Endorsement![Picture 3](/uploads/posts/book/327682/images/img-1-2.jpg)
I love how Wendy helps us dig into Scripture so we can truly and personally grasp the deep love God has for us. This is an amazingly solid study that will get you excited to study the Bible and breathe fresh life into your heart.
Lysa TerKeurst, New York Times bestselling author and president of Proverbs 31 Ministries
2017 by Wendy Blight
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Dedication![Picture 7](/uploads/posts/book/327682/images/img-1-2.jpg)
I DEDICATE THIS BOOK to Bobbie Wolgemuth, my dear friend and spiritual mom, who has now passed through the heavens to be with the One she adored. Bobbie lived loved and modeled in the most excellent way how to make expressions of that love the pattern of her life. We were beneficiaries of that love. She poured godly wisdom, countless prayers, and Gods living and active Word into my mamas heart in ways that transformed my heart, my marriage, and my home. Bobbies love has left a legacy that has had, and will continue to have, ripple effects on women, families, and generations to come.
Contents![Picture 9](/uploads/posts/book/327682/images/img-1-2.jpg)
THE MORE I WRITE, the more I appreciate the friends and family God has placed around me on this amazing journey called life.
MontyFrom the day I married you, youve modeled the unconditional love and acceptance of the Father. You make every day fun, and I cant wait to live out the rest of my days with you!
Lauren and BoGods precious gifts to me. Youve left our nest but not our hearts. I pray youve taken with you the assurance of Gods deep and abiding love and the power of that love to transform your lives. And, thanks for letting me share your stories!
Aunt Sal and Aunt PeggyThank you for your prayers, love, and words of encouragement. I love you both, and its been a joy to watch Gods Word and His work come alive in your lives.
Lisa Sheltramy dearest friend and editor extraordinaire. You make me a better writer with each and every book. Your love and encouragement as friend and editor means more than youll ever know.
Proverbs 31 On-Line Bible Study TeamI treasure each one of you. The impact of your friendship and support in my life and ministry is immeasurable. I love partnering with you to engage women with Gods living and active Word in a fresh way through Bible study and community.
Erik WolgemuthIm grateful for your wisdom and direction as I continue on this journey of writing and teaching Gods Word.
HarperCollins Christian Publishing TeamIts a joy and privilege to partner with you again to encourage and equip women to dig deeper into Gods living and active Word.
I WROTE THIS MESSAGE FOR EVERY WOMAN who craves to truly understand, walk confidently in, and live out Gods unconditional, extravagant, lavish love. Its a love I didnt understand, let alone live, until I exposed my heart to the words John penned in this letter. Because lets be real. Its hard to love like God does. Its hard to love a parent who abandoned us as a child. Its hard to love a girlfriend who betrayed us. Its hard to love a God who doesnt heal debilitating, chronic pain.