The Bhagavad Gita is Indias most translated book. It is also Indias most mistranslated, subject to every possible misinterpretation. The Gita has too often been circumscribed by inappropriate terminologies, dichotomies, and theologies of western thought that cannot properly reflect the inner essence of the Gitas profound yogic and dharmic teaching relative to the universal Consciousness and transcendent Reality of Atman/Brahman. The result is that although we have many different versions of the Gita, few convey the real teachings of the Gita. Except for the rare edition by a great yogi, most translations are superficial, particularly academic versions that have little inner vision. The most meaningful Sanskrit terms are usually reduced to vague English equivalents in which all deeper insight is lost.
For those who know the deeper aspects of the tradition, there has long been a demand for a version of the Gita that corrects these distortions. Now, with this translation from Jeffrey Armstrong | Kavindra Rishi, who is a master poet in English but also one who deeply understands the connotations and subtle connections of the Sanskrit terms around which the Gita revolves, we finally have an extensive and profound Bhagavad Gita. Instead of just another shadow of the Gita being put out there in English, with The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive, we can contact the true light, the inner Sun of the Gita, and discover a real perception of how the infinite and eternal flows through the text in a multidimensional microcosmic/ macrocosmic manner as befits the planetary age.
So please, study this new Gita carefully, meditate upon it deeply, and you can discover the real Bhagavad Gita, Sri Krishna as the Yogavatara, and even your inmost Self in a way that is enduring and transformative to all that you do and are.
~ Dr. David Frawley | Pandit Vamadeva Shastri
Padma Bhushan
For billions of Hindus, for over 7000 years, the Indic language editions of the Bhagavad Gita have been removing the suffering caused by the tangled knots of name and form, of duty and of identity. Today, with so much of the English-speaking world in mental turmoil, the appearance of this revolutionary English language edition is perfectly timed. Only a uniquely qualified scribe could have completed the task of creating an edition of the Bhagavad Gita that is true to its original meaning and intent, whilst making the text not only translational but still transformational. Kavindraji is that scribe and he has achieved precisely that goal. With this version of the revered Gita, millions more will be nourished in their spiritual evolution, and Kavindraji will secure his place in the illustrious lineage of Maha Rishi Veda Vyasa.
~ Pt Satish K Sharma, MBCS FRSA
General SecretaryNational Council of Hindu Temples (UK), PresidentGlobal Hindu Federation, ChairBritish Board of Dharmic Scholars
By providing English-speaking seekers with the infinite wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita, Jeffrey Armstrong (Kavindra Rishi) has done a unique service in his translation of this Song of the Spirit. Working for a decade to translate the Universal Scripture into elegant prose, Armstrong has carefully avoided inadequate English-equivalent words and kept the Sanskrit terms instead so as to not distort the original, deeper meaning. The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive! eloquently speaks the thoughtful consideration he gave to each verse. This version of the text is a jewel reflecting the essence of the Gita, a product of Kavindra Rishis profound understanding and appreciation of the beauty of Sanskrit and the richness of Hindu culture.
~ Professor Ved P. Nanda, Padma Bhushan
Distinguished University Professor, Director, The Ved Nanda Center for Intl & Comp. Law, University of Denver College of Law, Honorary Professor, Univ. of Delhi
Kavindra Rishi has produced a masterly translation of the great spiritual treatise Bhagavad Gita, carefully preserving its intended meaning by retaining many original Sanskrit terms that have no direct English equivalents. By unpacking the transcendental terminology of that ancient language into lucid prose, Kavindra enables the reader to unlock the profound messages delivered by Shri Krishna which are so often obscured by other versions. The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive is a must read for all students of this ancient classic, and indeed for anyone wanting to better understand the supreme spiritual reality.
~ Krishna Dharma
Vedic Scholar and Author of the worlds best-selling English retellings of Mahabharata, Ramayana and Srimad Bhagavatam
The Bhagavad Gita Comes AliveA Radical Translation by Jeffrey Armstrong represents a rare effort of devotion, knowledge, curiosity, and candor. Jeffrey | Kavindra Rishi brings this new perspective, not only because he is a master of the English language, but because he is so well-versed in the many concepts of the Bhagavad Gita. Armstrong has studied many versions that have been either ignorant or victims of misunderstanding. The Bhagavad Gita is a seminal piece of literature that provides humans a way to enter ones own inner self to explore, discover, and verify the existence all around. In addition, it is set in a battlefield that ultimately is the place to either perish or prevail, and thus there is no room for hesitation. This is important when one approaches the Gitait presupposes the dedication to truth inside oneself. Many such concepts require the correct framework, extensive experience, and robust knowledge of the philosophy and language. Jeffrey Armstrong has proven that he has all of these qualities in his efforts to create this radical translation of the Bhagavad Gita and to bring it alive to the English-speaking world!
~ Bal Ram Singh, PhD
President, Institute of Advanced Sciences, Professor and Director, Botulinum Research Center, Executive Mentor, School of Indic Studies Institute of Advanced Sciences, Dartmouth University
Kavindraji has captured the timeless message of the Geeta. With words rooted in their true purport, in a way that a seeker of knowledge and pursuer of wisdom can easily understand and put into action, The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive can elevate ones self closer to divinity.
~ Dr. Abhijit Prabhakar Phadnis, PhD
With the intellectual churning of the internet, it is only recently that the western world has acquired the vocabulary, sophistication of thought, and ability to comprehend the timeless wisdom that is encapsulated in the Bhagwat Gita. Coming from an English literary background, having lived as a child of not one but three cultures, and undertaking profound spiritual practice, no one is better suited than Jeffrey Armstrong to give us this lifetime's work. The Bhagavad Gita Comes Alive is not just another translation of the Bhagwat Gita; it is the best English version there is.
~ Rajesh Acharya, B.Arch., MRAIC, COA, LEED AP, Architect
The Bhagavad Gita is a great practical, philosophical, and spiritual text for future generations. Mr. Jeffrey Armstrongs wonderful work and accurate translation of the dialogue between Krishna and Arjuna, in a simple and practical way, will guide not only the layman, but students and scholars of philosophy as well. I think everyone will love this book.
~ Dr. Vasant Lad, BAM&S, MASc
Ayurvedic Physician, Author of Ayurveda: Science of Self-Healing, Textbook of Ayurveda series and more
Jeffrey Armstrongs version of the Bhagavad Gita begins the long overdue process of reviving and restoring key Sanskrit words to an English translation of the Gita. These key concepts carry an expanded and deeper meaning than the standard one-to-one and incorrect equivalent English synonyms currently used, such as religion for dharma, soul for atma, idol for murthi, and God for Ishvara. The world thanks Shri Jeffrey for rendering this immeasurable knowledge in such a beautiful way.