NEBULOUS ETERNAL Sporadic Thoughts of a
Splintered Soul Vol. 1 James Cone Copyright 2015 by James Cone. Library of Congress Control Number: 2015912346 ISBN: Hardcover 978-1-5035-9168-4 Softcover 978-1-5035-9167-7 eBook 978-1-5035-9166-0 All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner. Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only. Rev. date: 07/31/2015 Xlibris 1-888-795-4274 713739 CONTENTS Reflections of Nebulous Eternal
(The Sporadic Thoughts of a Splintered Soul Vol. 1) The Anahata Documentation of a Splintered Soul
(The Heart Chakra Chronicles Vol. 1) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I was going to make this an extremely long list of people to thank, but I realize that there is no need for that. 1) ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I was going to make this an extremely long list of people to thank, but I realize that there is no need for that.
If you have entered my life, even for only a brief second, then you have had a positive effect on my life, and I thank you from the depths of my soul. We are all fingerprints of that infinite energy that some give a name to and others dont. Ultimately, I call it unconditional LOVE. And we are the physical manifestation of that love. We just need to learn how to have compassion and let go of our egos. I have been blessed to meet so many wonderful souls, and even though nature is beautiful, nothing ignites my spirit like when I meet a humble, caring, and selfless individual.
Just know that every time I see someone or talk to someone, I am seeing and speaking to a child that has the DNA of a higher source running through their veins. Never forget that you are royalty. We should always check our ego, walk righteously, remain humble, and keep our dignity. Never let anyone tell or treat you like you are less than a King or Queen, and never settle for less. Also, we should all be united and not divided. Our differences are what makes us beautiful, and it also makes Nebulous Eternal a wonderful place to live.
Lets celebrate different cultures, religions, skin tones, etc. Why make this world ugly and uninhabitable just because we dont look or think alike? I pray for Love, Light, and Serenity to all. REFLECTIONS OF
(The Sporadic Thoughts of a Splintered Soul Vol. 1) I was in a meditative state until I awaken from the shinning rays of a quasar. Through the Milky Way, galaxies of stars, reflecting on who we are, I started my journey back to the Most High, some refer to it as GOD. Soaring fast past Black Holes and White Dwarfs, focused, not misguided off course, Spiritual energy pulls me closer to the source, Watching stars explode into Supernovas but not losing my composure.
The thoughts in my mind are weighing me down, and they equal total destruction. Reviewing the sights of life and death, a spiritual mess. When I reach the Purest of LOVE, will I be condemned, or will GOD bless? Because with demonology, Nebulous Eternal has become obsessed. We failed the test that leads to DNA/RNA progress. Its the pleasure of the flesh, the hate, the false positive of relieving stress. Thats why we must confess, not to another human but to the Grand Architect, Who resides in the center of our chest.
Now that Im an orb, I absorb all thats in accord with our Lord. Within my anatomy, infinite energy is stored. Against the devil, Im ready for war. Humanity doesnt overstand the calamity theyre facing when they make deals with Satan. It may be too late to reverse the hatred that theyre creating. Once I reached my final destination, I told em about the situation that had my whole aura shaken, Breaking down my chemical thoughts in proper formation.
Because the righteousness on GOD stays the same while we are forever changing, So I open my core and prepare my soul for separation from the incarnate state of physical limitations. This is a voyage, not about the cosmos but about the cons and pros of the way that life goes To me, the things I see are what I chose As an ambitious soul that lost control and sent back to Nebulous Eternal to regain consciousness with greater insight bestowed. A lifes journey down twisted roads with giant pot holes, Guided by knowledge, wisdom, and sacred scrolls, Tricknology throws me off course, causing me to pay excess fees at the exit tolls. I use Touch Stones to remember that I descended to emit light from my aura and spread LOVE like aroma. Wake up the spiritually dead like ammonia. A brilliant soul shrouded by physical imperfections turns from a teacher into a learner.
I refrain myself from speaking too much. So much can be said through a look or a simple touch. Speaking without listening can leave you mentally corrupt, Stuck in a state of limbo, refusing to let your spirit grow. Open your inner window and let GODs aura glow. Then without saying a word, people can see the essence of your soul. This is the birth of words.
They first emerged to tell tales of superhuman proportion. Souls turn into physical form and mighty morphin; Electrical cells in the brain began storming, Searching for a way to explain spaceships in hieroglyphs; Anomalies seen from green valleys to desert cliffs, Wondering if whats written in cuneiform is a myth. I travel the same path as Seven Star, descendant of ancient astronauts, Revealing the true bloodline, untangling the lies that created an overhand knot. Words were used to bridge the confused and the enlightened, Giving them infinite tools to advance if they choose, But this power was abused Because some chose to manipulate because of greed and hate, Which led to the de-evolution of our truest state. Complete separation from the Divine is what we orchestrate, Put it into song and dance, then DEMONstrate. So now I revert into my deepest of thoughts.
In silence, much can be learned. In speech, much can be taught, The wisdom is to know which one to use, so in time you can unravel the plot. Words can SPARK brain cells, And these brain cells can SPARK a change in the world, And that SPARK of change could be for Positive Resolution or Sociological Pollution, Positive Resolution like treating all of humanity as FAMILY Or Sociological Pollution like teaching children to hate those with different beliefs or skin tones, clothes or ring tones. Children of the LIGHT transformed into devils once theyre grown; Technology used for entertainment and mental enslavement instead of clean water, healthy but affordable food, and free higher education. Its the presentation from nations through linguistic manipulation. Thats the SPARK of a negative charge that prevents the sheeple from becoming awakened, Forever in a slumber, name turned into a number.
Whether its through a birth certificate, Social Security Number, or Prison Industrial Complex, Read between the texts. So you can SPARK your pineal gland and WAKE UP from the HEX. SPARK an insight so bright that it illuminates the mind, body, and soul. Then teach it to the children until the next generation embodies this spiritual enlightenment as a whole. I speak to those souls exposed to radiation vibrations, The creation of mental disintegration. Variations of situations lower our concentration, Desensitized by the dumbing and numbing arrangement of entertainment.
Its blatant, the negative effects that it has on our nation. So I turn to my prayers for advice that the universe shows Blessings to my children. Youre the essence of my soul. Hold on to the purest of LOVE and never let it go, And never look at man or woman as being great Because only through the grace of GOD, who resides in your innermost place, are we able to translate From words to visual expressions. Use the tools that youre provided with to excel in what youre destined. The universe has a plan for all of us, given through many lessons.
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