Praise for
Stepping ...Between ... Realities
Spiritualawakening has thus far been gifted to what seems to be only aselect few, but Michaels new book, Stepping ... Between ... Realities, affirms that awakening isnow available to us all so long as we keep our hearts open to Love.I particularly enjoyed reading about the flakes of Light that arecurrently falling to Earth all around us, like invisiblesnowflakes. As Michael explains, change is indeed occurring on ourplanet right now and we can choose whether to live from a place ofLove and flow with the changes, or live from a place of fear andoppose it. A wise choice will result in the difference between ajoyful life or a life full of challenges. I highly recommendreading this book as we move into a new consciousness and a newworld...
KeidiKeating, creator and author ofThe Light: a Bookof Wisdom,with 22 luminaries.
As I hold oneof Michaels books to start to read it, I feel great excitement. Iknow that it holds a promise of something inspiring and, dare I sayit, life changing! Looking at the world through his eyes changesperspectives and that changes everything. Stepping ... Between ... Realities lives up to itspromise. Once again, reading it launches me into the greatest ofadventures... that of life seen in all its dimensions!
Ana Isabel,Astrologer and Hypnotherapist, My Spirit Radio, London
What adelightful adventure it is to join Michael Roads Stepping ... Between ... Realities ! Accompanied byMichaels unique humor and his message of Love, we are gifted withthe opportunity to tremendously expand our consciousness regardingthe nature of reality. Always entertaining and enlightening, noseat belts are needed for this metaphysical journey of alifetime!
PleiadianEmissary of Light, Caroline Ra, host ofSpirit ofthe Dawn
Michael takesus on another scintillating and inspiring journey that expands mostknown bounds of awareness and brings amazing transformationalinsights into the vast untapped potential of human andother-dimensional consciousness. I highly recommend it!
Glenn Moore,Producer of Sharing Your Passion Film Interviews
In his newbook, Stepping... Between ... Realities , Michael Roads does exactly thatstepbetween realities. Continuing his intuitive exploration ofour metaphysical existence, Michael allows new insights to emergein his latest book that are refreshingly beyond the normal humanframework of reference... Michaels unique spiritual experienceand straightforward approach make this an engaging andheart-opening read. This is truly a story of stepping betweenrealities and is a perfect read to help you on your journey tomoreness.
AndyWhiteley, editor,WuW eMagazine
Stupefying!Words are inadequate to comment meaningfully, but this book doesopen portals to greater understanding at many levels and manydirections/dimensions. Michael has an extraordinary way of usingwords to convey to the reader what for most would be inexpressible.The WHOLE broken, hurting world needs this... may it help tostir humanity back toward wakefulness.
BrianLonghurst, Author ofSeek ye First the Kingdom,One mans journey with the living Jesus
Stepping ... Between ... Realities is a thought-provoking read that expands the mind and opens theheart. The book takes us far beyond the barrier of the physicalworld and beautifully portrays how our consciousness transcendsspace/time and is infinite. The book is a gentle wake-up call forhumanity to recognise the power of our love and our potential tocreate a New World founded on Oneness.
TriciaBrennan, Author ofThe Map of the SoulandLooking Beyond the Mirror
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Michael J. Roads
Published by SixDegrees Publishing Group at Smashwords
Copyright (c) 2014Michael J Roads
License Notes: ThiseBook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. It may not bere-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to sharethis book with another person, please purchase an additional copyfor each person you share it with. If you are reading this book anddid not purchase it, please return to the eBook retailer topurchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work ofthis author.
All rights reserved.No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any meanswithout the prior consent, excepting brief quotes used inreviews.
ISBN: 9781311039712 (EPUB Edition)
ISBN:978-0-9856048-6-8 (Print Edition)
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PublishersNote: Michael J. Roads hails from Australia and this book iswritten in Australian English.
I dedicate this book from the deepestspaces in my heart, andfrom the immortal soul I am, to my beloved Carolyn.
This is whatshe wrote in her Christmas card to me:
I recently read a quote: Maythere be one thing in your life for which it is worth giving up everythingelse. You are that 'one thing' for me. I Love you with a Love thatis as ancient as it is newly born in every moment. I Love you witha Love that fills me with unbounded gratitude and joy for everyprecious heartbeat we share.
I have read these intoxicating words overand over, and I am inawe of her ability to express such Love. In the hope that I canimmortalise her magical words, I humbly and sincerely return thesesentiments to her... from me.
I often gasp at the sheer diversity andabundance of life that is so far beyond the normal humanframework of reference. Like a goldfish in its glass bowl, we liveenclosed in our personal realities. Beyond all our many personalphysical realities is the vastness of the greater metaphysicalreality. Over my lifetime I have learned that it is possible tomove into my metaphysical Light-body and access that greaterreality.
I step...Between... realities.
If you have enjoyed reading my recenttrilogy, Through the Eyes of Love, Journeying with Pan, then we walk a very similarheart-path. My books offer a reminder of the deeper aspects of Lifeand Living. It is my intention to convey and impart to you, thereader, the deep and wondrous metaphysical connection of all Life.The connection to which I refer is via the unified field of energyin which we all live. For many people a unified field of energy isno more than intellectual and conceptual knowledge, but by livingmore consciously, it is possible to experience this actuality inour daily lives.
Those who have read my earlier Journeying withPan books will befamiliar with Panif such a thing is possible! For new readers Ishould explain that, for me, Pan is the pure spiritual essence ofNature. Let go of the idea of Pan as the God of Nature, even though Pan is all God. Pan is not a Godin the way of the Gods and Goddesses of India, Japan, and of manyother cultures. Pan is the enigmatic spirit of Nature, a vast,universal, all-Knowing, conscious Intelligence. Trying tointellectually fill out the essence of Pan, to help you tounderstand him, is to increasingly move further away from thetruth. Pan is ! I can assureyou that all life is first and foremost metaphysical, and only asmall proportion has a physical representation. This smallproportion is what we call life!
Although this book is less based in Panthan my previous trilogy, Pan is by no means absent. Indeed, such astate is no longer possible for me, for in some mystical way we areintrinsically connected on a metaphysical level. I have learned that my metaphysicaljourneying has no use-by date! It is not going to end because Ihave learned enough, or because Pan has had enough of me. It is allup to me. If I choose to journey with Pan, this beloved Spirit isalways available. If I choose to journey alone, it is always okay.But as stated, by the very nature of the Spirit of Pan, I amnever truly alone.Also, I seem to have attracted several other wondrous mysticalmentors! I can relax, knowing there is no 'should' or 'should not',nothing to cram into my consciousness, nothing that exerts anypressure on me in any way whatsoever. I like this. It is afreedoma place of choices. My journeying is not about solvingproblems, or looking for answers to world situations, or proving ordisproving that we are a controlled and manipulated species; it ismore that I am life discovering more and more about myself as life. This is a great freedom.We are inclined to perceive ourselves as separate from lifewe arenot.