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John C. Maxwell - JumpStart Your Leadership: A 90-Day Improvement Plan

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John C. Maxwell, #1 New York Times bestselling author, presents his 90-day guide to improving your leadership. Whether you want to increase your influence, prepare yourself for that big promotion, or get a handle on leadership for the first time, you can trust John Maxwell to help you in the journey. JumpStart Your Leadership will give you the insight, inspiration, and instruction you need to see tangible improvement in your leadership skills in ninety days.
Maxwell gives you clear leadership principles, prompts you to examine yourself, and provides actionable step to help you become the leader youve always wanted to be. And there is space for you to take notes and document your journey.
Maxwell says, Leadership develops daily, not in a day. This portable volume will give you the tools to develop as a leader and activate your leadership potential.
Derived from content originally published in The 5 Levels of Leadership

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Copyright 2014 by John C. Maxwell

All rights reserved. In accordance with the U.S. Copyright Act of 1976, the scanning, uploading, and electronic sharing of any part of this book without the permission of the publisher constitute unlawful piracy and theft of the authors intellectual property. If you would like to use material from the book (other than for review purposes), prior written permission must be obtained by contacting the publisher at permissions@hbgusa.com. Thank you for your support of the authors rights.

The author is represented by Yates & Yates, LLP, Literary Agency, Orange, California.

Literary development and design: Koechel Peterson & Associates, Inc., Minneapolis, Minnesota.

This book has been adapted from The 5 Levels of Leadership, copyright 2011 by John C. Maxwell. Published by Center Street.

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ISBN 978-1-4555-6111-7


Books by Dr. John C. Maxwell
Can Teach You How to Be a REAL Success

25 Ways to Win with People

Becoming a Person of Influence

Encouragement Changes Everything

Ethics 101

Everyone Communicates,

Few Connect

The Power of Partnership

Relationships 101

Winning With People


The 15 Invaluable Laws of Growth

The 17 Essential Qualities

of a Team Player

The 17 Indisputable Laws

of Teamwork

Developing the Leaders Around You

Equipping 101

Make Today Count

Mentoring 101

My Dream Map

Partners in Prayer

Put Your Dream to the Test

Running with the Giants

Talent Is Never Enough

Today Matters

Your Road Map for Success


Attitude 101

The Difference Maker

Failing Forward

How Successful People Think

Sometimes You Win,

Sometimes You Learn

Success 101

Thinking for a Change

The Winning Attitude


The 10th Anniversary Edition

of The 21 Irrefutable Laws of Leadership

The 21 Indispensable Qualities

of a Leader

The 21 Most Powerful Minutes

in a Leaders Day

The 360 Degree Leader

Developing the Leader Within You

The 5 Levels of Leadership

Go for Gold

How Successful People Lead

Leadership 101

Leadership Gold

Leadership Promises for

Every Day


S o you want to jumpstart your leadership. Perhaps you are an experienced leader who wants to fine-tune your leadership skills. Or you are facing challenges as a leader that youre having a difficult time solving. Or youre new to the workplace and aspire to make a difference by increasing your influence. All of those are worthy goals.

Regardless of your reason for wanting to improve, I am very excited to present you with this 90-day plan to better your leadership. Why? Because everything rises and falls on leadership. If you want to make a positive impact on the world, learning to lead better will help you do it.

Leadership is one of my passions. Ive been on a leadership journey for 50 years and have dedicated my life to sharing with others what I am learning about leading. I began the journey by asking many of the questions you probably have been asking yourself:

What is a leader?

How should I define leadership?

Where does leadership start?

What should I do first?

How can I increase my influence with others?

How can I develop a productive team?

How can I keep getting better as a leader?

Sometimes leadership questions can be difficult to answer. But leadership does not have to be confusing or overwhelming. In fact, anyone can learn to become a better leader. Why do I say that? Because leadership is influence. If you can increase your influence with others, you can lead more effectively.

Too often people associate leadership advancement with their career path. Thats the wrong paradigm. What you should be thinking about is your own leadership development! The sign of good leadership isnt personal advancement. Its the advancement of your team. When others succeed and your team gets better, its a sign that your leadership is improving.

Over the next 90 days, you will be provided with clear steps to help you develop in key areas of leadership. Youll be reminded to take your focus off of a job title and explore how to earn the respect and trust of your team by developing relationships. As you do, people will want to follow you. From there well give more attention to how to develop the team and increase their productivity. Finally, well focus on how you can share what youve learned to help the people you lead to become leaders in their own right.

No matter where you are in your leadership or what challenges you face, you have a choice to improve your leadership from this day forward. You can become a better leader! To do that, all I ask is that is you consistently set aside 15 minutes every day for the next 90 days to improve your leadership. Think about the inspirational quote, read the brief lesson, reflect on the included question, and move forward by writing a response or taking action.

If you dont have a leadership position yet, realize that adopting these same principles into your life now will open the leadership door in the future.

Ready? Lets get started!


The secret of success in life is for a man to be ready for his opportunity when it comes.


Most of the time when a person first enters into leadership, it means that the person in authority believes that the new leader has some degree of potential for leading. Thats good news. So if youre being invited to lead something, then celebrate the fact that someone in authority believes in you, and let me say welcome to the first tangible step in your leadership journey. You have a seat at the table and will have opportunities to express your opinion and make decisions. Your initial goal should be to show your leader and your team that you deserve the responsibility you have received.

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