Born With A Gift
Live Your Life through Your Gift
Copyright 2012 Sasha Brisk
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This book is dedicated to the reader who chooses to enhance and strengthen his or her psychic awareness and essentially rewire those inner channels of excitement, wonder, and joy. It is dedicated to those who choose to renew their sense of meaning in life.
This book came about one morning after I awoke from a strange dream in December 2010. I heard a soft whisper in my right earthe words were born with a gift. I immediately felt relaxed and calm, but at the same time, I felt excited because I knew it was a sign that something big was about to happen. And I knew that these words would become the title for somethinga book that I was about to embark on, an amazing journey.
I knew that I would be sharing this journey with all the amazing people in the world. I knew that it would have a great impact on society and that it would be of great importance to me. My heart was pumping fast, and my blood was rushing through my body. I had tingles down my legs, and as a result, it felt somewhat bloody amazing. Never had I had an experience like this when I had awoken from such a vivid dream. And I could barely remember the dreamexcept the few words, which were blasting straight at me! It made me smile, and my cheeks were sore. I just knew something great was going to happen; I just knew. I felt a sense of relief after I wrote it down. I also felt a sense of communion and partnership with something, a closer connection with the universe. The universe was giving me this message, and it was a book title.
That morning was the best morning of my life. After those four words appeared, I knew my life was only going to get better. And it did. That day, I sat about in the sunshine in my hammock and wrote all the words that came to mind when I thought about the four-word title . I came up with hundreds, and they filled pages. These words were so amazing that, each time I said them aloud in my mind, I felt better and better about myself. Words raced through my head, such as gifted, talent, answers, support, spirit, communication, messages, abundance, prosperity, compassion, peace, love, happiness, intuition, hope, and faith and so many more words of wisdom. They were all positive synonyms that touched my heart; they would touch everyones heart if everyone knew the meanings and translated them into action in everyday life.
I wondered how I could get the message to everyoneespecially those from younger generations (such as myself), because they are the future of todays society. And the message needs to be received by the people of today who require guidance the most. The people I am talking about here are the homeless, abused, assaulted, suicidal, and depressed, and those in need of counselling. The people who have no one to run to for help, and the people ready to take their own lives because they feel like they have no one close. I was on a mission to change this, and change is what I believed would happen. I feel there are a heap of messages the universe has given me to give to these people in this book.
I feel my book will be of benefit to everyone: the younger generationyouth and young adults in particularbecause there are not many authors out there who have written about spiritual enlightenment, self-help, empowerment, awareness, or using the gifts of life we are all born with to overcome obstacles that we have brought upon ourselves through the influence of others and our surroundings. The younger generation has been brought into this world to help everyone else understand their purpose in life as healers, light workers, and enlightened beings. We must learn to understand the difference between our ego and our higher self through the language of our soul.
There is a lack of support from everyone in this world. We have our priorities, such as work, home maintenance, beauty, and financial stabilitydoing whatever is necessary. However, what we dont see is the need to support our loved ones, friends, and family members who are struggling. We all have an excuse: time. Time is the number-one factor that prevents us from helping others.
I believe we should make more time to give to others (rather than ourselves). When we dont give to others, our ego causes havoc. Corruption of our nation can occur, and war within our worlds religious parties can rage on. All of this can greatly affect the younger generation. Our ego is influenced by others in everyday life. What kind of a gift is that? I ask. Our responsibilities on Earthour lifes purpose and life journeyare not about having or wanting. We only need to be . We struggle through life because we have limited support. How can we get abundant support? By learning how to support ourselves and focus on remembering who we are: a spirit living a human life. We will master our lifes purpose, we will love ourselves, and we will live forever be happy in this world. We can use our earthly gifts, which we are all born with: our intuition through our sixth sense, connection to our soul, and receptiveness to our bodys responses through emotions. We must make a habit of listening to our thoughts and taking action on them.
Born with a Gift is all about learning to connect with your own universal gifts that are tuned in to the universe 100 percent (through spirit and human existence, through the emotional and the physical). This book has been channelled through spirit and written for each and every person living on this Earth today. If we can balance these core attributes, our lives will become stress free and we will float through life with love, balance, and open doors. Throughout Born with a Gift, we are taught to use our gifts to encourage ourselves to limit closed doors and release negative thoughts that we hold on to. We must release the past and use our psychic awareness to tune in to our intuition and counsel ourselves through our lifes journey. We all have ups and downs, but by listening and being constantly aware of what is around us, we will be surprised at what we find. Throughout this book are examples of how we can tune in to the universe, listen to our emotions, and receive messages from those on the other side (what some call the spiritual realm). Angels, fairies, paranormal entities, and deceased loved onesjust to name a feware continually supporting us and communicating with us to guide us through all of our ups and downs.
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