Chas Bogan (San Francisco, CA) is a professional Conjure doctor who practices at his store, the Mystic Dream. He is an initiate and practitioner of various metaphysical traditions, teaching classes on Conjure and Feri at the online school of which he is a founder, Mystic Dream Academy, as well as at conventions and festivals. He also produces talking boards (Carnivalia) and spiritual supplies steeped in Hoodoo (Modern Conjure). Find him online at
Llewellyn Publications
Woodbury, Minnesota
Copyright Information
The Secret Keys of Conjure: Unlocking the Mysteries of American Folk Magic 2018 by Chas Bogan.
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First e-book edition 2018
E-book ISBN: 9780738754444
Cover design by Ellen Lawson
Interior illustrations by the Llewellyn Art Department
Zodiac man image by Mary Ann Zapalac
Llewellyn Publications is an imprint of Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Names: Bogan, Chas, author.
Title: The secret keys of conjure : unlocking the mysteries of American folk
magic / by Chas Bogan.
Description: First Edition. | Woodbury : Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd., 2018. |
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Identifiers: LCCN 2017047404 (print) | LCCN 2017053048 (ebook) | ISBN
9780738754444 (ebook) | ISBN 9780738752891 (alk. paper)
Subjects: LCSH: Hoodoo (Cult) | MagicSouthern States. | FolkloreSouthern
Classification: LCC BL2490 (ebook) | LCC BL2490 .B64 2018 (print) | DDC
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Llewellyn Publications
Llewellyn Worldwide Ltd.
2143 Wooddale Drive
Woodbury, MN 55125
Manufactured in the United States of America
by Jacki Smith
: The Keys to Divination: Unlocking Psychic Awareness
: The Keys to Ritual: Unlocking Blessings
: The Keys to Curios: Unlocking Good Luck
: The Keys to Language: Unlocking Healing
: The Keys to Cleansing: Unlocking Spiritual Purification
: The Keys to Knots and Stitches: Unlocking Protection
: The Keys to Personal Concerns: Unlocking Influence
: The Keys to Scent: Unlocking Sexual Enticement
: The Keys to Sweetening: Unlocking Love
: The Keys to Setting Lights: Unlocking Wealth
: The Keys to Powders: Unlocking Justified Hexes
: The Keys to the Graveyard: Unlocking Spirit Conjuration
: The Master Key
To my loving partners, Storm Faerywolf and Devin Hunter, for the many conversations that helped me organize my thoughts for this book, and for picking up the slack around our home and business while I was writing it.
To my many teachers, especially cat yronwode, without whom my knowledge and experience of these subjects would be so much more limited.
To my good friend Grey Townsend, for so many inspiring conversations in and outside of the hot tub. To Shelby of Coastside Conjure, for all her support, especially as it pertained to working with saints.
To those who attended my in-person classes for A Course in Modern Conjure , Jo Jenson, Rowan Rivers, Christine Rossi, and others, and helped me flesh out my thoughts and lessons in a way that has evolved into this book.
To the various communities that have supported my work:
The Brotherhood of the Satyrs
The various student communities at Mystic Dream Academy, most notably Black Rose Witchcraft and BlueRose Faery tradition
The Mystic Dream Psychic Guild
To all those folks who have frequented my shop, the Mystic Dream, and shared with me their magic. I have learned volumes simply by listening to others tell how Conjure is practiced by them.
by Jacki Smith
The secret keys imply that once attained, you are privy to all that is unlocked. That is the lie that we tell ourselves when we are looking for a quick fix and instant expert status. This is the lie that we believe when we value the savant over the long-suffering adept. The truth is that once you attain a secret key, you then begin the journey. Once you unlock what that key restrains, you are now responsible for what is inside Pandoras box.
Folk magic comes from need, usually great need, that has created a reserve of nervous or desperate energy. When a seeker finds faith in spiritual solution, the burst of energy that comes from releasing those worries into a trick or a spell is the quickening of the magic. This is what makes Conjure and folk magic so powerful: we are using the primal energy of survival, the primal energy of creation. The energy can also make us heady and trick our ego into thinking we are experts and powerful magical doctors.
Is this one of the reasons Conjure spells are called tricks? We trick ourselves to move out of our own energetic way and we trick the momentum of our lives to the lives of others to change course. We can also trick ourselves into thinking there is no need to hone our craft, that we can turn to a book or a website and find the quick reference we need for our next crisis. In Conjure, your anima, or magical spirit, needs to be fed, worked with, and exercised for it to continue to power your magic. You must work your magic or your magic will not work for you. You must practice and know what magic feels like and acts like in your life to know its effect upon you or your client.
When you study with a Conjure doctor, they push you, they trick you into growing, they challenge your ego and humble you in front of your own spirit to experience the divine in action. Teachers are not necessarily kind, as they know more growth and knowledge are gained from adversity than from balance. This rare relationship is experienced one-on-one and is custom to the teacher and seeker. In the Kongo, you would sit in the funk (essence) of your elder to absorb the lessons they were teaching. In our twenty-first-century world, we no longer have the luxury of an elder to learn from. We have more seekers than elders, and we no longer have the abundance of time to apprentice at the feet of our aunties.