BipolarQuiz And Test
By: HeatherRose
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OtherKindle Books In The Bipolar Series
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Otherbooks by Heather Rose
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Upuntil a few years ago the mental illness that we now know as Bipolar Disorderwas more commonly called manic depressive disorder or manic depression. Itis considered to be one of the most serious mental illnesses that a person cansuffer from as it can lead to them taking risks that they wouldnt normallytake. If bipolar disorder is left untreated not only can it do damage to thesufferers relationships with others as well as their career, it could also leadto them suffering from suicidal tendencies.
Themost common characteristics of someone suffering from this disorder is thatthere are great fluctuations in their moods. One minute they can be feelingextremely happy (euphoric) and the next they can be feeling extremely sad(depressed). However there may be occasions between these episodes that thesufferer may experience more normal feelings (moods).
Howeveras the pattern of highs and lows felt do vary from one person to another beingable to diagnose it correctly can prove difficult because it is in fact a verycomplex illness. The reason for why it can prove difficult to diagnose whethera person is suffering from this disorder or not is because there are such awide range of symptoms that people can suffer from. It is for this reason thattests have now been developed that help doctors to better understand what theirpatients are going through and whether they are in fact suffering from bipolardisorder or some other medical condition where the symptoms showing are verysimilar.
Atpresent over 10 million Americans suffer from bipolar disorder and it is acondition that not only affects women, but also men. Plus unlike some othermedical conditions this particular one affects all races and socio economicclasses.
Howeverwomen do tend to experience much more depressive and mixed state episodes thanmen do. Also although it can develop at any stage of a persons life typicallythe onset of this condition occurs around the age of 25.
Chapter 1
About Bipolar Disorder
Anyonewho suffers from the mental illness known as Bipolar Disorder or ManicDepression will suffer from unusual shifts in their personality. They willsuffer from very abrupt mood, energy and activity levels so performing any kindof task on a daily basis can prove challenging.
Theswings in ones moods are much more acute in people who suffer from what isclassed as a very serious mental illness compared to a normal person. Throughouttheir lives these people can suffer from 2 main episodes at any time they canbe affected by the deepest depression or they can become very manic (euphoric).However there will be times that they can even act in a normal way as well.
Thereare also times during their illness when some sufferers of Bipolar disorderswill suffer from a period known as Hypomania. During this time they will besuffering a kind of manic episode, however they wont actually show any of thepsychotic symptoms associated with it and during these times people suffer fromthis particular mental illness will be able to function as normal.
Asa result of them suffering from such fluctuations in their moods etc., so thesepeople actually find it difficult to maintain relationships with others aroundthem. Also these people are much more at risk of having suicidal tendencies.
Normallythis particular mental illness develops late in a persons adolescent years orearly in their adult lives. Although there are cases where children havedeveloped the symptoms associated with Bipolar Disorder but they dont actuallyappear until that child has grown up.
Unlikesome other mental illnesses such as anxiety or depression men are just aslikely to be affected by this particular one. Also around 50% of all people whoactually get diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder tend to develop before they havereached the age of 25 years.
Theproblem is however that because it is not easy to detect during the earlystages of development, some people may not realize that they suffer from thiscondition until much later on in life. Plus there is also a risk especially ifthere is a history of other types of mental illness in a family that the personsuffering from Bipolar Disorder may be diagnosed with suffering from some otherform of mental illness such as schizophrenia. In fact for some people sufferingfrom this mental illness they may discover they have been suffering from it forseveral years before they are diagnosed with it and so can then be treatedaccordingly.
Justlike heart disease or diabetes this is a chronic disease and something that thesufferer will have to contend with throughout their life.
Chapter 2
Causes of Bipolar Disorder
Anyonewho suffers from the medical condition known as Bipolar Disorder willexperience periods when they seem very euphoric (manic) or depressed which havea serious effect on the way they are able to function on a daily basis. Alsoone needs to be aware that the symptoms associated with this particularcondition will vary from one person to another and because of this there isntany one physiological test that doctors or health professionals can use to helpconfirm that someone is actually suffering from this particular condition.
Infact when it comes to health professionals and doctors diagnosing if a personsuffers from Bipolar Disorder it can prove very difficult for them. The issueis that often the way it affects people varies greatly. Some people will feel agreat deal more depressed and wont actually experience many episodes of maniain their lives. Whereas others of course will suffer from more episodes ofmania rather than depression.
Alsoif the condition develops early in a persons life then the first few episodesthey are likely to suffer from will be of depression rather than mania. As aresult it is only when a person has suffered a manic episode can a doctor orother health professional then confirm that the person is suffering fromBipolar Disorder. In most cases however the initial diagnosis provided by adoctor will be that for major depression and so accordingly the person will beprovided with treatment that relates to this particular medical conditionrather than from Bipolar Disorder.
SoWhat Causes Bipolar Disorder?
Unfortunatelywhat causes someone to suffer from this particular mental illness will vary.Below we take a look at the main factors, which are believed to be the cause ofpeople suffering from this particular mental illness.
Factor1 Genetics
Studiescarried out have suggested that many chromosomal regions along with candidategenes appear to cause certain people to develop this particular disorder.However having said that the results are not actually very consistent whenthese studies are being carried out and in many cases the results discoveredduring the first sets of studies have not been replicated in ones that havefollowed.
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