First printing: January 2012
Copyright 2011 by Gary Frazier. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews. For information write:
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ISBN: 978-0-89221-711-3
Library of Con gress Number: 2011945209
Cover by Diana Bogardus
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture is from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.
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This book is dedicated to the most inspiring woman I have ever known my precious wife, Sandra, who makes every day a joy. Without her continuing encouragement, support, and unconditional love I am certain I would accomplish little in this life!
Salvation is the greatest gift ever given to mankind, but the love of a godly woman is a close second.
This book is highly recommended by:
This book will not only inform you, it will inspire you and challenge you to increased evangelistic consciousness, greater missionary concern, and a desire to live a holy life in an unholy age.
- Tim LaHaye, co-author of New York Times Best Seller Left Behind
Gary Fraziers passion in life is motivating followers of Christ regarding the return of Jesus. He communicates the prophetic Word with urgency and clarity!
- Charles Stanley, author and Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Atlanta, GA
Do you want to know how biblical prophecy is impacting your world? Allow Dr. Gary Frazier to separate fact from fiction for you.
Dr. Frazier, president of Discovery Missions, is a respected speaker and author of Bible prophecy and current events who has appeared on numerous documentaries, the History Channel, and national radio programs. He is the author of numerous books and is a contributor to the LaHaye Prophecy Study Bible and The Popular Encyclopedia of Bible Prophecy. He travels nationally, speaking in many of Americas largest churches. Frazier attended Criswell College, Southwestern Seminary, and Louisiana Baptist University, holding several graduate degrees.
One of the best things about being asked to write a foreword to a book by Dr. Gary Frazier is that I get to enjoy reading it before it is published. When it comes to Bible prophecy, he is a good writer, clear and interesting. Gary and I have been friends for several years; in fact, we have spoken together at over 50 prophecy conferences in many of the great churches in the country. He, Dr. Ed Hindson, and I have seen hundreds come to Christ at these meetings and thousands find new meaning and purpose in life.
Studying Bible prophecy has many positive effects on both Christians and unbelievers. It helps us understand the wonderful plan God has for our future, both now on this earth and in the life hereafter. There must be some powerful reason that God made 28 percent of the Bible prophetic when it was first written. And there is! When it is fulfilled it proves beyond doubt that He is GOD. He even says that Himself. Read Isaiah 46:910 and you will see that He used fulfilled prophecy to prove that He was the only deity that the children of Israel should worship. For only He could make known the end from the beginning, and in that context He is pointing out that idols cannot forecast the future, but He does.
The best definition I have seen of true prophecy is history written in advance, and only God has done that which is recorded over one thousand times in Scripture. According to Dr. John Walvoord, the dean of 20th-century prophecy scholars, he has found over five hundred of those predictions that have already been fulfilled. That is no doubt what the Apostle Peter called the sure word of prophecy. Why is that important? One fulfilled prophecy would prove God had given it, but over five hundred fulfilled prophecies shrieks at us that the Bible, from which they all come, was inspired by God and is reliable! In fact, I like to think that those over five hundred fulfilled prophecies credential God, His Word, and His Son Jesus Christ (who fulfilled over 109 prophecies, proving He alone was the Messiah), and confirms that salvation comes from Him alone and that we can rely on the yet future prophecies of the end times to be fulfilled in the future, just as He fulfilled those that are now history.
Dr. Frazier uses many of these end-time prophecies to show how our generation could very well be the last generation before the Rapture. Not only does he describe the rapture and the surrounding events, he also puts into perspective the many other key subjects predicted for the near future. These events will cause thinking people to believe Jesus coming back to this earth is not only certain, it could very well be soon.
This book will not only inform you, it will inspire you and challenge you to increased evangelistic consciousness, greater missionary concern, and a desire to live a holy life in an unholy age something we all need.
Dr. Tim LaHaye Palm Springs, California
Co-Author of the Left Behind Series
Future Events That Will Shake the World
Recently, while sitting in our den and surfing the 102 cable channels that make me crazy, I ran across a commercial that captured my attention. Of all places it was on the Weather Channel. Now I realize that no one under the age of 60 ever watches the Weather Channel, but I was captivated nonetheless. There on the screen, gleaming in the bright sunlight, was San Francisco, the famous Golden Gate Bridge and the beautiful bay. My thoughts raced back to the times my wife, Sandra, and I have spent visiting this destination and the many times we have enjoyed the fantastic sourdough bread in any number of the restaurants along the boardwalk. All of a sudden the picture began to change into a reddish color synonymous with disaster. The announcers voice came in with this deep ominous tone and said, The city by the bay, destroyed by a magnitude 9.5 earthquake.... It Could Happen Tomorrow!
Immediately the scene changed to Dallas, Texas, the city of my birth. There on the screen was Reunion Tower glistening in the bright Texas sunlight. Reunion Tower has replaced Southfork Ranch as the most recognized symbol of this great city in the south central part of America. For several years during the Christmas season I would load the family into our Cessna 421 and head south after obtaining permission from air traffic control for low altitude flight, fly my family around downtown Dallas and Reunion Tower. We loved taking in the festive lights of the season. Reunion Tower was always especially beautiful because during the holiday season the blinking lights would change from white to red and green. Now, here on the screen the scene began to change once again to that same reddish color. The announcer stated, Dallas, Texas, hit by an F5 tornado and is no more.... It Could Happen Tomorrow!