To all those living with lycanthropy, this ones for you.
Remember, take it one Moon at a time.
The Basics
What is lycanthropy?
How to Determine If You Are Really a Werewolf
The early symptoms of lycanthropy; how you can know if what bit you was actually a werewolf
The Stages of Lycanthropy
The five stages of lycanthrope life; lifespan versus longevity; what happens when a werewolf dies
Lycanthropes who are born with the condition; how they differ from the bitten; parenting tips for raising a pureblood
Tips on Your First Transformation
The simplest solutions to staying alive and not killing innocent people during your first change
When It Will Happen and What It Will Feel Like
A blow-by-blow description of what it actually feels like to change into your wild stateblood, sweat, and tears
Werewolf Dreams and Stranger Things
The wild, vivid, and very terrifying dreams of the Stage 1 lycanthrope; dream control exercises; a note on encounters with the undead
Home Is Where You Hang Your Restraint System
Where should werewolves live?; the types of residence and locales ideal for werewolves
A Safe Room of Ones Own
Werewolves need a safe room in which to lock themselves away when they change; a listing of ideal safe rooms, from bomb shelters to band-rehearsal spaces
Strapping In
Finding the proper restraint system for your Moons; the right way and the wrong way to restrain yourself; sample design systems
Diet and Livestock
How to satisfy the insatiable hunger of a werewolf; a meal chart by point system; ideal livestock you can raise
Werewolf Wanted
Lycanthropes still need to work; ideal employment for werewolves
Romance and the Modern Lycanthrope
Can a lycanthrope maintain a committed relationship?; including your partner; werewolf sex
Werewolf Communities
Werewolf communities and why they are not encouraged; wolf meetups; how to contact another lycanthrope
Of God, the Devil, and Lycanthrope Faith
Are werewolves a product of evil?; can werewolves continue to worship their God?
Health, Medicine, and Wellness
Maintaining a healthy body and a healthy mind
So Youve Attacked Someone
How to react after youve gotten loose; determining the extent of the attack and the response from your community; your responsibilities to the lycanthrope you have created
Avoiding Detection
Controlling your behavior; fitting in; making sure you arent being watched
Government and Police
Why you should never risk being detained by any law enforcement; why you should avoid government attention; a discussion of the Dsseldorf Project
The Trouble with Vampires
How to deal with the smug, effeminate undead
Fur Chasers
Some people actually want to become werewolves; a discussion of how theyll seek out lycanthropy; how to protect yourself from them
Werewolf Hunters
A detail of the specific types of werewolf hunters who want to do you harmeverything from the religious nut to the big-game hunter; some signs by which you can spot them
The Dark Side of Lycanthropy
The many ways in which a lycanthrope might turn to darkness and truly embrace the word monster; a discussion of the Lycanthrope Ascendance movement
CONCLUSION: Its Not a Death Sentence
Your life as a werewolf can be as rich and rewarding as you want it to be
Werewolves are real.
If you have been bitten by a werewolf and survived the attack YOU WILL TRANSFORM INTO A WEREWOLF. Your transformations will occur on the evening of the full moon, as well as the evenings immediately before and after the full moon (waxing and waning). These are popularly called your Moons. The first transformation will happen roughly a month from the date of your attack. To be clear, if the full moon falls on the fifteenth, you will transform into something very, very dangerous on the evenings of the fourteenth, the fifteenth, and the sixteenth.
If you do not know when the next full moon will be, FIND OUT RIGHT NOW by checking the appendix at the back of the book. If you are reading this after December 2011, learn how to determine the date of the next full moon in Chapter 6, When It Will Happen and What It Will Feel Like, or check online at
The majority of lycanthropes who do not have access to the information in this book die during or shortly after their first transformations. Causes of death are generally heart failure, gunshot wounds, exposure, drowning, or suicide.
The bulk of the information in this book was originally circulated in the form of xeroxed, handwritten copies of the collected writings, observations, and oral histories of people who have both lived (and died) with lycanthropy. That information has been supplemented via interviews with lycanthropes and those whose lives have been touched by lycanthropy.
This book was created to save human lives, including yours.
Hollywood horror movies are not to be used as guides to living with lycanthropy. Their goal is not to educate, but to entertain. As a result, they are largely ignorant of the realities of the condition.
Ignorance creates monsters; lycanthropy does not.
You are not a monster.
Where lycanthropes and their loved ones are identified by their full names or other identifying details, those names and details have been changed to protect the individuals from those who might do them harm.
The introductory paragraphs of each chapter are firsthand accounts of people who are living with lycanthropy, who have a loved one who is a werewolf, or whose lives have been touched profoundly by the condition in some other manner. They are excerpts from much longer interviews conducted by the authors while researching this book. The authors thank these brave individuals for sharing their experiences so that future lycanthropes might learn from them. We also thank them for trusting that their anonymity would not be compromised, and we have gone to great lengths to make sure their identities remain hidden.
These text inserts are taken from stories that have been passed down from werewolf to werewolf over the years. We cannot be sure of their veracity, but even if they turn out to be false, we believe they are still helpful either as allegories or coping mechanisms. These legends have persisted for a reason.
In many cases throughout the book we rely on the use of the male pronoun he when speaking of a hypothetical lycanthrope. This is done solely to aid the readability of the text and should not be seen as confirmation of the myth that lycanthropes are always male. Any human being can become a werewolf, regardless of gender or race.