Simple Witchcraft Series
A Beginners Guide to Witchcraft,Spells, Rituals, and Magick
Cassandra Larsen
Copyright 2015 by Cassandra Larsen
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Table ofContents
Why I Wrote ThisBook
Witchcraft is a subject near and dear to myheart. When I first began my journey into this beautiful, soulfulfilling religion, I remember how confusing and difficult it was.Most of the books I read on Wicca and Witchcraft required expensivetools and lengthy, complex rituals that were difficult tounderstand or follow.
In this book, simplicity is my goal. I am afirm believer that simple rituals and spells are just as meaningfuland effective as complex onesif not more soas long as you havethe will and desire to enact change in your life.
This book is designed for people like you, whoare just beginning to discover this life changing path and desire aclear, concise guide to show them the way to connecting with natureand the Divine without spending hundreds of dollars on expensivetools or manuals.
Wicca: A Beginner's Guide to Witchcraft,Spells, Rituals, and Magick is the book I wish I could haveread when I first began practicing. In it, I will share my ownsimple, yet effective, rituals and spells that anyone can do,regardless of experience or budget.
This guide will teach you the basics of Wiccanbeliefs, along with meditation and visualization exercises designedto open your mind and expand your consciousness. You will beintroduced to the basic Wiccan tools and discover how to createyour own inexpensively, as well as how to purify them for magickaluse. You will also learn all about the eight Wiccan sabbats, how tocast a magick circle, and powerful spells and rituals forprosperity, success, love, purification, and banishing badhabits.
By the end of this book, you will have all thenecessary skills and knowledge you need to begin practicing Wiccatoday!
Chapter 1:Basic Beliefs
Not many people understand what the Wiccanreligion really encompasses. The word witch generally evokesfeelings of fear and revulsion; however Wicca is one of the mostgentle, accepting religions in the world.
Wicca is an earth-based religion reconstructedfrom ancient, pre-Christian beliefs and practices that focus onliving in harmony with the earth, the natural cycles, and theDivine.
Although beliefs among different traditions ofWicca and Witchcraft vary slightly, most traditions agree uponthese basic principles:
The Divine
Contrary to popular belief, Witches do notworship Satan, or even believe in hell or a devil. Satan, hell, andsin are all part of Christianity, not Wicca or Witchcraft. We donot blame our choices or mistakes on some devil or evil being; webelieve that we are responsible for our own actions and we takeresponsibility for our lives and the consequences of ourchoices.
We do, however, believe in a higher power,which we personify into a male and female entitythe God andGoddess.
The God and Goddess reside in all of nature.The sun is ruled by the God, the moon by the Goddess.
Our relationship to the God and Goddess isdeeply personal. They are a warm, comforting presence in oureveryday lives, always with us, always loving us. They are in thewarmth of the suns rays, the exhilaration of the blowing wind, thegentle mist of rain on our skin, the steady earth beneath our feet.They are present all around us all the time and we constantlystrive to deepen our relationship with Them.
All Gods and Goddesses are One
Many Witches and Wiccans believe that all godsare one God and all goddesses one Goddess. By whatever name youcall the DivineJesus, Mother Mary, Buddha, Allah, Brahman, Shakti,Guanyin, Zeus, Aphrodite, Freya, BrigidWiccans believe that theyare all actually part of the one God and Goddess; they justrepresent different aspects of Them.
Because we believe that all gods and goddessesare one, we understand that there is no one true religion or pathto Divinity. We respect other peoples personal and religiousbeliefs and wish for them to give us the same respect.
We do not proselytize or try to convert otherpeople to our religion. Everyone has the right to believe what theywant and practice whatever feels right and natural tothem.
Reverence For Nature
Of all the Wiccans and Witches Ive met overthe years, reverence for nature is the most common reason they saythey were drawn to this spiritual path.
Witches have a strong connection to thenatural world and its energies. We believe that the Divine ispresent in the earth, the air, the rain, the sun and the moon. TheGod and Goddess are all around us and we feel Their presence moststrongly in nature.
Have you ever sat outside in the grass, thesun shining down on you from above, the wind gently blowing throughyour hair? Or maybe you prefer the beach; your feet buried in thewarm sand while the oceans waves are crashing against the shore?Have you felt that sense of inner peace, the love and connectionthat surrounds you in those moments?
That is the God and Goddess. In thosemoments, you are feeling Their presence, Their Divine essence. Youare feeling Their spirit and energy flow through you and connectingto Them on a personal level.
We believe that all of nature is sacred, andmust therefore be respected. Like our ancient ancestors, we seek tolive in harmony with nature and its cycles. We have a strongconnection to the natural world and it is through nature that wecommune with the God and Goddess.
The Pentacle
The pentacle is often misunderstood andwrongly maligned. Its quite common, even in this day and age, tosee it connected to demons and devil-worshippers, when in fact theyhave nothing to do with one another.
In Witchcraft and Wicca, the five points ofthe pentacle represent the five natural elementsearth, air, fire,water, and spiritwhile the circle surrounding the star representsour connection to nature, the elements, and the Divine. Thepentacle and pentagram (which is the five pointed star without thecircle) are not symbols of evil or maliciousness, but rather of ourspiritual connection to the Divine and the naturalworld.
Rituals, Spells, and Magick
Like the word witch, the term spell oftenevokes feelings of unease and fear, conjuring up images of hagscasting evil hexes and causing mayhem. But in reality, a spell isnothing more than a ritualized prayer.
Have you ever lit a candle and said a prayerfor someone who was unwell or in need of help? If so, then you havecast a spell!
In its simplest form, a spell requires callingupon a higher power (or the natural elements) while performing aritual designed to raise energy and enact change. Religions allaround the world incorporate elements of magick and ritual intotheir practices.
For example, in Judaism, two candles are litin a ceremonial fashion to honor the God and welcome in theSabbath. In many Christian churches, incense and holy water areused for purification and blessing. In Buddhism, the use ofstatues, candles, incense, and offerings are used as a means topurify ones mind and create a peaceful atmosphere in which tomeditate.
Similar practices are used in Wiccan ritualsand spells. We believe that every one of us has the ability toenact meaningful change in our lives and the world around usthrough prayer, ritual, and magick.
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