Its taken three years of writing and four decades of life experience to create this book, a book that is inevitably going to be presented by the Left-winged-white-hating-media with the standard predictable and uninformed response to anything that stands up to fourth-wave-feminism, as being misogynistic-transphobic-racist-bigoted-hate-speech. The disgusting vexatious violent and relentless attacks on any human who dares question the extreme, emotional and eccentric feminist (efem) bully has silenced so many for so long, including me until now.
My academic background has provided me with the tools to research while the abundance of information beyond mainstream media has afforded me access to it. Moreover, my first-world-privilege (that has nothing to do with my colour or gender) has allowed me to live in five continents, learn three languages and attend five universities, all of which has freed me to see the Left and Right side of democracy as well as the outcome of socialist or religiously extreme nations.
The first-world and democratic luxury of having access to almost endless information has provided me with the means to challenge both my beliefs and the medias message. Unlike so many university students or drones of the mainstream media, brainwashed by the ideologies of fourth-wave-feminism, I, along with many Westerners observing in silence, have been blessed with the paradigm of questioning everything I have both learned and believed. Living in Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, and the Middle East has put me at the receiving end of senseless and relentless racism. Working in education and government has subjected me to the costly end of gynocentric and hypergamous policy and practices. All of it has contributed to the context and creation of this book.
For many, but not all, the ability to challenge ones assumptions is non-existent, and Ive learned that no matter how much proof, logic or reason is presented, some people are forever void from the authenticity of truth, logic, reason and reality of whats really happening around them. Once we accept this, we become freer to express ourselves knowing that as a leader at any level, its inevitably impossible to keep all people all happy all the time.
This book will demonstrate how the West has been hijacked by fourth-wave-feminism to ensure the feelings of those with the loudest voices are always put before the majority who silently understand the facts. It will illustrate how governments are being manipulated to turn their backs on truth, logic, reason, and reality, to replace it all with emotionally charged ideologies that disrupt, divide, and ultimately destroy nations.
The Leftist political ideology that has stolen feminism and exploited the vulnerabilities of the democratic principles of the West has no desire to protect women, children or anyone, rather, it seeks entirely to demoralise and destabilise nations, guaranteeing civil war and international conflict.
The following is what fourth-wave-feminism really looks like.
If theres one thing that undoes any hope of progressing feminism, its that of an agreed definition. The classic response from the most devoted feminist to a person who claims they are not a feminist is consistently along the lines of:
How can you not be a feminist? Feminism means equality, so if you dont support feminism, you are sexist! End of story!
It is this claim that keeps many of us tied within the outdated confines of an out-dated title. After all, what reasonable person wouldnt want the same opportunities for both their mum and dad, son and daughter, brother or sister, friend or acquaintance? In the Western-world, equality is given great societal value, thus to go against feminism must be to go against the value that is good and true right? Well, not exactly.
The feminist movement is almost 200 years old and the goals within it have understandably changed over time as has the rest of society. For this book to work, and most importantly for the reader to be able to make the distinctions within feminism, the word must first be analysed linguistically, historically and socially.
To get started, and to establish a single linguistic meaning for feminism, I have kept the initial definition search completely impartial by merely referring to the leading English dictionaries from Australia (The Macquarie), England (The Oxford and Cambridge) and the United States (Merriam-Webster). They define feminism as follows:
Macquarie Dictionary
Noun: a movement or doctrine which advocates equal rights and opportunities for women, especially the extension of their activities in social and political life.
Radical Feminism noun: a feminist philosophy which holds that the patriarchal social system of Western countries is the root cause of gender inequality.
Oxford Dictionary
The advocacy of womens rights on the basis of the equality of the sexes.
The belief that women should be allowed the same rights, power, and opportunities as men and be treated in the same way, or the set of activities intended to achieve this state.
1. The theory of the political, economic and social equality of the sexes.
2. Organized activity on behalf of womens rights and interests.
Beyond dictionary definitions, all of which fail to acknowledge its meaning relative to a period in time, traditional gender study scholars have divided feminism into three periods, also known as waves. Although some argue we are still in third-wave-feminism, to guarantee absolute distinction between differences in time and varying dictionary definitions, this book will focus almost entirely on fourth-wave-feminism exploring its social, legal and economic effects globally.
Again, the feminist movement is almost 200 years old, and the goals within it have understandably changed over time, as has the rest of society. Equally, meanings of words change over time; just as gay used to mean happy, faggot was a bundle of sticks, Coon was a brand of cheese, a dyke was an aquatic wall, and Church meant everything that was good, words change over time. Therefore, it is not reasonable to hijack a 200-year-old word and pretend it has never changed in any way over two centuries.
Feminism is ever-evolving to adapt to an ever-evolving society. Not even the worlds leading English dictionaries can come to a consensus on its exact definition although all definitions do specifically relate to advancing women comparative to men. Thus, the suggestion that feminism today means the same thing as it did two centuries ago particularly as it relates to something as fluid as people and society is unreasonable at best.
The laws and social norms that dominated society just decades ago are completely different to what we all face today, hence the feminist movement must continually adapt and evolve to survive. Further, suggesting that one, or a few persons interpretations of a word which attempts to describe the intent or actions of many individuals as an unchangeable constant, goes against any attempt to include logic, reason or reality within the equation. Finally, implying that feminism, a social movement without democratic leadership or direction, is to have one undeniable and unmoveable meaning is nothing short of absurd.