Livermore, op.cit. Map 10, Jaime Corteso: HistriadaColonizaoPortuguesadoBrazil; Vicente Tapojs: BreveHistriadoBrazil, Porto Editora, Porto and Lus de Albuquerque: PortugalnoMundo, Alfa, Lisbon 1989. Map 11, Richard Aldington: Wellington, William Heinemann, London 1946. Map 12, A.H. Oliviera Marques: HistoryofPortugal, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, Lisbon 1991. Map 13, PortugalLnguaeCultura, Comissariado de Portugal para a Exposio Universal de Sevilha, Lisbon 1992.
During seventeen years as Cultural Counsellor at the Portuguese Embassy in London, I was frequently asked for a good short history of Portugal for English readers. Professor Harold Livermore had filled the needs of serious students, but when his estimable books went out of print in the late seventies no history of Portugal in English remained. Then, in the early nineties a brief history did appear, to my delight until I read it. It was oddly unhistorical, marred by many serious errors, displaying current political correctness but little understanding of the norms of past times. I found I could not recommend it, and the gap remained unfilled.
For which reason I greet the more warmly Professor Jos Hermano Saraivas