When Tragedy Strikes
Lauras book, When Tragedy Strikes, will squeeze tears from your eyes and put a smile on your face as she writes about her beautiful daughter, Becca, and the process she experienced from pain to purpose. Having lost my own daughter at Columbine in 1999, I understand the sorrow of an unimaginable loss. This is a book that should be read by everyone who has experienced the loss of a loved one, especially a child.
Darrell Scott, founder of Rachels Challenge, and author, father of Rachel, age seventeen
Seldom have I read a book written with such honesty, frankness and passion regarding the struggles one encounters when a loved one has died. Although written after the death of her daughter Lauras journey of moving through loss to again find hope has pearls of wisdom for recovering from any loss.
Dr. Gloria Horsley, president and founder of www.opentohope.com and mother of Scott, age seventeen
If you have suffered great tragedy and struggle to connect with God in your grief and disappointment, When Tragedy Strikes was written for you. Laura Diehl knows the unfathomable pain of losing a child in tragic circumstances, and through the grief and pain finding her footing in the love of an affectionate Father. As she describes her own journey with honesty, compassion, and wisdom, she will help you process your own journey and find a glorious hope beyond your darkest days.
Wayne Jacobsen, author of He Loves Me, Learning to Live in the Fathers Affection, and co-writer of The Shack, Lifestream.org
As a mother of a beautiful baby boy, who lives in Heaven, I found When Tragedy Strikes to be comforting and encouraging. As I read through the chapters, many aspects of the book sounded familiar to my own grief; the many questions and thoughts I have experienced. I have had many doubts and questions to why God would let my family go through such pain and loss, but reading through this book helped me realize that its okay not to know all the answers, and to have hope that the future can be bright again, to be open to Gods plan for me and my family, and that there is light at the end of the tunnel. When Tragedy Strikes also reminded me that I need to take care of myself physically and mentally to be able to carry myself through my journey.
Leanne Steinberger, mother of Daniel, nine precious days
As a mom who lost her son two years ago, I thought I was never going to get through it. When Tragedy Strikes is a very powerful book and I am so glad I read it. I was surprised at how often Laura put into words things I have experienced and thoughts I have had. It has helped me to realize that its okay to still have good days and bad days. I call When Tragedy Strikes the healing book.
Donna Ames, mother of Josh, age twenty-six
The most harrowing experience a mother endures is to bury a child and not lose her mind or abandon her faith. Walk with Laura and be encouraged as she shares the story of losing her precious Becca and discovering a resolve that comes only after trusting God in the deep, dark throes of grief.
Shelley Ramsey, author of Grief: A Mamas Unwanted Journey, mother of Joseph, age seventeen
From my perspective as a pastor and walking through every season of life with thousands of people, the death of a child has to be the most excruciating loss a person can go through. The pain seems unstoppable and all consuming. And then you add on top of that the stupid and flippant responses people make to you as a grieving parent, and it further entrenches you in a dark forest without a compass and without a light. In the book When Tragedy Strikes, Laura is able to skillfully give voice to this grief in a loving and poignant way that only a person who has gone through the death of child can fully understand. But in addition, she is able to create a tangible blueprint for rebuilding your life that will give you a compass and a light to guide you through the darkness of your grief. If you are walking through the death of a child, or someone near you is walking through this, When Tragedy Strikes is a must read.
Russ Walker, senior pastor of CrossPointe Community Church
The way Laura has chosen to allow her words to dance out the beauty of joy and sorrow that grief inevitably is, just takes my breath away. She has allowed her heart to find the friend grief can become, if we embrace the barren sorrow of pain and allow ourselves to be emptied, so that we can once again be filled. She has reached out a hand in the book When Tragedy Strikes, and allowed her readers to experience her grief like a child would experience their first trip to the sea, watching its waves roll back and crest the edge of the sand; witnessing the power of its capacity to drown us, but reveling in the sweet sensation of floating above the waves in our daddies arms. That is the picture Laura has painted for me. She has given me eyes to see beyond the drowning pain of losing a child and allowed me to witness the resurrection power of the human spirit within the arms of Jesus Christ. It is an honor to know her story and to have seen her craft it so deeply, so sweetly, so tragically gorgeous, as she chose to allow the years soaked in tears to become a garden of gratefulness. I raise my glass to you, mama. I am grateful for you.
Hannah Linton, singer, writer, grief counselor, and mother of three on earth and seven in heaven (five miscarriages, one stillborn, and one ninety minutes old)
Wow! Talk about taking off the masks. Its absolutely amazing how revealing and authentic When Tragedy Strikes is. Laura Diehl is very real and open about the depth of darkness she was in when her daughter died. I truly admire her willingness to expose the ugly internal turmoil which those of us who have not lost a child to death know nothing about. And yet we are not left in that place of darkness with her, but we rise up with hope and life in the arms of a faithful God. I have been honored to be a part of Lauras journey and believe many will be touched by Gods goodness they will read about in these pages, receiving hope and life for whatever situation they find themselves in.
Dr. John Veal, senior pastor of Enduring Faith Christian Center, Chicago, CEO of John Veal Ministries
Laura Diehl has a way of sharing her experience and healing after hers daughters death that is so relatable. Your heart and soul cant help but be touched by her honesty and openness about her hurt and depression. I believe this book will help so many people. When Tragedy Strikes touches all aspects of the grieving process and brings Scripture and life experience together. We are not going through this alone. Not only do we have our Father in heaven holding us up, but he has given people like Laura the gift and inspiration to share with us the hope and healing we need.
Kathy Pelton, mother of Joshua, age 23
After years of struggling with the death of my son and daughter, When Tragedy Strikes completely validated my emotional journey. Lauras willingness to expose her true thoughts and feelings made me feel justified, not ashamed of my own feelings. She focused my head and heart on the only true Healer who can provide all I need in the midst of my dark valley Jesus Christ. I am hopeful for the day I will be reunited with my precious babies. Thank you Laura, for writing this book, and giving me and all grieving parents a voice in the midst of our pain.
Laurie Bolka
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