
John T. Ryan IV

Copyright 2013 John T. Ryan IV.
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This book is about a practical way to connect to Christs truth within consciousness. By consciousness, I mean thoughts and feelings. Thoughts and feelings lead to actions, which is how one lives ones life. In every moment of life, one experiences thoughts and feelings. These all constitute a life. But how can one negotiate ones own consciousness and draw nearer to Christ unless he or she knows the truth about how to experience him? How can one draw nearer to Christ unless he or she knows how to negotiate the enemy? Indeed, all of this exists within ones consciousness in moment-by-moment thinking and feeling.
What if true joy and happiness is influenced by moment-by-moment choices in ones own consciousness? What if human consciousness is nothing more than an interaction between Christ and Satan? What makes up human consciousness? In my opinion, it consists of five things: thoughts, feelings, actions, conscience, and the will. These constitute a human consciousness.
What if talking to God was possible? What if it were possible to build a connection with God in ones consciousness? In my experience, God will begin to heal me right where I am in my own consciousness. He has already been there for longer than I can imagine. There is one force in my consciousness whose agenda is for me to spend eternity in heaven and another whose agenda is the opposite. They both exist in my own consciousness.
What if Gods love is deeper and more beautiful than I could possibly imagine? What if I am not separate from it? What if all I have to do is learn how to connect to it and follow its lead? What if his love is powerful enough to heal anything in my life, as long as I am willing to work for it? What if God wants to change my consciousness from the inside out? What if God wants to teach me that societys ideas about happiness are wrong? What if God had a way to direct a person perfectly if he or she would only follow his or her conscience? What if the way God communicates with us was through our emotions and feelings? What if all you had to do was learn how to trust these?
What if communicating with God was as simple as learning to read ones thoughts and feelings? What if determining Gods will was as simple as reading ones conscience? What if acting according to ones conscience was the doorway to happiness in this life and the next? What if the key to happiness was aligning my conscience with my will? What if the only way to be happy in this life and in the next is to apply the teachings of Christ in my own consciousness?
My goal in writing this book is to describe exactly what happened to me, the healing that occurred, and how to experience a direct relationship with Jesus Christ, one that can be felt moment by moment. Indeed, such relationship is possible. It is not without work. Essentially this book is a guide on how to form a deeply intimate, moment-by-moment relationship with Christ. I know such a relationship is possible.
The bottom line is that I can connect to Christ from wherever I am and begin to form a relationship. The spirit of Christ exists within my very own consciousness. What needs to be understood more clearly is exactly what human consciousness is. It is the interplay between Satan and Jesus Christ. I am not alone in my consciousness. I need to learn how to read it and discern the source of thoughts and feelings.
The beauty of this process is that it isnt intellectual. Anyone can do it. Christ cares that much about everybody, as long as theyre willing to try to love him. Gods Spirit is unmistakable. But then again, who teaches us how to negotiate our own consciousness? I am just a tiny spirit in a battle of much larger forces. I can feel this if I really pay close attention to it. This interaction between Christ and Satan is within me. I am getting closer to Christ or to Satan with each thought, feeling, and action. I must learn to pay attention to my movements of spirit. Consciousness is the constant interplay of these spirits. That is why some thoughts and feelings need to be constantly embraced and others constantly rejected.
One thing I want to emphasize is that I never wouldve gotten anywhere in learning these spiritual matters unless I was healed from repressed homosexuality by Christ. This was the centerpiece of my healing. My spirit was repressed at a very young age by Satan and needed deep healing. One of my intentions in writing this book is to expose Satans goals. Through his oppression of my gay spirit, Satan tried to create a false self in which I lived for twenty-three years. This had everything to do with the oppression of the spirit of love. It was through the healing of my spirit that I began to learn so many things about myself and about the spiritual world in general.
Next I will discuss the important things for getting the most out of this book. First, a belief in God is essential. Specifically, it is important to believe in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. It is crucial to believe that anything is possible in Christ. It is also essential to believe that Christ wants us to live in a love-centered consciousness. This will take work, but it is essential in this process and in the spiritual life. Jesus wants to teach me everything that I will ever need to know. He will teach me in the most loving way I can possibly imagine. Now that the main points of this book have been discussed, it is important to discuss my story.
I was born prematurely on September 4, 1976. I grew up in a very loving Catholic household. I was not exceptionally spiritual as a child. When I was a little boy, I was fascinated with vacuum cleaners. (When I went to a new persons house, the first thing I did was ask to see their vacuum cleaner.) I also loved airplanes. I used to get my dad to take me out to the airport to watch them. I used to build model airplanes as well.
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