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Aaron Walker - View from the Top: Living a Life of Significance

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Aaron Walker View from the Top: Living a Life of Significance
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    View from the Top: Living a Life of Significance
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View from the Top: Living a Life of Significance: summary, description and annotation

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Down to earth wisdom from a successful, creative entrepreneur (New York Timesbestselling author Ken Abraham).
Despite a childhood shadowed by financial disaster and a father who struggled with alcoholism, Aaron Walker has created opportunities where there appeared to be nonepushing through barriers and monumental hurdles to build a string of successful businesses. In this inspirational memoir, he reveals how he confronted bitterness, pushed through pride, and was granted grace for a horrifying pedestrian fatality. View from the Top recounts Aarons own powerful storyand shares techniques and strategies that will allow you to flourish regardless of your current circumstances.
Theres an old saying I love: Pray like everything depends on God, but work like everything depends on you. That could also be a great summary statement for View From The Top. Aaron Walker is a man who trusts God while putting a lot of sweat equity into everything he does. That balance of faith and diligence is something we all could learn from. Dave Ramsey, New York Timesbestselling author of The Total Money Makeover: A Proven Plan for Financial Fitness
For anyone who prefers reality over reality shows . . . Aaron Walkers View from the Top is as real, honest, and believable as it gets. Ken Abraham, New York Timesbestselling author of When Your Parent Becomes Your Child: A Journey of Faith Through My Mothers Dementia

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Theres an old saying I love: Pray like everything depends on God, but work like everything depends on you. That could also be a great summary statement for View From The Top. Aaron Walker is a man who trusts God while putting a lot of sweat equity into everything he does. That balance of faith and diligence is something we all could learn from.


New York Times bestselling author and
nationally syndicated radio show host

For anyone who prefers reality over reality shows that misconstrue life, Aaron Walkers View From The Top is as real, honest, and believable as it gets. Youll find no fluffy fiction or pious platitudes here; no pie in the sky. Filled with down to earth wisdom from a successful, creative entrepreneur, Aaron openly describes both the opportunities and the pitfalls of life at the top. His contagious enthusiasm pulsates through these pages and provides hope that regardless of your past or your current circumstances, you can discover workable solutions to your everyday, real-life problems. I know that when Big A says it, I can believe it, and so can you!


New York Times bestselling author

This terrific book by noted entrepreneur, leadership authority, and life and business coach, Aaron Walker is a powerful combination of autobiography and success manual. If youd like more prosperity in your business and more joy in your relationships, then dive right into this book and let Aaron help you get there!


coauthor of The Go-Giver

Aaron Walker practices what he teaches. His desire to serve others come through on every page. He brings his life and business experiences to you in a personal way that can truly be life-changing. Read this bookand learn from the life lessons of a truly significant man!


Founder, Morgan James Publishing Company

Success is not a destination but a mindset. This is one of many lessons Ive learned from Aaron Walker. Few stories are as inspiring and challenging as this one. Get ready to embark on a journey of significance that you wont soon forget!


Bestselling author of The Art of Work

In over 1,400 EOFire interviews, no guest has made a bigger impact on me or my audience, Fire Nation, than Aaron Walker. Hes a shining example of how to live a life of significance. I consider him a lifelong friend.


Entrepreneur On Fire

Aarons honest wisdom and desire to help others shines through in this book, and it will serve as my personal guide for living a happy and fulfilled life.


Wall Street Journal bestselling author of Will It Fly

In View From the Top, Aaron Walker does more than just write about the principles of success. He shows you how to live by them, and to create a life of significance. I have the pleasure of knowing Aaron, and I can tell you he does more than teach this material; he lives it. And whats more, he teaches others how to do the same. Highly recommended!


Author & Entrepreneur

This is much more than good advice. Its deep, from the heart, and yet still practical enough to guide your actions forward. When you eventually meet Aaron Walker, youll know this book is from his soul.


CEO Owner Media Group, Inc
New York Times bestselling author of Trust Agents

Aaron Walker is a man that has inspired me on many levels. When I heard his interview on The Ray Edwards Show, I refused to delete that episode until I could go back and listen to it a second time to take notes. The insights gained from that one podcast interview have helped me to have a more successful and significant life. Every time I have had a one-on-one conversation with Aaron, I come away feeling encouraged, inspired and motivated. This man is the real deal, and its a true honor to call him a friend. I highly recommend View from the Top.


CEO & Founder

Nobody I know lives a life of significance more than Aaron Walker. I tell my wife all the time that I want to be like Aaron when I grow up. His life proves you can be successful in business and at home. This book is a no brainer for anyone wanting to truly experience a View from the Top kind of life.



Commitment always conquers complacency and its the rituals and restraints of religion that build commitment. By boldly brandishing the banner of faith in the arena of wealth creation, my dear friend and respected business professional, Aaron Walker, reveals the road map to real riches. Every page of this searingly honest book carries compelling insights which will help bring fiscal transformation to every reader.


Radio & television personality and author of Thou Shall Prosper

There are many rags to riches stories. What most leave out are the struggles along the way and the lessons the writer learned that you can apply. View From The Top is refreshingly different. Aaron Walker is an inspirational man with an amazing story. Most amazing is the authenticity and vulnerability he shows in sharing his life story. If you too want a View from the Top, read this book, study this book, and learn from the man who has been on your path and successfully found a true way to the summit in all areas of life: professional, personal, and spiritual.


President, Interview Valet

Aaron Walkers View From The Top is like a refreshing breath of fresh air. Aaron details his journey of success with vulnerable honesty and provides a practical roadmap for anyone who would like to follow. Dont miss this one, it can be a life changer.


International speaker, award winning comedian,
trainer of communicators





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2017 Aaron Walker

All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any meanselectronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or otherexcept for brief quotations in critical reviews or articles, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

Published in New York, New York, by Morgan James Publishing. Morgan James and The Entrepreneurial Publisher are trademarks of Morgan James, LLC.

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ISBN 978-1-68350-260-9 paperback ISBN 978-1-68350-261-6 casebound ISBN - photo 2

ISBN 978-1-68350-260-9 paperback

ISBN 978-1-68350-261-6 casebound

ISBN 978-1-68350-262-3 eBook

Library of Congress Control Number:


Cover & Interior Design by:

Megan Whitney

Creative Ninja Designs

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In an effort to support local communities, raise awareness and funds, Morgan James Publishing donates a percentage of all book sales for the life of each book to Habitat for Humanity Peninsula and Greater Williamsburg.

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Unless otherwise noted, Scripture is taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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