Copyright 2003, 2007 JZ Knight
Cover design by Carmel Bartz
All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of JZK Publishing, a division of JZK, Inc.
The contents of this publication are based on Ramtha Dialogues, a series of magnetic tape and compact disc recordings registered with the United States Copyright Office, with permission from JZ Knight and JZK, Inc.
This work is based on the partial transcription of Ramtha Dialogues, Assay I, June 2-10, 2001. Copyright 2001 JZ Knight.
Ramtha, Ramtha Dialogues, C&E, Consciousness & EnergySM, FieldworkSM, The Tank, Blue Body, Twilight, Torsion ProcessSM, Neighborhood WalkSM, Create Your DaySM, The GridSM, and Become a Remarkable LifeSM are trademarks and service marks of JZ Knight and are used with permission.
ISBN # 1-57873-115-1
P.O. Box 1210
Yelm, Washington 98597
These series of teachings are designed for all the students of the Great Work who love the teachings of the Ram.
It is suggested that you create an ideal learning environment for study and contemplation.
Light your fireplace and get cozy. Prepare yourself. Open your mind to learn and be genius.
The Fireside Series is an ongoing library of the hottest topics of interest taught by Ramtha. These series of teachings are designed for all the students of the Great Work who love the teachings of the Ram. This collection is also intended as a continuing learning tool for the students of Ramtha's School of Enlightenment and for everyone interested and familiar with Ramtha's teachings. In the last three decades Ramtha has continuously and methodically deepened and expanded his exposition of the nature of reality and its practical application through various disciplines. It is assumed by the publisher that the reader has attended a Beginning Retreat or workshop through Ramtha's School of Enlightenment or is at least familiar with Ramtha's instruction to his beginning class of students. This introductory information is found in Ramtha: A Beginner's Guide to Creating Reality , Third Ed. (Yelm: JZK Publishing, a division of JZK, Inc., 2004).
We have included in the Fireside Series a glossary of some of the basic concepts used by Ramtha so the reader can become familiarized with these teachings. We have also included a brief introduction of Ramtha by JZ Knight that describes how all this began for those who are unfamiliar with the story. Enjoy your learning and contemplation.
This school, in all the years that it has been fundamentally in place, has been a school based on one pure concept, that you are God. But to simply say, Now I am enlightened, I have the answer would assume that you would understand and know utterly and totally the nature of God. The school started with this premise and your relationship as human beings to that profound statement.
This school has had many years of developing disciplines seven years, in fact that were taught, engaged, retaught and reengaged. This was the seven-year period of learning the mechanism of consciousness and energy and how it would prove itself in this school. The treasured statement of Behold God, the treasured understanding of self in terms of consciousness and energy and mind, would not be lost upon philosophical grounds that are empty. The disciplines allowed an application that showed a remarkable part of yourself a pristine and sterling opportunity. Maybe it was only for a day, half a day, or seven days, but nonetheless it was a watermark on beginning the concept of change and daring to move outside of the box based on that one remarkable thing that you did that gave you insight to your possibilities.
What is time in the light of all eternity? How much can you spend on investigating the unknown within your own brain? How much time can you spend investigating and understanding the brain's connection to the body, the body's connection to the brain? How much time should you spend in understanding the vortex of people, places, things, times, and events whirling around you, the vortex of our own whirlwind, indeed our own life? How much time should you spend in understanding how they got there? How much time would you need to spend understanding that in the light of all eternity?
We err when we rush to judgment in philosophical terms and carry a postulate in our mind that is so complete in its intellectual, psychological, or religious connotation that if you can quote that, there is this sense in you that you now have an understanding of the spiritual life. No one should ever rush to any certitude of judgment that suggests because you can repeat the words, it means the end of it. This little phraseology is what I believe in. This little box, this little phrase in my mind, this is my spiritual life, this is what I believe in. And that is my philosophy. It is my religion. This little box is my psychological understanding of the meaning of my life. We bring it forward when the time is right, when we want to be spiritual. We push the buttons of that neuronet and here come those little sentences. They come up and you can espouse them and say them, but then when they are gone they melt away and now you are back within the whirlwind of your emotion. You have done your duty to reveal your mind.
God is so passionately in love with humanity because in each human being is its mirror and its potential the greatest. It took a long, long time in terms of eternity for that great passion of God experiencing itself to finally be as far-flung as space itself. It took quite an extraordinary journey in terms of eternity for such a passionate being to develop towering concepts in invisible worlds out of its own creation when space, as we see it and indeed know it today, was only a potential. The only thing upon the vista and platform of reality was each engagement of the creator with its own ideas of consciousness and energy and the unfolding where ideas of consciousness and energy took form. The vast, barren landscape into the nothing started to take on a pictorial dimension when those ideas were being formed and experiences were occurring.