Welcome to the 5th dimension. You have arrived andare now learning to function in a new reality. This informationwill help you acclimate to the higher vibrations of the New PlanetEarth where your real work is just beginning. The Game you havebeen playing is complete. You have graduated and are now creatingHome on your side of the veil.
Welcome to the New Planet Earth.
Welcome Home
the Group
Life on the New Planet Earth is everchanging. Therefore, this book comes with a lifetime upgrade onpersonal inscriptions. Present this book to Steve or Barbara Rotherin person at any time for an update.
Welcome Home
Life on the New Planet Earth
by Steve Rother and the Group
Published by: Lightworker Publications atSmashwords
a subsidary of Lightworker
Copyright 2002 Steve Rother
All rights reserved. No part of this book maybe reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or byany information storage and retrieval system without writtenpermission from the author.
Portions of this book may be freely quoted upto 500 words provided credit is given to Lightworker.
The authors and publishers of this book donot dispense medical advice or prescribe any technique as a form oftreatment for physical or emotional problems and therefore assumeno responsibility for your actions. The intent of this material isto provide general information to help your quest for emotional andspiritual growth. We encourage you to seek professional assistancefor all areas of healing.
Lightworker Books CDs and DVDs can bepurchased in retail stores, by telephone, or onwww.Lightworker.com.
Lightworker 702 871 3317 in Las Vegas,Nevada
Editor: Sandra Sedgbeer
Layout and Design: Tony Stubbs(www.tjpublish.com)
Cover Photo: Pete Rosendale,(Finelight2002@aol.com)
Illustrations: Phyllis Brooks (www.tailiquay.com)
eBook edition: July, 2011
Lightworker is a registered trademark of theLightworker corp.
Lightworker is a non-profit corporationdedicated to spreading Light through human empowerment.
This book is dedicated tothe Translation Teams of the Lightworker organization. Through thegrace of these wonderful volunteers we are currently presentinginformation from the Group in 13 languages at the Lightworker website. Thanks for your help in spreading the Light!
A special thanks to the manwho stepped into his passion to help us all spread the Light:
Translation Team Co-Ordinator
Jean Paul JP Dery
This book is truly agroup effort. Barbara and I wish to give special thanks for thosewho make it possible to spread this Light.
Steve Hansen, GemmaSedgbeer, Phyllis Brooks, Mike Iaquinta, Peter Hyman, James Tipton,Rebecca Hannah, Nancy Mott, Ingrid Kramer, Janosh Stoffers, ShalaMata, Rob Saunders, Ruth Poscai, Ron McCray, Lourdes Resperger,Josef Resperger, Phyllis Tyler, Kathy Wilson, Nel Scherder, ErnstScherder, Chris Reimer, Carol Holaday, Evan Thomas, Michael Ananda,David Solinger, Lorena Solinger, Nomi Boodanox, Twyla Astbury,Claire Gibb, Isha Lerner, Karl & Julie Zielke, Nancy Vanderwal,Marcia Schanzmeyer, Ilan Wainer, Len & Mary Ellen Delekta,Donna May, Marie DeMaria, Karl & Julie Zeilke, Peg Hampton, EveMeng
Thanks to a special lady who helps us givethe work a touch of class.
Sandie Sedgbeer
Table ofContents
Section I Current Events
Section III: Questions to the Group
Section IV: Where Do We Go from Here?
May you live in interesting times.
Chinese saying
There is no doubt in my mindthat we have achieved that with room to spare. The events nowunfolding on Planet Earth are unprecedented. To us it may seem likenothing is moving; that we are stuck in our own lives and progress.In reality things are happening in the blink of an eye. In thisreality we walk down a hallway of linear time. The interesting partis that we think we are moving forward but, in fact, we are walkingbackward down this hallway. From this position we can only see ourpast, a little of our present and nothing at all of our future. Youhave changed more in the last five years than you have in the pastfive lifetimes. The Group says that I have cashed in all my Karmachips to be here at this precise moment in time. They say there isa reason I wanted to be here now and that my planning was perfectbecause here I am. The world as we know it is changing. Whether welike it or not, we humans are evolving and, like you, I am right inthe center of the action. Yes, we certainly do live in interestingtimes.
About the Group
The Groups message and ourwork is about human empowerment. Its not always an easy messagefor us to understand because they are not sensational nor will theytell us which way to turn or what we should do. They say we havea tendency to give away our power. This is why they rarely talkabout themselves, who they are or where they come from. They wantus to know that this is not about them its about us.
The most the Group has everrevealed about their own origins is contained in the Beacons ofLight message entitled The Family of Michael, which is availableon the Lightworker web site. Their sole intention is to re-mind youwhat you came here to do and to help you to do it.
In This Book
The work of the Group isavailable on the web site: www.Lightworker.com. The monthlymessages referred to are the Beacons of Light ~ Re-minders fromHome. With the exception of Ana and the Bird and The TwoMisdirections of Atlantis, this book contains entirely new materialthat has not been published elsewhere. Some of the chapters in thisbook are from live channels presented during our seminars. Othershave been channeled expressly for this book.
This book is divided into foursections:
1. Current Events. Where we are, howwe got here and where we are heading.
2. The New Planet Earth. Describesthe new attributes of living in the 5th dimension on the New PlanetEarth.
3. Questions to the Group. Answersfrom the Group on a wide range of topics taken from livechannels.
4. Where Do We Go From Here? Pointsto re-member when creating a New Reality
The Groups purpose is toprepare us for what lies ahead. In book one, Re-member, theyprovided us with the foundation. This book takes us to the nextstage of our evolution and opens the doorway to discovering ourfull powers of creation.
At each of our seminars weinclude a live question and answer session with the Group. For manypeople these are the highlights of our seminars. Since many of thequestions raised at these sessions relate to what is happening inthe world at this very moment, we have included a selection of themost enlightening and relevant Q & As here.
According to the Group, theevents taking place right now have greater implications than wesuspect. As startling and unexpected as some of these have been,they merely mark the beginning. The evolution of mankind has begun.The ball is rolling forward and now there is no turning back areyou ready?
Double Decker Bus
The Group has talked oftenabout the great changes that we are now experiencing, and they havegiven us many insights into what lies ahead. However, they alwaysmake it very clear that they do not foretell the future since wehave yet to write it. They use the analogy of a double decker busto explain their perspective. We are all drivers of our own bus.Imagine the Group as passengers on the upper deck who have anunobstructed view of the road ahead. They can help us by alertingus to potential hazards and unexpected twists and turns but theycannot predict how we will react or the directions we willtake.
Nothing is predestined.Everything is a possibility
They say there is only onerule that we have placed on the Gameboard and that is the ruleof Free Choice.
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