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Dave Wilson - Vertical Marriage: The One Secret That Will Change Your Marriage

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Dave Wilson Vertical Marriage: The One Secret That Will Change Your Marriage

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For anyone who is married, preparing for marriage, or desperate to save a relationship teetering on the brink of divorce, marriage coaches Dave and Ann Wilson offer hope and strategies gleaned from personal experience and Scripture that really work. Vertical Marriage will give you the insight, applications, and inspiration to transform your marriage into everything you hoped it would be.

Honest to the core and laugh-out-loud funny, Dave and Ann Wilson share the one secret that brought them from the brink of divorce to a healthy and vibrant relationship.

If you had asked Dave how their marriage was doing on the night of their tenth wedding anniversary, Dave would have rated it a 9.8 out of 10, and he would have even guaranteed that Ann would say the same. But instead of giving him a celebratory kiss, Ann whispered, Ive lost my feelings for you.

Divorce seemed inevitable for the Wilsons, but starting that night, God began to reveal to Dave and Ann the most overlooked secret of getting the marriage we are looking for: a horizontal marriage relationship just doesnt work until your vertical relationship with Christ is first.

As founders of a multi-campus church and marriage coaches with 30 years of experience, Dave and Ann share the hard-earned but easy-to-apply biblical principles that ensure a strong marriage. Written in a highly relatable dialogue between both husband and wife, Vertical Marriage will guide you toward building a vibrant relationship at every level, giving you the tools you need to embrace:

  • Effective communication
  • Fair conflict
  • True romance
  • A deeper connection
  • Through their unique perspectives, Dave and Ann share an intimate, sometimes hilarious, and at times deeply poignant narrative of one couples journey to reconnecting with God and discovering the joy and power of a vertical marriage.

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    If your marriage isnt vertical, then its just a matter of time before your relationship will pay the price. Or... you could read this book and transform your marriage into a page-turning, smoking-hot, this-is-more-like-it love story. Your call.

    DR. TIM KIMMEL, author of Grace Filled Marriage

    We athletes invest countless hours of time and money into giving ourselves the greatest chance of not just success but greatness. Taking the time to read this book will do for your marriage what all great athletes do for their careersfind the people who are the absolute best at what they do and allow them to pour into every part of you as an athlete. This book will radically change you as a person and a partner, and, like Tiffany and me, youll become a part of a marriage that thrives because of these teachings and principles. If you want your marriage to be different, Vertical Marriage by Dave and Ann Wilson is the difference maker.

    DAN AND TIFFANY ORLOVSKY, twelve-year NFL quarterback and seven-year member of the Detroit Lions (Dan and Tiffany have the honor of having been married by Dave)

    I think what I love most about my friends Dave and Ann Wilson is their honesty, coupled with their passion for couples to experience marriage as God intends it. Wherever you are in your relationship, Vertical Marriage will move you closer together as you learn how to go vertical together.

    BOB LEPINE, cohost of FamilyLife Today

    Vertical Marriage will provide a virtually life-changing message for all couples seeking Gods presence in their marriage. Its a very entertaining read packed with real-life experiences that all married couples can relate to. Dave and Ann Wilson provide dual perspectives that blend seamlessly into the singular concept of a vertical marriage.

    JIM CALDWELL, seven-year NFL head coach and two-time Super Bowl champion

    Dave and Ann Wilson have a unique ability to authentically reveal their scars, glorifying God as the centerpiece throughout the process. Their impact on our marriage is immeasurable, and we are eternally grateful for both of them.

    DREW AND KRISTIN STANTON, Cleveland Browns quarterback

    One of the reasons I have a healthy marriage today is because of how Pastor Dave and Ann Wilson poured into me as a teenager. As someone who spent my high school years in their church, they modeled an authentic and persevering marriage centered on Christ. Dave and Ann are transparent, wise, and relatable. You will get to be a fly on the wall as they share their stories and hard-won insight. Vertical Marriage is not about trying harder; its about trying again. Im so glad they tried again and again. Our marriage shapes future generations. Let this book encourage you, no matter what season youre in.

    ESTHER FLEECE ALLEN, speaker and author of No More Faking Fine

    Its rare to have a great marriage. Its rare to be a great communicator. Put those things together, and you have the right book for the right person from the right authors. Im a fan of Dave and Ann Wilson and Vertical Marriage. They have helped me, and they will help you too.

    BRIAN TOME, senior pastor of Crossroads Church, Cincinnati, Ohio

    My favorite marriage speakers finally wrote a bookone Ive been asking them to write since I first heard them speak on stage almost ten years ago. The Wilsons are the real deal, and reading Vertical Marriage gives us a peek into their life and marriage, but not in a stuffy Christian way where you listen to some pastor who doesnt really let you into their real world. This book isnt like others that seem far from obtainable. Youll get practical advice and wisdom from a couple who has gone the distance and are willing to help you learn from their mistakes so you dont make them. This book will encourage you and may even leave you feeling good about where youre at in your marriage, not just overwhelm you with depressing news and more work to do.

    CRAIG GROSS, founder of XXXchurch.com

    Dave and Ann Wilson are amazing at breaking down how and why to do marriage right. Not only is the information in Vertical Marriage legit, but it works. They know how to make it fun. Im also amazed that Dave finally sat still long enough to write it all down!

    MICHAEL JR, comedian and author of The Parts We Play

    Dave and Ann Wilson have been gifted by God to speak into the hearts of marriages across this country. Weve been blessed to sit under and learn relationship principles from the Wilsons for three years, and we still seek their counsel today. What a blessing Vertical Marriage will be to countless couples who will experience in print what so many have experienced in person through their church, their speaking ministry, and their ministry as chaplains for the Detroit Lions for more than thirty years. Their transparency, commitment to biblical marriage, and pertinent stories will convict, challenge, and encourage everyone who reads this book.

    JON AND JEN KITNA, seventeen-year NFL quarterback and current high school head football coach

    As a professional athlete, I utilize experts in every facet of my career to be the best. Striving to be the best, of course, doesnt stop on the field. Elise and I want the most fulfilling marriage we can have, and Vertical Marriage, written by two relationship experts, shows us how to have it by striving to be vertically aligned with Christ. Elise and I trust Dave and Ann Wilson as true experts and mentorsas a couple who has been through it all.

    GOLDEN AND ELISE TATE, Detroit Lions receiver and Super Bowl champion

    I had an idea that I could transform my husband into the man I wanted him to be. By the grace of God, Dave and Ann Wilson came into my life. I came to see that my husband didnt need to be fixed; my own personal view did. With their guidance I was able to refocus, and fifteen years later, were still putting the Do Not Disturb sign on the door every night!

    KOREN FURREY, wife of the hottest NFL coach aroundMike Furrey


    Vertical Marriage

    Copyright 2019 by Dave and Ann Wilson

    Requests for information should be addressed to:

    Zondervan, 3900 Sparks Drive SE, Grand Rapids, Michigan 49546

    Epub Edition December 2018 9780310352174

    ISBN 978-0-310-35683-7 (audio)

    Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

    Names: Wilson, Dave, 1957 October 15- author. | Wilson, Ann, 1960- author. | Driver, John, 1978- author.

    Title: Vertical marriage : the one secret that will change your marriage / Dave and Ann Wilson, with John Driver.

    Description: Grand Rapids, MI : Zondervan, [2019]

    Identifiers: LCCN 2018020255| ISBN 9780310352143 (hardcover) | ISBN 9780310352174 (epub)

    Subjects: LCSH: Marriage--Religious aspects--Christianity.

    Classification: LCC BV835 .W56475 2019 | DDC 248.8/44--dc23 LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2018020255

    All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. www.Zondervan.com. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.

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