Melissa J. Black
Associate Dean of Harlem Village Academies PEI GraduateSchool
Looping Second/Third-Grade Teacher at Two Rivers PublicCharter School
Harlem Village Academy and Two Rivers Public CharterSchool
New York, NY
Lets be honest. Creating a classroom environment that supports productivestruggle is a challenge. This book will be your rescue story, packed withready-to-use resources to support productive struggle and provide access andequity for all students to learn mathematics at high levels. This is foreducators, coaches, administrators, and families to reflect on why productivestruggle is imperative to success. Be courageous, take the first step, andembark on this journey of struggle! You wont regret it.
Tara Zuspan
Elementary Instructional Coach
Lincoln Public Schools, NE
Teachers are expected to foster productive struggle in their students, and,finally, there is a comprehensive resource that lays out exactly howto make this happen!ProductiveMath Struggle is a playbook that includes six ActionsValue, FosterIdentify, Build Community, Plan, Support, and Reflectfor ensuring teachers havethe tools to help their students persevere in math class. This brilliantresource provides practical activities, lessons, ideas, and examples that can beused in the classroom on a daily basis.
Marissa Walsh
Elementary Math Instructional Coach
Blue Springs School District, MO
Students need to feel successful during math. This book gives you tools to helpyour students build confidence with their understanding of mathematics concepts.It helps promote a love for math in a successful way by allowing them to processwhat they are learning.
Tamara Daugherty
Third-Grade Teacher, Zellwood Elementary
Lakeville, FL
Productive Math Struggle moves usfrom knowing we should to knowing how to engage students inproductive struggle. Through vignettes, showing ways to modify tasks, and dozensof instructional strategies, and engaging and helpful discussions, we cangeneralize actions that support and inhibit student thinking and learning. Thisbook challenges us to challenge our students.
Jennifer Bay-Williams
Professor, University of Louisville
Pewee Valley, KY
Providing opportunities to support productive struggle in the teaching andlearning of mathematics is important. And, guess what? Its certainly time to domore than merely acknowledge such importance! This valuable and highly usableresource fully explores and establishes the considerations necessary toregularly provide and support learning opportunities that value and celebrateproductive struggle in mathematics. Most importantly, this book recognizes anddiscusses what all teachers must think about and address as they challenge theirstudents mathematically, all the while nurturing the importance ofperseverancea valued life trait. I expect this book to be a popular and valuedreference for professional learning in the field of mathematics education forquite some time!
Francis (Skip) Fennell
Past President, National Council of Teachers ofMathematics (NCTM)
Professor of Education and Graduate and ProfessionalStudies, Emeritus
Project Director, Elementary Mathematics Specialists& Teacher Leaders Project
McDaniel College, MD
The authors do a great job of defining what productive struggle is, as well aswhat it isnt. You can tell they are very familiar with classroom dynamics, andthey offer helpful perspectives regarding a variety of issues: taskmodifications, issues to think about, student and teacher behaviors, productiveand unproductive beliefs, as well community. The classroom vignettes were myfavorite part because they helped me see what it looks like when students aredoers of mathematics and teachers are supporting productive struggle. I lovedthe book!
Jennifer Outzs
Middle School Math Teacher
NCTM Board of Directors
Pinellas County, FL
Productive Math Struggle: A 6-PointAction Plan for Fostering Perseverance addresses the intricacies ofproductive struggle more than any other resource out there and is a must-readfor every educator dealing with the challenges of implementing productivestruggle in their classrooms. The authors offer an abundance of practicalstrategies to help you foster, build, and support productive struggle in yourclass. This book will be your go-to resource for everything about productivestruggle, and I cant wait to use it in my work with teachers, coaches, andadministrators.