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Copyright 2012 Vickie Emanuele
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I will teach you how to:
These are the steps to manifesting. Just turn the page to learn how to make your dreams come true.
You are about to embark on a journey that took me many, many years to realize. I hope that you can reduce this time and learn the powers of manifestation and bring joy and happiness to your life. I assure you that if you follow the techniques and utilize the tools presented here then all of your dreams will come true.
I had the author at my disposal every day and every night for years. I was told to do this and do that. Watch your words and think positively. I resisted and did not take these requests to heart. Of course, when your wife is telling you these things it is different than when you hear it from an independent source. Finally, I gave up resistance and followed her advice, which she has summarized in Manifest ANYTHING You Want in 30 Days.
I am an optometrist, which means I attended school for 8 years after high school. It is a long time to devote to your education only to find out that after about 7 years of practicing that maybe there is something I would rather be doing. I resisted and continued to struggle with the same routine day in and day out. How could I change careers? I still have school loans and what would others think of me? My wife always supported me in trying something new and attracting a new opportunity to me. I did not listen. I continued to practice unhappily another 8 years.
Finally, I got to a point where my health, my family, my finances, my career and my emotional well-being were being affected by this lack of passion with my career. I began to follow Vickies advice and everything has changed. And changed quickly.
I have a tremendous amount of energy. I enjoy my family every day and have a wonderful, close relationship with my wife. My credit card debt has virtually disappeared while not making any more money. I sold my practice and received a job offer on the same day. I have never felt better in my life.
I want to address my resistance to my career a little more specifically to demonstrate the power of manifestation and how you too can have anything that you want. As I mentioned, I was an optometrist for almost 15 years. I was doing well financially but had no passion and going into work felt like a chore. Anyone else feel this way? I finally decided to give myself a chance for change and started with some affirmations (you will learn about these later.) I watched what I said and felt how leaving my current position would feel. And it felt good. I was in a practice in a commercial setting so I was unsure how I could sell it, what the value was and anybody I spoke with never heard of selling such a practice. I ignored all the negatives and focused on the positives. I placed my practice for sale and sold it for the asking price within two weeks.
Now what? I didnt sell it for enough to retire so I needed a new job. I searched and made some contacts for a new position that I thought would be great. I applied for the position and went through the interview process. I knew there were other candidates so I stayed positive and saw myself in that new position. As I was leaving the bank after receiving the funds on the practice sale, I received a call from my boss informing me that I got the job. AWESOME!!! So this is how all this manifestation stuff works. I wish I had listened sooner but better late than never.
I am stubborn and not inclined to change. Well, I guess I should say I use to be stubborn and not inclined to change. In the last 3 months, I have sold my practice of 13 years, received a job as a sales representative never having been in sales before and I am moving across the country. I have never been happier and had more passion and interest in life and what it has to offer. I ask you to be open and follow the path presented by Vickie to get anything you want. Good luck.
Ken Emanuele, O.D.
Youve heard it before. You could get what you want in life if you just knew how to manifest it.
So what is manifesting? Well, its really very simple.
Manifesting is the act of wanting something and then bringing it into reality. In other words, you dont just dream it. You achieve it.
One word of warning: what you will manifest in the next 30 days with the help of this book must be attainable and reachable. Id also like to point out that you should start with just one thing that you want, and make it happen, instead of trying to manifest ten things at the same time. You need to focus, because manifesting isnt something thats done in leaps and bounds. Its all in the baby steps.
I promise you that what you want is within your grasp. In other words, you can reach your own mountain peak.
Lets say you want to be a multimillionaire, but youve spent years trying to pay both the mortgage and the electric bill. Deep down, you dont really think great wealth is truly attainable. You might want it, but your mind is screaming, You will never reach this goal!
Now, Id like to challenge those negative feelings. As you progress through the next 30 days, I wont ask you to manifest $1 million, but instead, think about bringing in an extra $400 a month and then $1,000 and then $10,000.
Remember: its all about the baby steps.
I know that youll get to the top, but remember, life isnt about crossing that goal line. Its about playing the game and placing one foot in front of the other.
Its time to move your thinking upward, from your feet to your mind.
One of the most important lessons I will teach you over the next 30 days is that if you think something is impossible, then it will be. Whatever you believe to be true is your reality. If you believe it, then it will happen.
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