Copyright 2012 by Zhanna Fomochkina Reiki Master ,
All Rights Reserved .
ISBN: 9781782800330
No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping, or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the prior written consent of the copyright owner .
The author of this book do not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly.
Reiki takes you on a beautiful journey and brings you many blessings. I hope you enjoy the gift of Reiki. Work with it, play with it and most importantly have fun with it. In this way you will experience the true joy of Reiki. Love and Light, Zhanna
Zhanna Fomochkina is a respected Master Teacher/Practitioner of Reiki and has worked in the area of personal development for over 20 years. She has transformed the lives of many people through her personal healing and teaching practices in London, England. Zhanna is recognised for her ground-breaking work in teaching Energy Healing and Human Consciousness .
Since she was a child, Zhanna demonstrated a strong sensitivity to spirituality. Zhanna first started to study these phenomena when she was very young, thanks to her Mother, who is herself a natural Healer and Teacher. This spiritual learning with enlightened Spiritual Masters was a beautiful journey for Zhanna .
Anyone was has met Zhanna can tell you that she is a big, happy soul who makes every effort to live this experience to the best. Her interest in healing people is tangible - her positive attitude is contagious. She also works with the concept of the Law of Attraction in her spiritual practices .
Zhanna knows that this book is bringing joy to millions .
For Zhanna this book is a way to feel closer to every human being who wants to know more about Reiki Healing and personal development. This book is fully illustrated with clear, simple images. The language used is kept simple so that anyone can understand it. English is not Zhannas first language and she has no choice but to keep it simple so please forgive any small mistakes .
Zhanna Fomochkina is the founder of Traditional Reiki Healing and the author of a series of books:
Traditional Reiki Level 1- Shoden
Traditional Reiki Level 2- Ocuden
Traditional Reiki Level 3- Shihan-Kaku Sensei
The Usui System of Natural Healing, known as Reiki, is a form of healing using Universal Life Force Energy. Pioneered by Dr Usui Mikao in the early part of the 20th Century, Reiki is a unique and distinct healing modality. In his hand-written documents, Usui Sensei writes: The Usui Reiki Therapy is something no one before has discovered, and bears comparison with no other treatment in the world .
Internalise the ideas in this book and apply them in your everyday life. These ideas are very powerful the key is wise and consistent application. Make a decision right now that you are going to study this book, act on the wisdom that lies herein and enjoy the benefits you will receive .
When you apply the principles you read about in this book and incorporate them in to a daily spiritual practice, you will have a deeper understanding of who you are and how to continue moving to a higher level of conscious awareness .
Reiki is practiced throughout the world by many millions of people. Forms of Reiki have since been developed, using symbols and practices that differ greatly from the Usui System of Natural Healing. This book is based on what we know of the Usui System of Natural Healing, as taught by Mrs Takata, and the surviving information we have direct from Usui Sensei's writings and teaching .
Reiki as practiced and taught by Dr Usui is a powerful and complete form of self-development and a path to enlightenment. The system teaches us how to administer healing to ourselves and to others, and has given us the Reiki Ideals to help us live our lives for the highest good .
Usui Sensei taught that enlightenment starts with the self from within. Once attuned to the Reiki of the Universe, self-healing and correct living will ultimately lead to enlightenment .
Reiki healing begins with the self and radiates outwards: practice Reiki to understand Reiki, understand Reiki to spread Reiki .
Reiki is a gift to be shared. Usui Sensei envisioned a world greatly improved by the spread of the Reiki of the Universe. As you start your own journey of enlightenment and self-development, keep in mind the Ideals that Usui Sensei left us and his wish that we spread Reiki throughout the world .
Take time for Reiki and work at your practice every day. Use Reiki to heal yourself and to heal others. Always remember that Reiki can help heal any condition (be it is physical, emotional or spiritual) no matter how difficult or hopeless it may seem .
As you progress and become familiar with the great Reiki of the Universe, never lose sight of the infinite nature of Reiki. Do not put limits on Reiki energy, for it is as limitless and infinite as the Universe .
Let yourself get emotionally involved with the ideas in this book and think of ways you can put into action all that you learn. Let yourself be guided by the wisdom and principles in this book; they can be the gateway to all that you desire .
Reiki wishes to bring you the gift of Joy, only you can accept this gift. I hope that you say Yes to Reiki and Yes to Joy .
Reiki is a Japanese word describing the union of complementary high frequency spiritual energies with earthly life force energy .
Reiki is combination of two Japanese words which literally translate to mean "Sacred Energy" or "Spiritual Energy" .
Reiki is actually two words - REI and KI
REI - Sacred or Spiritual, Universal Energy Outside all living things The Highest Spiritual Consciousness, Gods Highest Power, Has high frequency energy .
KI - Energy, Life Force Energy, also known as Chi in China, Prana in India, Ti in Hawaii, Energy Inside all living things, has lower frequency then Rei energy .
By healing with high frequency Rei energy you can heal your soul and re-connect to your higher self. This helps you to remember who you are and why you are here, discover your purpose and follow your higher path, re-connect to Higher Spiritual Energy .
Ki energy needs to flow freely throughout the body. When energy blocks occur, illness will follow, and when illness occurs, there will be energy blocks .
This book relates to a blend of Traditional Japanese and Western Reiki healing techniques. Generally, and especially in the West, the word Reiki is used to describe the Usui System of Natural Healing .
Traditionally in Japan, Usui-do refers to the teachings of Usui Sensei and Usui Teate, also refers to the practice of application of Usui-do .
There are various theories regarding the evolution of Reiki. There are symbols similar to the Traditional Reiki Symbols painted on Tibetan monasteries. There is a spiritual meditation process practised by Tibetan Lamas for healing and to create unity with the Universe .
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