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John C. Maxwell - Learning from the Giants: Life and Leadership Lessons from the Bible

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If you could spend a few minutes with the giants of faith in the Old Testament in person, what lessons would they share with you? In Learning From the Giants John C. Maxwell draws on fifty years of studying the Bible to share the stories of Elijah, Elisha, Job, Jacob, Deborah, Isaiah, Jonah, Joshua and Daniel. These people fought and won epic battles, served kings, and endured great hardships for God to come out on the other side transformed through His grace. Through them Maxwell explores timeless lessons we can learn about leadership, ourselves, and our relationship with God.

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Copyright 2014 by John C. Maxwell

Cover design by Brand Navigation

Photo of Bible by Simon Battensby/Getty

Cover copyright 2014 by Hachette Book Group, Inc.

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The author is represented by Yates & Yates, LLP, Literary Agency, Orange, California.

All Scripture references are NIV unless otherwise noted.


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First ebook edition: November 2014

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ISBN 978-1-4555-5706-6



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To the people of Christ Fellowship Church. You inspired me to preach about these giants of the faith. I love you. Thank you for accepting me and allowing me to be one of your pastors.

Id like to say thank you to:

Charlie Wetzel, my writer

Audrey Moralez, who researched and contributed her great ideas

Carolyn Kokinda, who typed the first chapter drafts

Stephanie Wetzel, who reviewed and edited the manuscript

Linda Eggers, my executive assistant

Imagine you could spend a day being mentored by some of the giants of the faith, the men and women of the Old Testament who fought and won great battles, served kings, endured great hardship for God, and came out on the other side transformed. What if they could sit down in a chair across from you, and you had the privilege of spending a few precious minutes with each of them? What would that be like?

That was the intriguing idea that drove me to write this book.

I have been studying the leaders of the Bible for more than fifty years. Truth be told, everything I know about leadership has come from Scripture. I shared some of the insights I gained about life and leadership in Running with the Giants. For many years, people have been asking me to write another book like it. Ive spent another ten years reading, meditating on, and studying the major figures of the Bible. And Im finally ready to share what Ive learned.

So come along with me as I imagine what it would be like to meet nine giants of the faith, each spending a few minutes to share the lessons he or she has learned about life and leadership.

Its a few minutes before dawnmy favorite time of dayand my home is completely silent. I meet you at my front door and welcome you in. Together we walk down the long hallway and enter my study.

I glance at my desk. The most recent outline for a lesson that Ive been working on sits there partly finished, a stack of quote cards next to it. It will require at most only another hour of my time. I leave it alone. I will work on it tomorrow. Today we are going to experience something Ive been looking forward to for months. Today we will be mentored by some of the giants of the faith. I dont know who will be coming. I only know that in a few minutes they will begin arriving, one by one, and spend a few minutes with us sharing their wisdom.

My sense of anticipation is off the charts. This is going to be a spectacular day. Together we will learn from people who have experienced moments with God that changed their livesand this has the potential to change ours. I am so glad you have decided to join me.

We look outside and we can see that the sun is peeking its head above the horizon and turning the sky above the Atlantic Ocean different shades of pink, orange, and red. Its glorious. I move toward my favorite overstuffed armchair, where I often sit to pray and think. Its surrounded by some of my favorite things: a photograph of my father and me teaching together when he was ninety, the handful of books that have made the greatest impact on my life, and several favorite items from my John Wesley collection.

The view of the ocean is spectacular. I invite you to settle in beside me in the comfortable chair that matches my own. A third chair, positioned across from us, is empty. We sit silently, wondering who will be the first to arrive and meet with us.

We dont have to wait long.

We can hear someone walking up the hallway, the sound of leather soles gently treading on the stone floor. And then hes standing in the doorwaya bald man neither young nor old. He wears a plain tunic with a leather belt. On his shoulders rests a camel-hair cloak. We can see that, near the neck, there is an odd-shaped tear in the cloak that shows signs of having been repaired. The mans expression is intense, serious. I wonder who this might be.

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