Searching for Enough quickened my heart for Jesus, refueled my calling as a pastor, and deepened my love for the people God has placed in my life to serve.
DAVID NASSER, author of Jumping through Fires
Tyler Staton discerningly identifies and illuminates the longings of the human soul. Through moving stories from his community, he deftly depicts a way forward. In a time of cynicism, confusion, and disbelief, this book is a force of buoyancy, clarity, and hope.
DR. DARREN WHITEHEAD, pastor of Church of the City, Nashville, and coauthor of Holy Roar: 7 Words That Will Change the Way You Worship
This book is annoyingly good. I picked it up for a quick skim before getting on with a packed to-do list. But try as I might, I could not read it quickly. Searching for Enough charms you into slowing down and drinking deeply. If youve got something urgent to do, perhaps picking up this book isnt the wisest idea. Otherwise, sit back and savor the beauty and life you will find within.
KATIA ADAMS, senior pastor of The Table Boston and author of Equal
The days of childlike faith seem to have slipped beyond our culture moment. The best of us wrestle with the darkness of the world and Gods work of redemption in the midst of it all. In Searching for Enough, Tyler Staton compellingly addresses both the angst and the hope we feel deeply in our souls and paints a captivating way forward with Jesus. This book is rich and accessible, and watching Tyler lead and embody what he writes gives it deep authenticity. I highly commend this book.
JON TYSON, lead pastor of Church of the City New York and author of Beautiful Resistance
Tyler Staton has written a beautiful book that from the first chapter puts a finger right on the spot of our collective pain and longing. We want to feel at home in our own skin, at home with where we live, at home with what we do and who we do it with. This all seems simple enough, but most of us have experienced how very hard it really is. Searching for Enough is a compelling road map back home to God that doesnt cast aside our doubts or provide easy answers. Im looking forward to recommending this book to a lot of folks.
DAVID LOMAS, pastor of Reality San Francisco and author of The Truest Thing about You
Tyler Staton is one of the most exceptional leaders I know in the rising generation. Compelling, articulate, passionate, and deeply earthed in real relationships, Searching for Enough is a book of hard-won insight outworked in the streets of Brooklyn, New York. One day I suspect that many people in America and further afield will know the name and appreciate the teaching of Tyler Staton. The release of this, his first book, is a milestone, and I encourage you to join him on the journey. Its going to be a wild ride!
PETE GREIG, 24-7 Prayer International and Emmaus Road Church, Guildford, UK
For those who hunger for more of God, who grow weary of shallow and clich approaches to Christian spirituality, who seek direction and discernment in a world of doubt and false promises, Tyler Staton offers something richer, deeper, and ultimately more satisfying. Searching for Enough illuminates the solid path on which to follow the call of Jesus in our contested times.
MARK SAYERS, senior leader of Red Church, Melbourne, and author of Strange Days and Reappearing Church
For anyone who has the courage to admit theyre struggling with the wound of not-enoughness and are ready to set out on a spiritual journey to search for more, heres my encouragement: get this book and let Tyler Staton be your guide. Trust me, you wont regret it!
PETE HUGHES, senior pastor of Kings Cross Church (KXC), London, and author of All Things New
P ersonal names in this book have been changed. While all of the stories are real, Ive changed peoples names and other identifying details in order to protect the individuals privacy. In one case, I compiled a number of conversations and stories into a single narrative.
To serve as a pastor in the life of even one of Gods beloved children is a staggering privilege. It is my sincere hope and intention that this book honors the pastoral confidentiality assumed whenever anyone trusts me to walk a few paces of the spiritual journey by their side. Without the very real people who have sat across from me in coffee shops, wept with me in prayer, and served with me in mission, this work would be confined to the theoretical, but because of their stories, it is set in the grit and honesty of the everyday world.
To those who have grieved, questioned, celebrated, doubted, hoped, and lived the faith journey by my sideyour stories are the real gift of this book. I am deeply grateful to each of you and hope I have honored and respected you in the pages that follow.
Searching for Enough
Copyright 2021 by Tyler Staton
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ISBN 978-0-310-36050-6 (softcover)
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ISBN 978-0-310-36051-3 (ebook)
Ebook Edition January 2021 ISBN: 9780310360513
All Scripture quotations, unless otherwise indicated, are taken from The Holy Bible, New International Version, NIV. Copyright 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved worldwide. The NIV and New International Version are trademarks registered in the United States Patent and Trademark Office by Biblica, Inc.
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