Mind Hacking Secrets
How to Overcome Self-sabotaging Thinking, Master Your Focus and Live a Successful and Positive Life on Your Own Terms
Jay Laurson
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Table of Contents
L ife can feel like a never-ending race. Were all rushing around trying to fit everything into the limited amount of time we have here. Some of us know exactly what we want, but dont know how to get it. We feel stuck or limited by our environment or opportunities. Others have no clue what they want, and therefore have no idea what they are doing or how to get anywhere. They feel completely lost.
Then, there are also people out there who, much to everyone else's annoyance, seem to know exactly what they want, and they also seem to know exactly how to get it. We sit there and watch them sprinting ahead of us, and this only discourages us more by making us feel like failures in our own lives. We wonder what they know that we dont know, and we become resentful and unhappy. Its difficult not to let it affect us because we cant help but take it personally. However, we shouldnt take it personally - and we definitely shouldnt let it affect us.
What we dont always realize is that everyone is trying to figure it out as they go, just like we are. Its very likely that, although it may not look like it, they too feel lost or unsure of what they are doing at times. Everyone's journey and process are different, and we dont know what stage they are at in their lives. We are all trying to be the best versions of ourselves we can possibly be. We all want to be successful and happy, and we want to feel like weve made our mark on this world. We develop dreams and set goals for ourselves so that we can work towards achieving them. We also all experience setbacks, failures and struggles.
Whoever you are, and whichever category you fall into, things arent always how we perceive them to be. The reality is that we never know what is going on in someone else's life. Everybody has struggled to stay motivated, focused and positive in the face of all the obstacles that push them to fail. Even the most successful people out there have gone through rough times, and we dont know what they had to overcome to get to where they are. Were all on this Earth together, and its important to know that you are not alone, that your struggles are not greater than anyone else's, and neither are your successes less than anyone elses.
It took me realizing this to come to the conclusion that my own lack of success was nobody else's fault but my own. I had to face the fact that I was the one holding myself back by not focusing on improving myself, and by not focusing on getting what I wanted out of life. I was becoming sidetracked by what other people were doing, and I was losing sight of what I was meant to be doing. You may not want to admit it to yourself, but most of the time you are your own worst enemy.
Its so easy to blame everyone but yourself for why your life hasnt turned out the way you wanted it to or thought it would. Its something I used to do all the time. I used to look at everyone else around me, and think they seemed so much better off than I am, so much happier and more successful. I wondered what they had that I didnt, and how they were able to get everything they wanted when I couldnt. It can be easier to feel this way or to shift the blame for why you arent successful onto others instead of yourself, but that wont really help you in any tangible way. When you stop blaming others and start looking at yourself with more honesty, you can start making positive changes in your life that will help you become a better version of yourself and will help you to continue to grow and become stronger and more resilient to life's adversities. Only then will you begin to make the progress necessary to achieve all the things you want out of life.
Perhaps there are people out there who are more successful than you are, but that isnt really the point. The point is that we shouldnt be worrying about why or how they got there when you havent. You should rather be focusing your energy on learning how you can get there. When I realized this, I felt as though my life had been turned upside down. It unlocked something in me that motivated me to learn more. I became obsessed with trying to figure out how I could change myself in a positive way that would help me get the things I wanted out of my life.
This is how I began my journey into self-discovery, how I began to learn about how I could change my thinking and train my own brain to do what I wanted, rather than continue to stand by powerless as my brain controlled and sabotaged me. It was through this journey that the creation of this book began. This book aims to set you on your own path of self-discovery. It offers the building blocks of knowledge that will help you begin to understand yourself and the way your mind works. It teaches you the importance of introspection and having an understanding of how your brain works. It shows you the ways in which your unconscious mind leads you to engage in self-sabotaging thinking, and how this leads to self-sabotaging behaviors that stop you from being happy and successful. It explains the inner workings of your mind, and how this causes you to think and act in self-sabotaging ways without even realizing it.
One of the greatest obstacles we face in trying to gain success is mastering focus and control over our own minds. Sometimes it can feel like we have absolutely no control over our thinking at all. In fact, it can feel like our brains are actively working against us, holding us back and putting us down, and, to make matters worse, you are powerless to stop it. It also highlights the kinds of self-sabotaging thoughts you may fall victim to.
The good news is that you arent powerless. There are skills and tools that can be learned to help you gain the control and focus you need. After teaching you to recognize your self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors, this book will teach you how to combat them by training your brain to counteract the sabotaging thoughts that influence your behavior. It highlights better, more positive ways of thinking and behaving that will help you change your mindset and your life. You will learn about how to rewire your brain using a deeper understanding of your conscious mind and techniques from cognitive behavioral therapy Then, it will introduce you to mindfulness and explain how this can help you manage and regulate your emotions and sharpen your focus. It also shows you the benefits of living a healthier lifestyle, through a healthy diet and exercise, to better improve your brain's functioning.
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