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John C. Maxwell - NIV, Maxwell Leadership Bible, 3rd Edition

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John C. Maxwell NIV, Maxwell Leadership Bible, 3rd Edition
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NIV, Maxwell Leadership Bible, 3rd Edition: summary, description and annotation

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Every believer is a person of influence. In the Maxwell Leadership Bible, leadership expert John C. Maxwell shows you the principles of leadership taught in Gods Word and how to use them. Whether you are an employee, a boss, a parent, or a neighbor, you are a person of influence in your part of the world. Throughout the pages of Scripture, John Maxwell has assembled the time-tested and irrefutable biblical principles of leadership to equip and encourage leaders with his signature approach, including the 21 Laws of Leadership, the 21 Qualities of a Leader, biographical profiles, and hundreds of notes.
Features include:
Now available in the NIV Comfort Print typeface
Over 120 Profiles in Leadership lessons drawn from the people of the Bible
Hundreds of compelling short articles and notes on mentoring and influence
A complete reference index to the 21 Laws of Leadership and the 21 Qualities of a Leader
Clear and readable 10-point print size

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New International Version



Leadership Bible

John C. Maxwell

Executive Editor

NIV Maxwell Leadership Bible 3rd Edition - image 2


The Maxwell Leadership Bible, NIV

Copyright 2002, 2007, 2014, 2018 by Maxwell Motivation, Inc.

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The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV

Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.

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ePub Edition March 2019: 9780-78522373-3

Library of Congress Control Number: 2018949139

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W elcome to The Maxwell Leadership Bible. You may be aware that the Bible can change your life. Did you know that it can also change your leadership? I say that because the Bible is the greatest leadership book of all time. Everything I know about leadership and have taught for nearly fifty years I learned from reading and studying the Bible.

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