First printing: August 2018
Copyright 2018 by Terry James. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations in articles and reviews. For information, write:
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ISBN: 978-0-89221-758-8
Library of Congress Number: 2018947240
Cover by Diana Bogardus
Unless otherwise noted, Scripture quotations are from the King James Version (KJV) of the Bible.
Scripture noted NKJV is taken from the New King James Version. Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Scripture noted NIV is taken from the New International Version, copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide.
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Dedicated to my brother
Philip Robin James
Every book is the product, finally, of those who encircle the author as he thinks, composes, and writes. To do the best job of presenting the material in the volume, he needs the best possible professional help. He also needs loved ones surrounding him to nurture him, to give him validation and confidence.
In my case, I am most blessed. The professionals in the research and editing process are my daughters in the deepest regions of my heart. Im thankful for all of my family.
As always, my love and thanks to Angie Peters worlds best editor.
Same love and thanks to Dana Neel, a world-class researcher and all-around assistant in many areas of the process.
To Margaret, Terry Jr., Nathan, Kerry, Jeanie, and Todd, thanks and love for staying close, yet not crowding, while the writing was in process.
Especially to my mother, Kathleen James-Basse, my love for all she has meant in my life through the years.
Many thanks to the talented people at New Leaf Publishing Group for masterfully working to shape the volume into a book qualified to be used in the Lords service.
My gratitude and love to the Lord Jesus Christ, without whose guidance and insights, through Holy Spirit direction, all work on this book would have been in vain.
Terry James
Dare I say I am a fan of Terry James? I am at least of his insight and writing style. I am always checking the Internet for his latest article so that I can post it to my various website locations. He and I have watched the same events unfold over a few decades. But only in the last decade have they converged and filled each day with anticipation as I would wonder what the breaking story might be as it concerned eschatology.
No one outlines these issues quite like Terry. He has issues analyzed even before the story breaks. Once it breaks, he connects the dots in simple language with concise and easy-to-understand logic.
We need more thinkers and writers like this. Many want to get lost in the weeds rather than keeping to the point.
In the last 20 years, weve seen an increase in aberrant eschatological theologies. In 2005, Hal Lindsey personally told me that those who would disagree with the basics of pre-Trib dispensationalism would do so in a very contentious way. One of the most grievous ordeals of ministry life has been contending with the contentious who are always coming up with a new way of doing Bible prophecy. And the new way is seldom biblically solid. It has been sad to see that, upon disagreement, division follows, and even unkind words are publicly spoken.
Sure, we should expect this when we take a stand for anything, but this world is falling apart, and we need to stick together and encourage one another. Thus, I am comforted that there are some teachers and writers who have not wavered in their theology and who faithfully encourage the flock with the truth. That is what Terry does with his writing.
Terry James may be physically blind, but he has eyes to see things spiritually that few do. You will see that in this book as he tackles the predicted issues that are coming to life. He will make sense of a lot of things.
Pay attention to his warnings and his writings. The world is spinning with things to come, just as predicted.
The King is returning, perhaps today.
Jan Markell
A Note from the Author
As many readers know, I write a weekly Nearing Midnight column for the Rapture Ready website. When reviewed over time, these essays provide a unique opportunity to look back through issues and events to see ongoing, dated snapshots of the progression of stage-setting for fulfillment of Bible prophecy.
Beginning with chapter 4, the chapter titles reflect material I wrote at the time of the chaptertitle date , so when you see words like last week or next month, please keep in mind that the references are to past, not current, events.
America: Babylons Mirror Image
O ne of the most frightening descriptions of judgment found in Bible prophecy is set within the 17th and 18th chapters of Revelation. Gods wrath is foretold to fall upon historys most blasphemous and wealthiest religious, political, and socioeconomic humanistic system.
Babylon the Great will be destroyed in a single hour. It will take place at some point during the last seven years of the age leading up to Christs Second Coming.
One of the most asked questions by those interested in end-times matters is: Is America in Bible prophecy? or Why isnt America, certainly considered the greatest nation to this point in history in terms of wealth and material achievement, not in Bible prophecy?
The most common answer given by teachers and others who view prophecy from the pre-Millennial, pre-Tribulation, futurist perspective is: No. America is not found in Bible prophecy. That has most frequently been my own answer to that basic question. The United States of America isnt found within the pages of Gods prophetic Word.
I cant answer for others who deal with biblical eschatology (the study of end things). I can only say that my own meaning within my answer is that the U.S. isnt mentioned by name anywhere in prophecy.
Whether this most materially blessed nation in history, despite the absence of its name, is or is not somewhere in prophecy is another matter. Regarding that matter, my thinking, based upon study of Gods Word, has trended in more recent times toward perhaps.
Babylon, the city second only to Jerusalem as far as the number of times its mentioned in the Bible, is, of course, at the center of most controversy in the question of whether America is implied in Scripture. Is the United States Babylon the Great?
Despite the adamant answers to this query by some of my colleagues and friends on both sides of the America/Babylon matter, I must say they cannot nor can I know for certain. Only history playing out can provide the answer. We dont know the future in detail when speculating upon such peripheral prophetic issues. Such is reserved exclusively for the God of heaven.