David Rustad
E-book Edition
Copyright 2021 David Rustad
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Table of Contents
![Can God be trusted That is the real questionunderlying many of our fears and - photo 1](/uploads/posts/book/348600/tmp_882fbcd5651fb47b13519e6842d237ff_5UkAFq_html_m6ba875a0.jpg)
Can God be trusted? That is the real questionunderlying many of our fears and worries.
Of course, it's easy to trust God when lifeis trouble free and our hopes and desires are on track. But whendifficulties, pain or struggles interrupt, trusting God becomesmore challenging.
Because of the presence of sin in the world,bad things do happen. Dreams crumble. Health fails. Financescollapse. Relationships disappoint. Pandemics strike, and more!
Still, God tells us "do not worry," and "donot be afraid." But how?
God does not desire that his children live ina state of fear and apprehension. His counsel to us is refreshinglysimple: "TRUST ME," says God. "Trust me with your worries, fears,hurts and pain. I am with you, I love you, and I am always workingfor your good."
That's a big promise ... but it's also true!In the darkest circumstances of our lives, God is still in control.He is still the author and sustainer of our lives. He remainscompletely trustworthy, even in times of crisis.
God has a perfect plan for his glory and forour good. This plan is in process every day.
At times, we may not see or understand God'spurposes, but even the worst circumstances in our lives do notnegate God's eternal goodness, care and plans.
This Bible studyConquering Worry andFearis meant to help you understand worry and fear from abiblical perspective. It offers 10 lessons to grow your trust inGod.
Through the lives of David, Joshua, Jesus,Paul, Elisha, Peter, Jonah and others, well examine how God wouldhave us deal with anxiety to be the people he calls us to be.
At times, this means acknowledging that Godknows us intimately and holds us in his arms. At others, it isrejoicing in his goodness (even during nasty circumstances).
At times, this means opening our eyes to seethings afresh from God's perspective. At others, it is throwing ourworries onto God's shoulders. In all this, God is our rescuer,defeating the worry and fear that we cannot overcome in our ownpower.
Trusting God is a lifelong journey. We willnever completely, and for all time, eliminate worry and fear fromour lives. But, as we develop the habit of daily bringing andreleasing our worries and fears to God, we will increasinglyunderstand that God fights and wins our battles for us. This istrue peace and freedom.
Conquering Worry and Fear is a call toremember whose we are (God's). As we look to God and his unfailinglove, we find grace, strength, rest and peace in him, whatever oursituation. We can then be confident in this truth: "In all things,God works for the good of those who love him," (Romans 8:28a).
May God fill you with grace, peace and hopeas you trust in him to conquer the worries and fears in your life.Soli Deo Gloria (glory to God alone)!
Image by Liane Metzler on Unsplash
Lesson 1: Rest in God'sIntimacy
(Based on Psalm 139:1-18, 23-24)
![Worry and fear are often birthed from uncertaintyWhat ifs can easily fill - photo 2](/uploads/posts/book/348600/tmp_882fbcd5651fb47b13519e6842d237ff_5UkAFq_html_caba19f.jpg)
Worry and fear are often birthed from uncertainty."What ifs" can easily fill our minds and lead us to anxiousthoughts:
What if I become ill?
What if my child continues in his or heraddiction?
What if my debt overwhelms me?
What if God abandons me?
King David, the author of Psalm 139, mightnot have known these specific concerns, but he certainlyexperienced various challenges and difficulties in his life.
During his lifetime, David faced persecutionfrom King Saul and attacks from surrounding enemies. He alsosuffered the death of his infant son, the rape of his daughter, themurder of one son by another son, a coup d'tat, and more. Some ofthis heartache was the result of David's sin; other trials were theresult of brokenness in others.
David's life was a mixture of achievement andloss, joy and pain, peace and struggle. Neither David's status asking nor his close relationship with God spared him from struggleand uncertainty.
And yet, David wrote Psalm 139 not about hismany troubles but about the indescribable intimacy with which Godknew him. God's knowledge of David was complete and perfect, justas is God's knowledge of each of us!
We are completely seen, completely known, andcompletely held in the arms of our loving God. These truths gaveDavid hope in a trouble-filled life. These truths caused David tolove God with all his heart.
David, like each of us, was not a perfectperson. He was flawed by sin. And yet, David leaned into God andtrusted in God's intimate grace, mercy and goodness. This act cansubdue our worry and fear.
Now read what the Bible says about resting inGod's holy intimacy.
Read Psalm 139:1-18, 23-24
Q-1. According to David, what does God knowabout you (Psalm 139:1-4)?
Q-2. Do you find God's intimate knowledge ofyou comforting, scary or both? Explain.
Note: Some people struggle with God's perfectknowledge, feeling vulnerable and exposed before a holy, perfectGod. God sees our sin. God sees our guilt. God sees our shame. Wedon't measure up to God's standard of sinless perfection. The goodnews? God restores us to himself in Christ (see Romans 5:8; John3:16; Ephesians 1:4-7). We can never earn God's favor. We simplyreceive that gift--God's love and grace--by faith in Jesus, God'sson!
Q-3. Read Psalm 139:5. Describe a time whenyou felt lovingly "held tight" in the arms (hands) of God?
Q-4. Read Psalm 139:6-12. Is God's care foryou shown only during favorable circumstances? If not, describe atime when God provided "light" for you in a dark situation?
Q-5. What is true even in those moments whenit feels that God is distant (Psalm139:11-12)?
Q-6. Read Psalm 139:13-15. What does God'sintimate knowledge of each detail of your life before birth tellyou about God's passion for your welfare in everyday life? SeePsalm 139:2, 4.
Q-7. Read Psalm 139:16. How should you feelabout the future in light of this truth?
Q-8. Explain the difference between believingthat life occurs haphazardly (without order or purpose) versusbelieving that God uses all things for the good of those who lovehim (Romans 8:28)? Which do you believe? Why?
Q-9. How does knowing God's word creategreater intimacy with God (Psalm 139:17-18)? What steps are youtaking to know God? Be specific.
Q-10. Why does the imperfect David ask God tosearch him and test him (Psalm 139:23-24)? How might you benefitfrom submitting yourself to God's instruction and correction?