Which Side of the Fence
are You ON
Reconstruct the Blueprint of your Life!
Reclaim and Master your True Identity
and Purpose in Life
By Beverly Zeimet
What Side of the Fence are You ON
Reconstruct the Blueprint of your Life!
Reclaim and Master your True Identity
and Purpose in Life
by Beverly Zeimet
PO Box 172, 34 Noonan Road, Wright, WY 82732
2018 Beverly Zeimet
All rights reserved. No portion of this book
may be reproduced in any form without
permission from the publisher,
except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.
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Cover Art by Beverly Zeimet
Book Design and Layout by Beverly Zeimet
Trade Paperback 1st Edition / July 2018
To those who are ready to reclaim their true
power and identity.
You are the creator of your destiny.
You are NOT a Victim of your environment.
You hold the power in your mind. Its your thoughts
that feed your existing blueprint or changes it!
As you think so shall you become.
Your minds power will delegate your outcome.
You are the master who brings harmony
to the health and well-being of your human vessel
in its physical, mental, emotional and spiritual aspects.
All my love, Beverly Zeimet
This book was written to open your mind to a different
perspective on the way you think and perform throughout your daily life. It will take you to uncharted territory in how you live. You are the creator of your destiny. In the chapters of this book, I will share with you techniques that will change the way you live life from this moment forward.
Thank you to Bruce Lipton who first introduced me to the terminology of epigenetics. It was this clarity that reinforced all the things I had been doing throughout my childhood and early adult life. I will go into more on this in the following chapters of the book.
I am not a scientist or biologist by trade or profession. I
perceive myself as being open minded to all things. I lean towards the world of metaphysics which cultivates a direct line of communication with the Divine Intelligence.
What is contained in the chapters of this book are my
personal experiences and what I have come to know as my True Identity, My Truth.
Part I: Discover what is on each side of the fence. Learn how to recognize which side you are operating on during every activity you perform daily. The physical world or the world of the soul?
Chapter 1 Mind Over Matter6
Chapter 2 Science and Biology 10
Chapter 3 Vibrational Match 16
Chapter 4 Programming and Deprogramming 24
Chapter 5 Changing your Blueprint32
Chapter 6 Leaving the Victim Behind39
Chapter 7 As You Think So Shall You Be48
Part II: The real power of the mind and how you can tap into it
Chapter 8 Vibrational Healing 65
Chapter 9 Your Mindset To Health70
Chapter 10 Your Mindset To Wealth77
Chapter 11 Your Mindset To Love-The Perfect Relationship81
Appendix I Mind - Body Meditation98
Appendix II Clearing Technique102
Part I
Discover what is
on each side of the fence.
Learn how to recognize
which side you are operating
on during every activity
you perform daily.
Chapter 1
Mind over Matter
In 1927, at a conference in Brussels, Belgium on physics; a new proposal of Mind over Matter was admitted to try and resolve the inexplicable behaviors of quantum mechanics.
Einstein was approached by a couple of his colleges with a new theory that the minds of the researchers were affecting the results of the experiments. The mathematics were not
repeatable and reliable enough to explain what was happening. Einstein could not accept this at first because it violated all mathematical models. Years later he admitted it was happening.
At that time Einstein was noted as saying, Anyone who becomes seriously involved in the pursuit of science becomes convinced that there is a spirit manifest in the laws of the universe, a spirit vastly superior to that of man.
As he thinks, so he is; as he continues to think, so he remains. James Allen
You have power over your thoughts. They will make you or they will break you. Think in fear or think in love, your results will reciprocate either way.
Mind over Matter
It was in the early 70s when I first recalled hearing the statement, Mind over Matter. I never really understood the full potential of the statement; however, I did put it into effect unconsciously.
Throughout my childhood I was always in deep thought and wonderment as to what my future would bring. I laid awake at night in deep thought of how my life would look when I was old enough to be out in the world and on my own. I, like many of you had dreams of having it all. A world filled with riches, love and adventure.
Little did I know being in this deep thought was developing the mindset of focus and a skillset for meditation that would become a
valuable asset I would use throughout my lifetime? I would just be putting it into greater capacity and greater understanding. Knowledge is power.
The use of knowledge is even greater power.
The unconscious programs that continue to run in the background are what influence and rule our very existence. Where did these programs come from and what can be done to change them if they are not what I want in my life?
This is the question that most have been asking throughout time. We have all been programmed to be the VICTIM of our very existence here on earth. The program that runs looks like this, what you are born into is what you become and there is no other option available. We live in a world of duality so there are two options, buy into it and become it and it will continue to run your life or recognize it and change it!
If this were truth then why is it that only an elite few seem to break free of the program while the majority seems to remain a product of the environment they grew up in? There are numerous stories of those who came out of horrendous childhoods to living a lifestyle that most only dream of? You may recognize some of those who came from what
appeared to be hell to reach what we perceive as heaven, so to speak.
Oprah, Gandhi, Dolly Parton, Wayne Dyer, Tony Robbins, these are just a few of many. What did they do different than what you are doing?
They conquered and mastered, Mind over Matter. Its not as difficult as we would like to believe it is. When we perceive difficulty, it gives us an excuse to not perform or not do. We use excuses like, its too hard, I dont know how to do that, that stuff really doesnt work, yeah it worked for them but it wont work for me, These are just a few of the excuses that keep the old program the VICTIM playing. Where is your self-worth, self-value, self-esteem, self-belief and all the other parts of the self?
There was this inner voice that kept talking to me and guiding me on my journey. There was no one in my life that I could talk to about the strange things that happened throughout my life especially in my early childhood.
It was in the early 80s when I was first exposed to the world of psychic. I couldnt recall ever even hearing that word before; yet I knew deep inside that whatever it is, it really resonated with my soul. It was during this time when it was pointed out to me that inner voice I was