16 Seconds
First published in 2021 by
Panoma Press Ltd
48 St Vincent Drive, St Albans, Herts, AL1 5SJ, UK
Book layout by Neil Coe.
The right of Pam Lidford and Sandra Stocks to be identified as the authors of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988.
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Copyright 2020 Pam Lidford and Sandra Stocks
We dedicate this with love to all the beautiful souls who are ready to wake up energetically and live the life they came here to live.
Energy is the missing link and why most people are frustrated with spiritual development. 16 Seconds Debunking The Myths Surrounding Manifestation recognises that there are more layers to creating your reality than just goal setting or knowing about the Law of Attraction. This book unusually combines how our brain can either support or sabotage us, together with a much deeper understanding of what we attract at a vibrational level. Using tools, techniques and sharing their personal stories, Pam and Sandras knowledge, different approaches and deep understanding of the subject shines through to guide us to our own awareness of how we think and feel and how we can shape our light bulb moments to attract what we do want and away from what we dont want.
Christy Whitman, New York Times bestselling Author and Master Certified Coach
This is a book that clearly helps the reader to realise how we truly and fundamentally create our reality using the principles of the vibrational Law of Attraction together with an understanding of how our brain can either support or sabotage our efforts. The tools and personal stories shared in this book makes it a must read for anyone who is ready to manifest a more empowered and fulfilled life. Included are a number of practical exercises to support the theories, and Sandra and Pam obviously come from a point of experience. Highly recommended to those who wish to make positive changes in their life!
Henriette Maasdijk, Founder, Vibrational Healing Foundation
Acknowledgements - Pam
There are so many wonderful people who have helped me get to where I am today in the form of family, friends, teachers and mentors along with my beautiful clients who I have coached, as well as those I have been privileged to train to become coaches.
The Coaching Academy set me on the path to becoming a professional coach and I thank them for it. Carmel Hayes, who encouraged me to go into teaching in 1993 which started my love of sharing information. Luli Harvey who let me bring life coaching and personal development into education. David Bowker, a wonderful boss (who is missed). Steve Lidford who believed in me, let me practise on him and supported me in every way imaginable in the early days. Chris Milbank who taught me Thought Field Therapy, Reflective Repatterning and so many other cutting edge tools way ahead of them becoming popular. Jane Foster, my dear friend who brought coaching to my attention in 2002 (you are missed). My daughter Rebecca, who let me practise everything I learned, both then and now, on her. Peter Goodman for reading our chapters and checking the contracts, and of course, the lovely Sandra Stocks who encouraged me to write this book with her, a beautiful soul and cherished friend.
There are many wonderful friends, teachers, mentors and clients who have been an integral part of this incredible voyage called Life, and who have guided and supported me in my learning and given me the encouragement to turn my passion to help people into my absolute purpose and into this book. There are far too many people to list individually and I thank you all with much love, but I want to give a special thank you to the wonderful first readers of this book, including my Patia, Sharmaine Rainsbury and especially my girls, Holly and her partner Ellie, who went through it with a lovingly critical fine-toothed comb! Liz Trubridge who opened my eyes to the beauty and power of crystals what a journey weve been on! Thank you to Henriette Maasdijk who has always and still does inspire me with her knowledge of all things vibrational.
I want to express huge gratitude to The Coaching Academy for teaching me the framework from which I work. A big shout out, with huge love and appreciation, for Christy Whitman, my coach a pioneer in vibrational coaching and an absolute inspiration to me. Thank you Christy for your love and encouragement. Not forgetting my online mentors and the daily presence of Abraham thank you Esther Hicks.
I thank Martin, my blessing of a husband who supports me unwaveringly in all I do and my children Holly, Jessica and Harry where would I be without you? And to Moira, my sister, who has always been in my corner thank you for co-creating the relationship we now have. And of course, to my dear friend Pam Lidford, who agreed to come on this fun trip with me to pour our learnings on to these pages to inspire and transform peoples lives. Thank you! Its been a ride!
Not forgetting you, our reader. It is because of you that I gained the inspiration to write this book.
And lastly, huge appreciation for my Higher Self, always having my back and continually guiding me back to my purpose.
Chapter 1:
Seven Universal Laws
Chapter 2:
Who You Are Physically
Chapter 3:
Who We Really Are Vibrationally
Chapter 4:
What Are Beliefs? Are They Facts?
Chapter 5:
Bridging The Gap From Where You Are Now To Where You Want To Be
Chapter 6:
Changing Beliefs
Chapter 7:
Creating Your Reality And The Benefit Of Inspired Goal Setting
Chapter 8:
Moving Forward And Maintaining The Change Youve Started To Create
If you wish to understand the Universe, think of energy, frequency and vibration.
Nikola Tesla
As a young six-year-old girl, I knew that there was more out there than what I could see, hear, feel, touch and smell. I wasnt quite sure what that meant, but looking back I now know it was the more that I was fascinated with. The limitlessness, the intangible, the something that I couldnt quite put my finger on. And as I got older, this seemed to fade into the background as I lived my life, not having any idea how to create my life.
I lived a life that was, for the most part, conditional. As long as those around me were happy, then it meant that everything was OK. And if youre doing that too, youll know that it doesnt work out too well for you. So I lived a life of mediocrity some highs, quite a few lows, until in my late 30s I was told my mum was going to die in seven weeks from terminal cancer and my dad followed within a year. Once the shock of becoming an orphan finally started to fade and grief set in, I started to feel very old questions start to surface, such as There must be more? Is this it? And then after the quick loss of both my parents, the question Lifes too short there must be another way to live?