Hooponopono - An Introduction
Our Three Minds - How Hooponopono Works
Jon Lovgren
Published by Jon Lovgren at Smashwords
Copyright 2013 - 2014 Jon Lovgren
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Welcome toHooponopono .
I Love You
Im Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You
Hooponopono is a very powerful,life-transforming meditation that originated in Hawaii and has along history of healing the individual and reuniting families. Overthe years, the traditional form of hooponopono has gradually fadedand is only practiced in its original form on rare occasions, andonly by a select few kahuna lapaau (healer); however, in 1976Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona began the transformation of hooponoponointo what it is today.
Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona
The original form of hooponopono required amediator, usually a qualified practitioner or a kahuna lapaau, tobe present to guide the healing process which was most often afamily or group of people interacting with one another under theguidance of the mediator to facilitate the healing process.
Morrnah is responsible for updatinghooponopono so that it no longer requires the presence of apractitioner or anyone else, thereby allowing an individual toperform their own healing. Morrnah taught hooponopono to small andlarge groups, hospitals, universities, and even United Nationspersonnel. Her prized student during this time was Dr. IhaleakalaHew Len, a staff psychologist at the Hawaii State Hospital.
Dr. Hew Len, as he is more commonly known,was the first person to document and confirm proof that the newform of hooponopono worked. When he saw how hooponopono healedhis daughter of shingles when nothing and no one else was able todo so, he was convinced.
Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len
He studied with Morrnah until her death in1992 at which time he continued working with hooponopono,improving it and simplifying it even further.
It seemed hooponopono was destined to remainon the islands of Hawaii. Until Dr. Joe Vitale, a well-knownspeaker, writer, and internet marketer caught wind of it andinterviewed and worked with Dr. Hew Len while he wrote his bookZero Limits. In Zero Limits, Dr. Vitale explains the four simplephrases at the heart of hooponopono; I Love You, Im Sorry, PleaseForgive Me, Thank you.
Dr. Joe Vitale
Okay, so hooponopono healed shingles, arethere any other examples of its healing powers? Funny you shouldask. As a matter of fact, there is the most amazing story about Dr.Hew Lens tenure at the Hawaii State Hospital. He was in charge ofthe ward for the criminally insane patients. These patients were sobad, they had to be chained and shackled, even amongst themselves.The hospital had a hard time maintaining staff because of the fearthat one of these criminals might escape. Dr. Hew Len never saw onepatient. He went in to his office every day where he had a folderabout each patient in the ward. He would pull a folder, read thecontents, and practice hooponopono. He did this day in and day outfrom 1984 until he was no longer needed in 1987. No longer neededbecause all of the patients had been healed and were no longerconsidered a danger to themselves or anyone else so they closed theward. Dr. Vitale asked Dr. Hew Len how had he healed all thosepatients without ever seeing a one of them, not even any pictures!Dr. Hew Len replied, I did not heal them, I healed the part ofmyself that created them.
And therein is the biggest revelationregarding hooponopono; that we are all 100% responsible foreverything in our lives. Everything! The next chapter, Our ThreeMinds, will explain how this can be and give you a betterunderstanding of how and why hooponopono works.
When is the best time to practicehooponopono?
Any time! All the time! Use it before youenter a meeting and again when you leave the meeting. You willlikely find you use it the most when you are by yourself, alonewith your thoughts. Any time a less than peaceful thought comes up,say hooponopono a few times until the thought is gone. The thoughtmay come back, depending upon the situation that created thethought (memory) and if it does, just continue hooponopono untilit no longer returns.
Have you ever been in bed just about to fallasleep and a thought comes in reminding you of the argument you hadwith a co-worker that day and the next thing you know you cant getto sleep because you keep going around and around replaying thescenario? This is a great time to practice hooponopono - juststart repeating it until you stop thinking about your day and youwill likely just fall asleep.
Or you are driving to work, day-dreaming asusual and you suddenly remember that time when you got angry withyour Dad when you were 12 years old. What!?! Where did THAT comefrom? It came from the same place all your memories/thoughts comefrom, your unconscious mind. It is highly likely this is not thefirst time this thought has come up, even though it was so longago. That is a good indicator that whatever the event was thatcaused the thought had a big impact on you, and continues to do so.In any case, when those kinds of thoughts pop up, just dohooponopono around them and it wont be long before you realizethose kinds of thoughts are no longer coming into yourconsciousness. In fact, you will not even remember what you weresaying hooponopono about. That is how it works, it cleans yourunconscious mind of all the negative energy you have beenaccumulating over the years. And yes, there will be a period whenyou are not recognizing the results and it will be, ...just words,they dont mean anything. One friend of mine said it best, shesaid, Dammit! Theyre just words, they dont mean anything, Idont FEEL anything! I dont even know why I keep saying it, but Ido. A week later she was laughing as she recounted that she wasthinking about last week when she was just saying the words andcouldnt remember what she was saying them about and realized atthat moment that hooponopono actually does work - and pretty fast,too!
So just stay with it. Hooponopono workswhether you believe it or not, whether you feel it or not, so staywith it and it wont be long before you realize it is actuallyworking for you. You may start to notice that your life is goingjust a little bit smoother, maybe less drama, you may feel more atease and you arent always getting blasted with all the negativethoughts you used to get. Keep practicing hooponopono until itbecomes second nature, until it becomes an automatic response toany negative thought that comes up.
Where do they come from, thoughts that is,where do all these thoughts come from? They come from ourselves,from our unconscious minds, our past experiences. For now, simplyremember that thoughts are energy and as such are always coming andgoing. You have no doubt heard it said that we are allconnected.