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To my kids Nahom and Ne biat,
my love for you
inspires me to be a better man e very
day. I will always love you.
Discovering your spiritual home is understanding the power of choice. It is not circumstance, people, or place, but rather your choices that determine and guide your life. Choice is the difference between people who are broken by situations and those who thrive in the face of adversity. People are often broken by traumatic experiences in their lives, such as divorce, the conflict of war, verbal abuse, physical trauma, emotional upheaval, racism, death of a loved one, financial hardship, disability, or illness. At the same time, you will find people who thrive despite facing the same misfortunes. How?
To live a life of happiness, strength, courage, and gratitude, you must choose these feelings consciously and wisely, in good times and bad. They are not always easy choices, especially in tough times. But the right choices must be made in times of great success, and in times of difficulty.
The consequence of choosing negativity is a life of misery, pain, fear, worry, anxiety, discontent, sadness, perturbation, confusion, shame, regret, guilt, hate, anger, resentment, and vengeance. That is what is on the other side - a life of endless suffering.
If you are waiting until your life is perfect to be happy, courageous, and grateful, there is some bad news. Your life will never be perfect. You could wait your entire life and die without ever being happy. The good news is, you can choose to be happy right now, despite what is going on in your life. It is your choice; it is your life. Every single human being on this earth will have problems or challenges at some time in their life, such as poor health, family problems, marriage issues, financial stress, school, work, politics, wars, famine, anger, fear, guilt, shame, regret, resentment, corruption, deceit, verbal abuse, physical abuse, emotional abuse and more...the list is almost endless.
The best thing you can do is to choose the problems that you want to focus on.
For example, Martin Luther King Jr. chose to fight the social and economic injustice African Americans were facing. Bill Gates chose to fight poverty and disease around the world. The problem you want to focus on does not have to be as lofty as these, but you must consciously choose a problem. When you focus on a chosen problem that offers a financial, spiritual, or emotional reward, you will inadvertently starve your focus from the unchosen problems.
Many chosen problems are made subconsciously due to societal programming, such as buying a house, marrying, having children, and choosing a career. Examples of unchosen problems include health issues, where and when you were born, the death of loved ones, natural calamities and other problems that are outside your control. As you go through the chapters of this book, you will realize the different topics have one underlying theme, and that is choice. The best way to build your spiritual home is by consciously choosing to build the life you want, one brick at a time.
Being at home spiritually means you are living according to the same philosophies and principles every day: serenity, confidence, courage, forgiveness, love, gratitude and peace of mind. You live with no guilt, regrets or shame, whether you are rich or poor, in a state of chaos or calm, in a foreign country or at home, married or single, have good health or sickness, are with or without kids, are in debt or debt-free, in rain or sun shine, you are always at home. Being at home will prevent you from wasting your life in anticipation of the future or regretting mistakes of the past.
The path to spiritual enlightenment is not transcribed step-by-step for you here - nor is this book meant to be a how-to of sorts. Rather, use this book as a gentle guide to help you find your spiritual home in your own way. Take in a section or two each day as part of your regular philosophical practice and then consider how the ideas speak to you in your life. Enjoy the process as you journal about what you are learning and reap the rewards from the universe as you incorporate the philosophies into your daily living.
Faith & The Present Moment
What kind of signals are you sending into the universe? Are they clear, low vibration, mixed? The universe works with 100 percent precision, just like a printer replicates an exact version of the document in your computer.
Imagine you have an old PA system in your hand and the universe is a big ear sitting just a few yards away. The universe can only hear the signal or messages you are sending. The means by which you send your messages to the universe, or infinite intelligence are through your dwelling thoughts, beliefs, faith, self-image, and perceptions. These are the only means of communication; they are the language that the universe understands.
So, what messages are you sending through these portals? What do you want to say to the universe? The universe does not care where you are living or about your past, but you make it care by dwelling on those things. Forget about other people, they cannot send messages to the universe on your behalf. Everybody has his or her own receiver - or the universal ear that processes their unique messages or prayers and only you can choose what you want to say to the universe. You can allow other people, your past, or situations to influence your message. Letting external factors and people determine your message consequently affects who you become and your realities.
In the above diagram, you can see four sources of influence that can impact a fragmented perception of your self-image and influence your messaging, but there are many more. For example, consider the impact of social media, television shows and news, leisure, friends, finances, and your past failures. You consciously or subconsciously decide which of these things influence what kind of message you are sending to the universe. Remember it is your choice. You can hear opinions, have experiences, and live in those situations, but they have no power to send a single message to the universe on your behalf. All of these things are happening in your environment and you are the only one with the keyboard. Here, faith is communicating your aspirations and dreams to the universe, even though you do not yet see them in your realities or the visible world. Here are some messages you can choose to send:
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