
Nikki Rowe

Copyright 2013 Nikki Rowe
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To my love, my life my soul, my heartXavier,
my boisterous three-year-old.
B e yourself, understand yourself, accept yourself, and love yourself.
If you have picked up this book, it is no coincidence; you have come to find/create yourself.
This book is for all the beautiful souls in this world who have come to find themselves, create themselves, and live for themselves.
This is my journey, in which I am speaking my deepest thoughts and trusting that my readers will understand me.
If I can heal one soul through my words, then my job is done.
Peace. Love. Gratitude.
W ithout my son, Xavier, this book would never have been
completed. Most ask, How did you do it? I respond with, How could I not learn a new way of life with such a courageous little soul to live for?
Thank you to my beautiful mother; many of us say we have the best mothers in the world, and I am definitely among them. Throughout my darkest nights and gloomiest days, she has helped me, encouraged me, and inspired me to continue on my journey. This woman has seen the darkest of days and still knows how to smile contagiously. Having such an inspiring woman support and love me unconditionally has given me the strength I needed.
To my dad (Scoot), you are truly a blessing in our little familys lives. Thank you for your unconditional support and love of life, with an added big thank-you to my father in heaven for sending such a beautiful soul to complete what you couldnt.
Last but not least, my brotherthank you for helping me realise my true potential. You broke me and helped raise me, and for this, I will always love you. You are a blessing in my life. We have a brothersister bond that will continue to grow throughout our entire lives. Im so proud of you.
Jessica Thehuif you have met this lady, hold on to her tight. She is a one of the most enchanting ladies I know. She is my best friend, my soul sister.
My cherished friends and family are true beauties, and I am blessed to have them as a part of my life. My ladies got me through my days and nightsfilling my heart with laughter and love and helping me believe in myself when the darkest nights were filling my world.
I also thank the people I loved and lost; they will always hold a place in my book of life. I am thankful for the pain, the sadness, the vulnerability, the happiness, the contentment, the understanding, and the knowledge I have gained; this life truly is beautiful if you can look beyond your own imagination.
S o here it goes
Sometimes we sit and wonder whether were on the path wed always imaginedwhether the road we are looking down will truly fill our hearts desire or whether, by chance, just by chance, we are following the instinct that is stronger than upbringing.
Only we will know where our own hearts stand. The longer you ignore your own intuition, the longer youll live to suffer pain in this universe. It may take months or even years to complete our karmic journeys, but as we will all learn, its the higher understanding of conscious living that keeps us growing towards our truer selves.
So many sit and ponder, wondering why and how their life could be different or why it is the way it is.
The answer is simple and, most of the time, right in front of us.
You .
You are the answer .
So when you slowly lose your faith in your own being, remember one thingnothing in this world is wrong; you are always where youre supposed to be.
Whether you are living through heartache or complete happiness, you are supposed to be there at that exact moment. Each emotion we are feeling, each situation that we attract in our lives reflects on the soul inside.
Growth is the most important journey of you.
So you now ask where to start. How do you start looking within to find the answers? How do you speak to yourself?
The answer is easy, yet it will be the hardest journey of your life.
Welcome to the life of living real truths, real answers.
In this book, you may see that the truth is ugly and bare. Remember, though, that heartbreak from truth is a better experience than happiness from lies.

* * *
I dance to the beat of the earth;
The memories are the lyrics I write;
Nature leads my soul
Through this existence I call life .

F or so long, many of us have been on a journey to discover
our deepest truths. We all get tired of living in a world so routine, where material possessions seem to win out over the power of love. We often get so caught up in it all that we find ourselves eventually realising we are not fulfilling our true lives and that we are living for others.
We so often live in fear of judgement; it is a fear that we will let down all those who have ever loved us. We slowly allow these thoughts and fears, as well as our egos, to change our own perceptions of what we wish our lives would be. We continue time after time to forget our own worth. Many of us are raised to grow up and go to college, get a job, marry someone we love, have children, continue a generation, and then pass on. We dont take risks, and we dont redeem opportunities.
What kind of a life is this?
Will we one day look back at our lives and believe that we did everything we were supposed to do, or will we realise we have really been living for another?
So ask yourself, from deep within your heart, what is your truth?
What are your feelings? Are you feeling hurt, angry, anxious, depressed, nervous, impatient, insecure, misunderstood, unworthy, or ashamed?
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