BEING Your Self
Seeing and Knowing
Whats IN the Way
IS the Way
Liberation from EGO
Healing YourEMOTIONS
Renewing Your ENERGY
Mike George
Text Copyright Mike George 2014
First published by Gavisus Media 2014
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The moral rights of the author have beenasserted.
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The information given in this book should not betreated as a substitute for professional medical advice; alwaysconsult a medical practitioner. Any use of information in this bookis at the readers discretion and risk. Neither the author nor thepublisher can be held responsible for any loss, claim or damagearising out of use, or misuse, or the suggestions made or thefailure to take medical advice
Other Books by Mike George
The Best of Clear Thinking
The Immune System of the SOUL
How to FreeYour Self from ALL Forms of Disease
The 7 Myths About LOVEActually!
TheJourney from Your HEAD to the HEART of Your SOUL
Dont Get MAD Get Wise
Why no one evermakes you angryever!
The 7 AHA!s of Highly EnlightenedSouls
How to Free YOUR Self from ALL Forms of Stress
Learn to Find Inner Peace
Manage youranxieties, think well, feel well.
Learn to Relax
Ease tension, conquerstress and free the self
In the Light of Meditation
A guide tomeditation and spiritual development
1001 Ways to Relax
Beat stress and findperfect calm, anywhere, anytime
1001 Meditations
Discover peace ofmind
Subscribe to Clear Thinking
Clear Thinking is a regular e-article (once or twicea month) that Mike currently circulates to around 15,000 peopleworldwide. Topics vary, but they all serve to sustain the ongoinglearning and unlearning that is required to restore your capacityto be your self.
If you would like to subscribe, go to - itsfree.
Waking up!
In the physical dimension, in the universe of yourbed, while you sleep you dream.
In your dream you believe you are awake.
Only to be awakened from your dream to discover youwere really asleep.
In the spiritual dimension, which is the universe ofyour consciousness, (which is you) while you believe you are awakeits really a dream.
You dream the world because you filter it throughyour perception, which is largely shaped by your ego,
which is an 'unreal version of you!
This ensures you will create an unreal version ofeverything and everyone else.
What you believe is real is unreal, but you dontknow it.
Your consequent suffering makes your waking dreamoften seem like a nightmare.
The nightmare is tolerable, until its not.
This ensures that one day you will start to questionthe nature of reality.
As you do you will begin to awaken from the dreamthat you thought was real.
How fast can you awaken is not the rightquestion!
How do you know when you are awake?
This is the question!
Can You KNOW the Truth About YOU?
Why do we sometimes react to another person just onseeing them? Why do we become emotional at the sight of anotherssorrow? Why do we surrender to the movie and then make ourselvesfrightened or tearful while we know its just a movie? Why do weneed to pay someone else to find out what happened in our past thatis ruling our present? Why dont all those methods and techniquesof self-change, carrying the promise of your power unleashed andpotential fulfilled,' not achieve the transformation in ourfeelings and our life that they promise and that we seek?
There are probably a hundred other similar questionsbeing asked every day by thousands of people on-line, off-line,down the line and along that line we call the bottom line! Theyarise as the result of our search to fill the big hole that we allseem to be left with when we suddenly realize we are all grown up!Its that great big vacant space in the middle of almost all ourlives called self-understanding.' Just over thirty years ago Inoticed the presence of that hole. I realized the cause of my highlevels of stress were due to my ignorance of me! So feeling thecall to find out why my life was joyless and making no sense, I setoff around the world to find the truth! I would eventuallyrealize it was a nave decision as I discovered the truth that Isought was not out there somewhere in the universe. It isembedded in the heart of each and every one of us. It belongs to noreligion, no philosophy and certainly no individual, regardless ofhow greatly they may be esteemed by others. Truth is not a theory,philosophy or concept.
In this, as in all my other attempts at writing, Ido not intend to tell you the truth. As more seekers are beginningto realize, the truth cannot be told. It cannot be captured inwords. Only pointed at.
I only share with you my own discoveries andrealizations, some insights and perhaps a little accumulatedwisdom.
Experience tells me one of the ways we can eachrediscover and realize what is true is to uncover andidentify our inherited and learned beliefs. Then, to seebeyond and behind those beliefs through practices such asmeditation, contemplation and deep conversations with others. Itseasy to become a consumer of others realizations and reflections,believing them to be empowering. Its easy to gorge on the wisdomof others and suffer from a form of intellectual indigestion.Creating a balanced diet of the wisdom of others, alongside yourown personal reflections, integrated into your daily practices ofmeditation and contemplation, seems to generate the necessaryrealizations of what is true for you.
Why should you seek your own deeper truths? Youprobably recognize that the mental and intellectual forces in theworld are now more than slightly haywire, on a grand scale! We havemore information but seem to be less wise; we are more comfortablebut seem to be less happy; there is incredible progress intechnology, but there seems to be more disconnection and conflictin our relationships; the environment is telling us to stopplundering, and our hearts are telling us to calm down but weseem to be incapable of doing either. Most of us are addicted toour emotions, and the ego is running riot in almost every area ofsociety. But thats out there and its all just a distractionuntil we fully understand what, in truth, is going on in here,' inour own hearts and minds.
This book is not designed to be a definitive textthat delivers answers or magical techniques. It contains onlyinsights, observations and realizations from my own reflective andmeditative practice while engaging with the wisdom of the wise!
Please do not believe a word that you read. Wehave enough beliefs. See for your self! When you do then yourthoughts, feelings and actions follow. In fact, its belief thatis slowly strangling our energy and its belief that we use tojustify strangling others. Better to use the words here as assistsor signposts. Before being your self, comes seeing for your self!But first, lets fully define the challenge embedded in the title.Its a challenge that we all seem to be facing whether we are awareof it or not!