Compass of the Soul Divine Intuition
Real Prosperity copyright 2004 by Lynn A. Robinson.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of reprints in the context of reviews.
Andrews McMeel Publishing, LLC
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1130 Walnut Street, Kansas City, Missouri 64106
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Robinson, Lynn A.
Real prosperity : using the power of intuition to create financial and spiritual abundance / Lynn A. Robinson.
p. cm.
1. WealthReligious aspectsChristianity. 2. Finance, PersonalReligious aspectsChristianity. I. Title.
BR115.W4R63 2004
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This book is dedicated to my husband, Gary, my soul mate and abundance buddy.
Life is rich beyond measure with you by my side.
M ANY PEOPLE BESIDES THE AUTHOR CONTRIBUTE TO A BOOK . I FEEL richly blessed by wonderful friends and colleagues who have helped me along the path to the creation of a successful career and a life I love. They are:
My husband, Gary. Thank you for your warm heart, quick mind, big soul, and hearty laugh. Its so much fun dreaming big dreams with you.
My stepson Cliff. You have grown into a kind, sensitive, and bright young man. Im very proud of you. Continue to trust your heart and follow your path.
Laura Straus. Dear friend and soul sister, who always has an encouraging word. I feel abundantly blessed by your support, love, and belief in me.
Barbara Selwyn. I cant believe weve known each other for so long! How did I get to be so lucky to have a friend like you who loves to laugh and enjoy life?
Shane Bowlin. Youve been my assistant since my first book. Can you believe were on number five?! You keep me sane, help me keep my personal and business lives on track and make me laugh at myself. No small feat!
Alison Hendren, coach extraordinaire. What would I have done without you? You are unfailing in your support and have a wonderful sense of humor; you consistently encourage me to move beyond my comfort zone. Thank you from the top of my soul and the bottom of my heart.
My wonderful agent, John Willig. Your enthusiasm, responsive ness, insight, and sense of humor make you a joy to work with.
My terrific friends and colleagues, Lynn Alexander, Bob and Gail Beck, Savita and Michael Brewer, Anne Gilman, John Hol land, Shiri Hughes, Karen Foster, Leslie LaRocca, Gail McMeekin, Jean Redpath, Simon Steel, Mark and Beth Sullivan, Jill Winicki, and so many others. Thank you for being there.
To my National Speakers Association buddies, Bob Arnold, Rick Brenner, Barbara Callan-Bogia, Marilee Driscoll, Debbie Hoffman, Mary Marcdante, Nancy Michaels, Diane Ripstein, and Steve Shama. Many thanks for your enthusiasm for life.
To the lovely ladies of the monthly Prosperity Meditation Group, Susan Granata, Lee Rachel Jurman, Elizabeth Meyer, Christiane Perrin, and Roberta Robinson. Thanks for sharing your abundance energy with me!
Jean Lucas, my editorthank you for both championing and editing this book. I appreciate your faith in me as an author.
Thank you also to my clients. This book is the result of thousands of personal conversations over my twenty-year career. Its a tribute to all of you who have listened to your inner voice, trusted its guidance, and had the courage to take action on its wisdom. My heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have shared your joys, pain, and triumphs. You have been wonderful teachers to me.
When you follow your heart, when you discover what is truly nourishing to your soul, an abundant, joyful life is just around the corner.
I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN FASCINATED BY THE FACT THAT SOME PEOPLE seem to create abundance and success in their lives and others seem to attract only failure and poverty. Is it fate? Are there a lucky few who are destined to have money, fame, and fortune?
Over the past twenty years Ive had the privilege of working with thousands of people as a counselor/intuition consultant.
I talk with individuals all over the world to help them uncover their goals, visions, and dreams. I encourage them to listen to and trust their intuitiontheir inner compassthat can point the way to success and prosperity.
Ive spoken with individuals who grew up with abuse and poverty, yet went on to experience prosperity and happiness as adults. Ive also heard from those who were born with the proverbial silver spoon, and despite everything they had growing up, many of them feel like failures and have no hope of achieving anything worthwhile.
I wrote Real Prosperity because I believe each of us has been given all the resources we need to accomplish the mission we came here to fulfill. We learn to create abundance in our lives and our world through the power of our thoughts and the connection of our Spirit. Many of us have not only forgotten our life purpose, we have also forgotten how to use the tools that forge the path to prosperity, success, love, and health.
There are three premises for this book:
You were born with an inner wisdom called intuition. This is your connection with the Universe, Spirit, Soul, Divine Intelligence, or whatever you choose to call God. When you trust it and follow its guidance it will unfailingly lead to abundance and a joyful life.
The images that you hold in your mind, the strong emotions that you feel, together with your thoughts and beliefs, combine to form a powerful energy that creates your life experience.
There is a Divine flow of abundance through you and all around you. You deserve to have a happy, successful, prosperous life. You cut yourself off from this flow through fear, worry, and animosity. You can learn to stand in this powerful stream of light through love, compassion, service, gratitude, trust, and faith.
I started studying prosperity principles in my mid-twenties when I had five thousand dollars in credit card debt. (An enormous amount at the time.) I had been out of work for months and was now homeless. I was sleeping on a friends couch at night while desperately looking for a job during the day. Fear, anxiety, and worry consumed me. I remember praying to God for a job, any job.
During one of those desperate entreaties I heard a small, yet distinct, inner voice say, There is abundance all around you. Ask for what you truly want. There was a wealth of information in those two sentences. The combined thought that God really heard my prayers and that I could have something more than just a job to pay the bills overwhelmed me. I promptly burst into tears. The fear Id been living with was miraculously replaced by a calm inner knowing that I was safe and protected, and that everything was going to be okay.
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