There are a lot of self-help books about: its one of the most thriving sections of the average bookshop, but its not always easy to find the book you need. Samesh Ramjattan has addressed this problem in Be Your Higher Self, a book which allows us all to make sense of our place in the world, as most of us only glimpse our true potential and few people ever achieve it. Even with hard work and dedication, obstacles present themselves and its difficult to understand why or how they can be overcome. Samesh offers us a guide to the spirit world, the chakras, karma and reincarnation as well as information about the age of Aquarius and the ego, including anecdotes which he included in the book which helped to make it so readable.
Sue Magee,
Samesh Ramjattan
Copyright 2018 Samesh Ramjattan
The moral right of the author has been asserted.
Profile photo by Emily Jane Birch
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ISBN 9781789012286
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My profound and eternal gratitude to:
My parents, Jackie & Veni
For the love, nurture and the spiritual foundation that provided the assertion to follow my aspirations, take risks and persevere through my journey.
For love, selfless generosity and encouragement, in sharing a common karmic mission to discover our higher selves.
For inspiration in, and realisation while, completing this book, and being the other half of my cosmic whole.
Our Journey Begins
There is a reason you discovered this book. Something has been stirring deep down. Perhaps you have been receiving subliminal messages from within, enigmatic calls to something greater which you have forgotten but not completely subdued. And now, this wise, old companion wishes to become reacquainted. This trustworthy, quiet inner guide that has remained dormant until now, content to be sidelined while you were seduced by more stimulating and explicit ambitions. However, deep down, your ulterior true self prevails, ready to reveal your intrinsic reality. You know it. Youve always known it.
This is how it was for me.
I never intended to write a book. My passion lay in writing screenplays. I had always dreamt of seeing the outlandish thoughts in my head wind up as action-packed images on the big screen. I suppose I, like so many others, am a product of the 70s and 80s, and dreams of success and wealth were part of everybodys aspirations. Yet what nobody seemed to mention, albeit in the small print, was that most of us would end up rooted firmly in a mediocre life watered down with sobering reality.
I guess once we realise that our higher purpose is something other than the dizzy heights of stardom or never-ending royalty cheques (the rich and famous soon realise they hunger for it too purpose, that is), we then seek it out, like a forbidden trinket in an Indiana Jones movie. But this quest for the higher purpose or self often evades or eludes us. We attempt to make sense of our place and predicament in the world, but often from a skewed perspective that only allows us a glimpse of our true potential. Each of us wishes for fulfilment, happiness and growth in our lives, but meet obstacles that prevent us from attaining this, and there is little in the form of simple and easy to understand answers to these life questions.
Hence, my reason for this book. To give the reader a simple and frank how to guide on self-help, spirituality and the esoteric. Something that anybody could pick up and read the clip notes to the books and subjects that most of us want to know about, all in one place, simple to understand and navigate.
So here it is in forty-five easy steps.
Im joking.
How about seven?
Youll find them in Part Two.
Weve all been there. We pick up a book at the airport, on sale or when you find yourself unwittingly wandering over from the fiction section and suddenly confronted with the plethora of self-help books by unrelenting authors who claim they can cure everything from your health to love to wealth for a princely sum.
Or those other times when your best friend claims that the only way he made it through his divorce was to swear by the doctrine in the latest book by Doctor so-and-so.
I am no different. I have read so many. And this is not an indictment of the self-help publishing industry to which I will no doubt have to go cap in hand to get this into book stores. No. The industry has its place for those that seek to find what they have on offer, and I have been a loyal customer through major illness and divorce. But, lets be honest the choice is staggering and each one has something to offer. But which is for me?
The answer is only you can know. Books find us, just as truth does. And I suppose that if this book has found you then there must be something of value in it for YOU.
But lets get a few things clear. Just as we have come together so that we may continue a literary journey of self-discovery, I too have journeyed intellectually, physically and ultimately spiritually, finding genuine pieces of truth that have helped me get to this present point in my life. And indeed, many of these insights have made their way into this book. But these are MY insights which I hope you will then take away, explore further and develop yourself.
With this in mind, I must stress that if you were hoping to get an instruction manual on how to navigate your way through the present strife in your life, then this book may help you with that journey, but the one other key ingredient in this is YOU.
You will need to apply a reasonable amount of assertion and commitment to this or you will not see any profound benefits. So, if you think you have made a terrible mistake and need to return this collection of lies, then now is your chance. Its not too late to get down to the bookstore or fish out the Amazon return slip from the trash and claim your refund while berating the sales clerk for selling you a travesty. And if you do, then I wish you the best with the rest of your journey, and I am sure our paths will cross again somewhere down the line when you are perhaps readier to proceed.
Part One
I Am
I have entitled this chapter I Am simply because it is the first step in our journey together. Well, what are you? And if you define yourself by the usual means such as occupation doctor, lawyer, IT Consultant then you are missing the point. Ill pose the question again What are you? This time, avoid the labels that society has drummed into us that seem to circle around occupational status, marital status, community status, financial status, pet status, property status, national status you get the picture!