2021 Kathie Lee Gifford
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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Statistic used by Emilie Wierda as part of the Conclusion is taken from Global Christianity: A Report on the Size and Distribution of the Worlds Christian Population (Washington, DC: Pew Research Center, 2011), https://www.pewforum.org/2011/12/19/global-christianity-exec/.
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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Gifford, Kathie Lee, 1953 author.
Title: The Jesus I know : honest conversations and diverse opinions about him / Kathie Lee Gifford.
Description: Nashville, Tennessee: W Publishing Group, [2021] | Includes bibliographical references.
Identifiers: LCCN 2021021570 (print) | LCCN 2021021571 (ebook) | ISBN 9780785254768 | ISBN 9780785255055 (ebook)
Subjects: LCSH: Jesus Christ. | Gifford, Kathie Lee, 1953Religion. | CelebritiesReligious life. | CelebritiesInterviews. | SpiritualityChristianity. | BISAC: RELIGION / Christian Living / Inspirational | RELIGION / Spirituality
Classification: LCC BT304.9 .G54 2021 (print) | LCC BT304.9 (ebook) | DDC 232dc23
LC record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021021570
LC ebook record available at https://lccn.loc.gov/2021021571
Epub Edition September 2021 9780785255055
Printed in the United States of America
21 22 23 24 25 LSC 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
- 1. A Different Kind of Missionary:
Kristin Chenoweth - 2. From a Jail Cell to Joy:
Cynthia Garrett - 3. Faith as a Part of Life:
Kris Jenner - 4. Growing Together in Jesus:
Jason Kennedy and Lauren Scruggs - 5. Do Not Grow Weary in Well Doing:
Chynna Phillips Baldwin - 6. A Double Portion of Shame, a Double Portion of Blessing:
Anne Ferrell Tata - 7. Jesus as a Soft Place to Fall:
Megyn Kelly - 8. A Mothers Prayers for Justin Bieber:
Pattie Mallette - 9. Calling Jesus on the Main Line:
Jimmie Allen - 10. A New Part of the Family:
Grant Gaston - 11. You Are Not Alone:
Chuck Harmony and Claude Kelly (AKA Louis York) - 12. Courage With Convictions:
Janice Dean - 13. Taking Jesus to the Metal Mainstream:
Brian Welch - 14. God Listens to Our Prayers:
Brenda Schoenfeld - 15. Messenger of the Messiah:
Rabbi Jason Sobel - 16. A Spiritual Family Connection:
David, Kelly, and Nicholas Pomeranz" - 17. Rescued by Love:
Jimmy Wayne - 18. Our Common Ground Is Sacred Ground:
Raakhee Mirchandani - 19. A Journey Out of Atheism:
Roger Charles - 20. Something Greater Than Ourselves:
Lisa Kittredge - 21. The Reluctant Prophet:
Hubie Synn - 22. Nothing Is Impossible With God:
Joanne Moody - 23. Finding the Jesus Who Forgives:
Vicki Gifford Kennedy - Conclusion: Who Is the Jesus You Know?
In a difficult year of so much loss in so many peoples lives, Im profoundly aware of the blessings I still have and even more grateful for what I have gained. Both my children married the loves of their lives in 2020: Cassidy married Ben Wierda on June 7 in Michigan, and Cody married Erika Brown on September 5 in Connecticut. My beautiful family is growing!
I dedicate this book to my four children: two of whom I carried in my womb, and the other two whom Ive been praying for since they were being carried in their mothers!
How good is our God?
He is in the wind
He is in the wonder
Hes always been
Hell ever be
Hes in the still
Hes in the thunder
Hes ever been, eternally
Hes in the dawn of every morning
Hes in the set of every sun
Hes in the breath of every moment
He is Kadosh, the Holy One
Kadosh, Kadosh, Kadosh
My very first encounter with Jesus was in a dream. I was a young girl in Annapolis, Maryland, and I remember I was raking leaves with my daddy in front of our house. I looked up at the sky, and, suddenly, there I saw Him, sitting cross-legged on a cloud. I knew exactly who it wasthere was no doubt in my young mind. It was Jesus.
Our eyes met, and He smiled at me and said one word. It was all my young heart needed to hear: Kathie.
I fell to the ground, as if dead. And yet, clearly, I was still very much alive.
Several years later, when I was twelve, my brother and I went to a small theater in our town to watch a movie by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association. And where did God touch my heart? In a movie theater, right where I lived and breathed! Id always wanted to be an actress and a singer and a writer, and thats exactly where Jesus met me. As I watched the movie, I heard a voice speak to me directly. Although it wasnt audible, I sensed the Lord saying in my spirit, Kathie, I love you. If youll trust Me, Ill make something beautiful out of your life.
When the movie ended, they said, If anybody wants to receive Jesus into your heart, come forward. I couldnt get out of my seat fast enough! Standing at the front of the theater, I asked Jesus into my heart. Thats how my walk with Jesus began, and He has made something beautiful out of my life.
Those are just glimpses of the Jesus I know, the Jesus who has revealed Himself to me, the Jesus I am getting to know more every day. The Jesus I know is a personal God who knows me intimately but loves me passionately anyway. The Jesus I know is the epitome of grace, the radical incarnation of His Fathers face and merciful eyes. The Jesus I know is the perfection of all creation.
He is love. And He loves us. Period.
In this book, you will read honest conversations about different encounters with this same Jesus. These are people God brought into my life, and they mean a great deal to me for many reasons. Some of their names will be familiar to you, and others wont. But each one has a profoundly personal and powerful story to tell about Jesus, a story that cannot be tied up neatly with a bow. Why? Because their stories arent finished yet. Neither is mine, and neither is yours. If we are still breathing, were not done yet; its as simple as that!