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Richard Webster - Living in Your Soul’s Light: Understanding Your Eternal Self

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Richard Webster Living in Your Soul’s Light: Understanding Your Eternal Self
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Strengthen Your Connection with Your Immortal Soul

In 2010, popular author Richard Webster had a brush with death. Emerging from that experience, he felt compelled to study and write about the soulthe spiritual and eternal part of each of us.

In his friendly and accessible manner, Webster explores beliefs and customs regarding the soul, past lives, and reincarnation in cultures all over the world. Learn about auras, chakras, lucid dreaming, and the planes of existence. Read true accounts of near-death experiences, past-life memories, and encounters with soul mates.

Discover the Seven Rayspowerful universal energies that have a profound effect on the soul. Many people believe that every persons soul is attuned to a particular ray to help it achieve its purpose in this incarnation. Experience the energy of each ray and use the quizzes, meditations, and exercises included here to determine which ray you are using most, and the life purpose you are here to fulfill.

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About the Author

Richard Webster was born and raised in New Zealand, where he still resides with his wife and three children. He travels widely every year, lecturing and conducting workshops around the world.

Richard has been interested in the psychic world since he was nine years old and is the author of over a hundred books. His bestselling books include Spirit Guides & Angel Guardians and Creative Visualization for Beginners .

Llewellyn Publications Woodbury Minnesota Copyright Information Living in - photo 1

Llewellyn Publications

Woodbury, Minnesota

Copyright Information

Living in Your Souls Light: Understanding Your Eternal Self 2012 by Richard Webster.

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First e-book edition 2012

E-book ISBN: 9780738733753

Book design by Donna Burch

Cover art : Background pattern: iStockphoto.com/Olga Dmitrishena
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For my good friends

Paul and Natalie Romhany


Have I Met You Before?

What Is the Soul?

You Are a Rainbow

Your Centers of Energy

The Power of Seven

Working with Your Soul

Layers of the Soul

Contemplation and the Soul

Soul Mates

How to Love and Nurture Your Soul

Seven Layers of the Aura

Seven Chakras

A COUPLE OF YEARS ago I was rushed to the hospital late one evening I had felt - photo 2

A COUPLE OF YEARS ago I was rushed to the hospital late one evening. I had felt well all day, and my wife and I had enjoyed a barbecue dinner that evening. However, after dinner I noticed a slight discomfort on my left side. This gradually got worse, and after a few hours I started having problems with my breathing, so my wife called an ambulance. I was misdiagnosed twice before the doctors discovered I had two large blood clots in my lungs.

I remember nothing of the following two days. On the third evening I woke up in the middle of the night with tubes attached to both arms and a small box on my chest that transmitted information about me to a computer somewhere else in the building. Five doctors and nurses surrounded the bed. I stared at the five pairs of eyes gazing down on me and thought, I must be sick. I immediately fell back to sleep.

When I woke up the following morning, I was disappointed that I hadnt seen any tunnels leading to the light or any other signs of a near-death experience. All the same, I was grateful to be alive. I also woke up with the title of this book in my mind, and the thought refused to go away. I spent another week in the hospital before being allowed to return home. It was a frustrating time, as all I wanted to do was leave the hospital and start writing.

Of course, it wasnt as simple as that. It took time to get my energy back, and then I had to finish the project Id been working on before going to the hospital. Consequently, more than three months passed before I was able to start work on this book.

I also had time in the hospital to think about life and death. I was extremely fortunate. Apparently, sixty percent of the people who suffer from a pulmonary embolism are dead within twenty-four hours, and a large number of the survivors suffer from strokes and heart attacks.

I have no fear of death, as I dont believe death is the end. It simply marks the end of one stage of existence and the start of the next. I came to this conclusion for five main reasons:

1. Fo r many years I worked as a hypnotherapist and helped many people recover memories of their past lives. Some peoples lives were rather vague, but others provided detailed accounts of their previous incarnations. In a few cases the people were able to revisit the places where they had lived before, and instantly felt at home.

2. The research of Dr. Ian Stevenson, and many other researchers, into children who remember their past lives has produced convincing evidence of reincarnation. I have a small personal example of this, too. For as long as I can remember, Ive had a memory of being a small child, with a full stomach, lying in front of a huge fire with large red circles revolving around it. Years before becoming interested in reincarnation, I accidentally knocked a volume from a set of encyclopedias onto the floor. The book opened at a photograph of Russian peasant women dancing around an open fire. Although their skirts were black, the interior lining was red, and it must have been this that I remembered.

3. Although I havent had a near-death experience myself, Ive read many books about peoples near-death experiences and am fascinated with what they saw, felt, and experienced on the other side. I also find it convincing that very similar near-death experiences have been recorded from all around the world.

4. There is ample evidence of life after death provided by mediums who have communicated with people on the other side. This may sound surprising, but for at least 2,500 years thousands of messages have been recorded, all around the world, by people who claim they have received messages from the other side. One of the most evidential of these was William Stainton Moses (18391892), an English clergyman who was unhappy with the un-Christian teachings that came through him in the form of automatic writing. Automatic writing occurs when the persons mind is at ease, and the writing does not come from his or her conscious mind. William Stainton Moses wrote four books, including Spirit Teachings .

5. Most major religions teach that life continues after death. Christians, for instance, teach that believers in God will go to heaven, but agnostics, atheists, and members of other religions will not. In Islam, the righteous will experience all the joys and pleasures of paradise, but everyone else will go to hell. Hindus also have a heaven and a hell. Reincarnation is an integral part of Buddhist belief, and everyone has to experience many lifetimes before they can return home. Judaism is the only major religion that is vague about what happens after death. However, it teaches that good people will be rewarded and evil people punished.

Obviously, we leave our body behind when we die. However, our soul carries on.

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