Other Books By Susy OHare
Diary of an ADHD Mum: Learning to Live, Love & Laugh Parenting a Child with ADHD
Heal The Mother,
Heal The Child
Shining a Light on the Shadows to Consciously Awaken Future Generations
Susy OHare
Foreword by Dr. Nicole LePera
2020 Heal The Mother, Heal The Child
All rights reserved. Printed in Australia.
Published by Lightworker Press 2020.
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meansfor example, electronic, photocopy, recordingwithout the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotations in printed reviews.
Cataloguing-in-Publication entry is available from the
National Library Australia.
Softcover: 978-0-6489097-0-5
Hardcover: 978-0-6489097-1-2
E-book: 978-0-6489097-2-9
Available in hardcover, softcover, e-book, and audiobook
Cover photos Bronnie Joel Photography
To Seren, Daisy and Flynnthank you.
I met Susy in the Instagram community a couple of years ago, and her posts and comments kept catching my eye. When I journeyed over to her Instagram page, my mind was blownnot only at the wealth of healing knowledge she was putting out to the world but also how she was embodying the work in her life.
Susy has done some incredible work around the powerful concept of Heal The Mother, Heal The Child.
Instead of trying to fix her daughter, Susy discovered that first and foremost, she needed to fix herself and work on her healing. Susy understood that she needed to go on a journey of evolution, rebuild trust with herself, and begin to trust her intuition.
I commend her on paving the way for a new parenting paradigm where instead of trying to fix the child, we turn the light on our healing and begin from that place.
It can be a painful truth to take a long hard look at ourselves and see that often the behaviours our children are displaying are simply mirrored from our own unhealed and unprocessed pain. I believe a lot of parents are unintentionally making choices that are not even entirely theirs. We become habituated, we have these beliefs, and then we operate our decisions based on them. We are often not even conscious when we make these parenting choices. Instead, we are working with the information we have at the time, and we continue with those parenting patterns from our subconscious based on the way we were raisedeven when those patterns didnt work for us.
Children need moments of fully present interconnectedness. If we cannot trust ourselves and our intuition, then we cannot extend it to our child. When things werent great for us as children, we can doubt our abilities as parents, but we need to begin to trust ourselves, slow down, and connect once again with ourselves.
Conscious parenting is taking a moment to connect with our children truly, so they feel safe, seen, and heard. These are the universal core wants and desires of all humans, but especially children.
Susys book will give you a framework to begin this healing work for mothers who are struggling with themselves and maybe even their children. It will bring you back to yourself, help you to be present, and help you trust the connection with your intuition so you can parent your child from that beautiful heart-space and not your childhood conditioning. You will begin to trust yourself instead of looking outside of yourself for decision-making about your child. You will discover that it was within you the whole time.
When our children or our partners trigger us, there is something deeper happening. Susys book will teach mothers how to work on their triggers, explore their wounded egos, and begin to heal their inner child. They will find themselves less reactive and able to hold space for their children, allowing them to show up authentically as themselves. Mothers will then be able to let their child be seen, heard, and validatedwithout getting triggered by their inner child, as she is now met with love and acceptance.
Susy teaches us that we need not look at the child as an extension of ourselves; their behaviour is not a reflection of our capability as parents. We need to stop looking at what others think, but instead, go within and examine ourselves. We need to see our children as our mirrors and discover that their triggers can take us to our inner healing, which is beautiful. Our children then become our teachers.
The path into trusting intuition with parenting is first and foremost to reconnect and rebuild trust in ones self and ones healing. Heal yourself. Until you have reconnected with yourself, worked out whats best for you, and connected with your intuition, you wont be able to be present with your child and help your child to do the same. Susy fully embodies the notion that by turning within and healing ourselves, we, in turn, can heal our children.
Susy was able to make this journey about her self-healing, and the beautiful by-product of that is her relationship with both her daughter and her entire family healed. Thats the way in.
The only way to heal a relationship with our children, partners, or families is first to heal ourselves. The carryover is so beautiful when those relationships begin to shift and change. As humans, we are not often gifted with the path; we might know a step or two, but we are generally merely walking through the storm with trust that we are going in the right direction.
Susys book will give anyone who is struggling with themselves or their children a framework to begin this work. I want to commend Susy for piecing together the tools to begin her healing journey as it can sometimes be overwhelming. Incredibly, Susy has brought all the healing tools together in one place for mothers to take that first step on their journey.
Susy gives an empowering shift to parenting. She will provide you with a roadmap and guide to begin your self-healing journey but will also share the messiness and reality of parenting, which isnt perfect and shiny. It can be confronting and messy too, but thats ok. She shares her own stories and journey to help you understand you are not alone. You can have a childhood that is tainted and challenging, but with the right tools and support, you can heal on a deeper level and begin to cultivate an awakened life for yourself and your family.
Dr. Nicole LePera
Holistic Psychologist and Author
This book has been whirling around my head for the last year. As I sit here on this almost cold, wintery morning in sunny Perth (the winters really arent that bad in Australia), writing it feels like a scary process.
Will people read this book? Will mothers want to hear my words, and will my message penetrate deep into their souls and hearts? Can my words and story change lives? Will mothers find time to read this book? Will they give themselves the time?
Herein lies the problem, dear, beautiful reader. Honouring all that you are and giving yourself space to heal is what my message is ultimately about. You can only do the work if you give yourself time, that precious commodity we so readily ignore. How many times do you hear yourself say, I am so busy, I just dont have time, life is hectic, or if I only I had more time? From a very early age, our children learn through observing our emotions. Can you look back and honestly remember a time when you had slow mornings and days spent in pyjamas with messy homes? Do you find yourself saying, today everything stops, and we will just be or perhaps doing nothing for one hour or even a mere thirty minutes? We are now conditioned not only to run but to sprint through life. We are missing the small, precious moments that bring us back to lovelove for ourselves and our childrenand allowing ourselves to see comfort in the tiniest moments, whether gazing at the moon, watching our children play, watering the garden and seeing a rainbow through the water particles as the light hits them, having that extra cuddle in bed or warm socks and tea by the fire while reading a good book. The smallest of moments can give us so much pleasure, but they also force us to sit with the uncomfortableness of ourselvesand its that which we run from the most.
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